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Text to Speech - Vocaloid

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Has anyone have heard of vocaloid before? from what I gather, vocaloid is some kind of text to speech software but used for singing... here is a sample


so if a text to speech can actually do that (singing), maybe BIS could explore this technology and use as radio protocol audio... what do you guys think? is it viable?

Edited by Mr_Centipede

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I too have wondered about this.

Text-to-speech technology is becoming quite good these days. By comparison, ArmA2's simplistic robotic cut&paste speech is a complete embarrassment, especially considering that it only needs to do a very small amount of fixed words and sentence structures.

Unfortunately, I think the chances that they can fix this in a patch are remote, since most likely all the voice acting would have to be re-done.

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One source i've found useful is AT&T Labs Text-to-Speech demo:


It might not fit for human speaking because it is still too robotic and longer sentences sounds like....well, try it yourself.

I've used this for a short female "Warning" for my flare system in the F-16C. For such use it is pretty well usable.

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Hello all

I had the opportunity to use some of the Vocaloid range of programs, and although some impressive results can be had, in practice they are not very practical for standard speech.

As a ships computer? Yes, no prob.

As spoken commands? Not yet (unless youv'e got a highly skilled vocaloid expert up your sleeve :) )

Although one would think that one could take the individual wav/oggs etc and detone (pitchshift) them to a similar level which might make them sound a little less disjointed.

Just an idea.



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