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Geforce 285/2G - wrong video ram detection

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I have a problem with my Palit Geforce 285 with 2 GB RAM.

Arma2 config always shows wrong values for my video RAM:



These values are detected for ingame videomemory settings "default" and also for "very high".

This leads to low resolution textures on many objects (grass, trees, bushes..) after a short period of playing Arma2. The Level of Detail worked better with my old 8800GTX. The Videoram on my new Geforce 285 seems to be OK since "Grand Theft Auto IV" utilizes nearly all 2 GB on highest settings. It must be a bug in ARMA2.

Anyone else with this problem? What can I do? Any other Geforce 285/2G-users with different values here?

My OS is Vista 64 Premium with latest Geforce WHQL 64bit drivers

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This is what I get with the same spec card:



No idea if these figures are correct. For me, the game runs fine with everything set to high except for post-processing which I turn off. I average between 30fps and 50fps most of the time ... running a Q9550 o'c to 3.3ghz, 4gb DDR2 800mhz RAM slightly underclocked on Vista 32bit. Nvidia 186.18 drivers installed. If i go to very high it's a slideshow ... so i don't :-)

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I asked this too. You will never get an answer HOW BIS is detecting it that way and which impact it has. Just guessing by forum members.

Best is you can delete the file, and each time you start up ArmA 2 it detects a different value.

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If you've got more than 4gigs of ram, the auto detection doesn't work properly. I had the same problem and I solved it by physically taking out 4gigs of my ram (had 8gigs in total) and running ArmA 2 with only 4gigs installed. I know there's a way to do this through some command lines as well but imo it really isn't a big of a deal to remove couple of ram sticks. If I need all the 8gigs (rarely do) I'll just pop them back in.

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If you've got more than 4gigs of ram, the auto detection doesn't work properly. I had the same problem and I solved it by physically taking out 4gigs of my ram (had 8gigs in total) and running ArmA 2 with only 4gigs installed. I know there's a way to do this through some command lines as well but imo it really isn't a big of a deal to remove couple of ram sticks. If I need all the 8gigs (rarely do) I'll just pop them back in.

Look what BIS did to you. You cripple your rig to please a application.

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Look what BIS did to you. You cripple your rig to please a application.

Yes, but the application pleases me back:yay:...and the crippled rig is easy to fix as well...

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If you've got more than 4gigs of ram, the auto detection doesn't work properly. I had the same problem and I solved it by physically taking out 4gigs of my ram (had 8gigs in total) and running ArmA 2 with only 4gigs installed. I know there's a way to do this through some command lines as well but imo it really isn't a big of a deal to remove couple of ram sticks. If I need all the 8gigs (rarely do) I'll just pop them back in.

Yes, I have more than 4 GB RAM, I have 6 GB. But taking out RAM is not a solution for me because I need all three modules for triple channel (x-58 board)

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Just run msconfig and limit the amount of RAM Windows will boot with. I have that option in Win7 and it works for me. Not sure what "problem" the detection issue causes within Arma, but I know I had blurry textures that would pop in and out from blurry to clear non-stop until I did this. Not sure if it improves performance but the texture bug went away. And I agree, we shouldn't have to remove sticks of memory from our machines. Ridiculous.

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Base, try nvidia driver version 181.71.

They solved the problem of mal-detecition for me and another pal from another thread.

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try setting it to the amount you have in vram, and set the nonlocal to just under 2gb. Then make it read only. heres my v64 .cfg



Edited by kklownboy

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