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How do I change weapons?

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I'm very new to the game and can't work out how to change weapons. In the first mission I managed to select a satchel charge, but after setting it off I couldn't find my rifle. I'm now wandering around the forest with nothing more than a silenced pistol and a harsh stare.

Any help VERY much appreciated.


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mouse wheel. examine your key configurations in options also

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I tried the mouse wheel. Didn't do anything. I haven't modified my configurations either. Thanks for answering, I'll try again later.

---------- Post added at 09:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:50 AM ----------

Also, When I hit G for inventory, there's no rifle in there at all. Does that mean I dropped it in mission 1 when I selected Satchel Charge? Don't think I want to play this whole campaign with a pea shooter pistol.

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You probably dropped it somewhere. You could try picking up an AK off of one of the dead bad guys though.

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Yeah, I did that but although it shows in my inventory, I can't seem to select it, hence my original question.

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To switch weapon's firing modes and between grenades use the F key by default.

To switch between a rifle and a launcher use the action menu option.

To switch between a rifle and a pistol either use the action menu or the ; key.


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Thats very helpful, thanks for that. Action key is "Enter" right?

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Thats very helpful, thanks for that. Action key is "Enter" right?

To select either use :

1) middle mouse wheel to select then click mouse wheel to activate

2) Or you can use these Default keys [ [ ] and [ ] ] to select and then the [Enter] key to activate

Kind regards walker

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Once the action selection is open you can also use the fire button to select it ;)

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In options>controls, just below Toggle Weapons, there's also an action called Switch Weapons, but it's unassigned by default.

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Well, I've just tried the following, none of which seem to have any effect.



"[" and "]"

None of these seem to toggle weapons for me.

Oh, and the mouse wheel doesn't do it either.

I'm at a loss.........:j:

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No, its not a specific mission, just generally.

I've tried the keys mentioned and nothing seems to happen. I think I need to go back and try again. Unfortunately I'm being put off this game fast by the outrageously slow frame rate and the enormous mouse lag.

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Hi LordSquiffy

Is this the Demo or a full version?

If you bought the game is it a download version or are you talking about a DVD version?

If so from which publisher?

What are you computer specs; hardware and OS?

If you can answer those questions I can help you some more.

Kind regards walker

Edited by walker

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No because I'm partially sighted and can't see very small print on dark pages. Any more fucking stupid questions?

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Can you not read the fucking manual?

Very nice, the guy asked a simple question and you answer him like that.


It sounds like you have a problem with key bindings. I know you said you didnt change any of them but go into your key bindings anyway and make sure.

Another thing that may be the cause of your grief is any joystick,flightstick,controller you have plugged in. Its a long shot but worth checking out.

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God, you come here for a little assistance and everyone's great except some idiot who thinks he looks grown up by making glib comments. Forums are here to help people, not for pratts like that.

---------- Post added at 03:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:45 PM ----------

Ok, thanks Redfield. I'll check out my key bindings later and see if theres anything amiss there. I don't have any other controllers plugged in though. Thanks.

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Hi LordSquiffy

Can you tell us your:




Kind Regards walker

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