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jw custom

Units and waypoints.. again :p

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I'm making a mission in a big city which kinda have to sides, my problem is that if i attack let's say from the left side most of the units i have placed on the right side leaves their waypoints and comes to the left side as soon as i start to fire and this leaves the right side defenceless.

Their current waypoints looks like this:

Waypoint 1 - move

Waypoint 2 - no changes

Waypoint 3 - cycle

I need units to stay on their supposed places or close to them. If i have a unit with 3 way points which type should they be?

Waypoint 1 - sentry or guard

Waypoint 2 - no changes

Waypoint 3 - no changes


1. Whats the differece between sentry and guard?

2. I need unit to move between waypoints and not just stand still or prone, can i use sentry or guard for that?

Thanks for any help :)

Edited by JW Custom

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My understanding is limited but here goes.

A sentry will stand still and shoot from that location.

A guard will stand still but will give chase and go to help others once the enemy has been spotted.

With guards it should be possible for them to return to their original position but I'm having a problem with that right now.

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Example GUARD: If you use OpFor group and put a "GUARD" waypoint, and have a trigger that has a certain area covered and use the triggers "type" section and choose the "guarded by OpFor", the OpFor group will go around the triggers covered area "guarding" that area. -EDIT- Also if enemy units enter in firefight in the GUARD-triggers area with your own side, the guarding group will assist them... at least this is what usually happens on my missions xD

Example SENTRY: What i know is that the unit/group with "SENTRY" waypoint will stay in very close proximity of that waypoint and attack the enemy that comes to their sights, but they don't leave far from the SENTRY waypoint?

Hope this helped... =)

Edited by Carpaazi

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with sentry the enemy will move to the next waypoint (after sentry) when they spot an enemy. well, i think thats how it was in ofp, dunno if this is still the same in arma2.

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See the waypoint type descriptions in the BI wiki ArmA:_Mission_Editor article. It was written for ArmA, but will most likely still be applicable.

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Ok cool, thanks all for your time. When i get home i will try your suggestions :thumbsup:

Edited by JW Custom

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I think there is a kind of Global Link that is overiding waypoints in Arma2. I've been working on a cutscene where 1 pistol is shot and I have an enemy 300 yards away in a house with a Hold waypoint. He is supposed to stay there until another event triggers a sync to get him moving but as soon as that shot is fired he takes of toward the conflict. I eventually just had to move him much further away to negate this.

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