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Seize zones Kamenyy (SP)

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Did you construct the tent?

The request of the air assault team is possible after the tent is constructed. If the force arrives, the commander map can be used. (0-0-1 is activated)

I did notice a small bug in the air assault function that from time to time popups (atleast in normal and casual ;)). Sometimes during enemy fire it appears only part of the assault team dissembarks out of the heli and part stays in until the chopper is destroyed. (It might have nothing to do with the enemy fire but i only noticed it in these situations).

By the way i don't know what your plans are for converting this mission to Chernarus. But it might be interesting for the gameplay that you don't know the exact locactions of the outposts in those situations (only an estimated until they are found). These leaves you guessing for the exact location and keeps you sharp. And perhaps a Machinegun outpost, with camo nets?

Edited by Speeeedy.com

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Is it just me or does Artillery funtion refuse to work in the latest version ( 1.3 )?

I can choose it and get a yellow marking and when i click in it it seems to execute the command however nothing happens and i also get no feedback to my request like in the older versions.

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Did you construct the tent?

The request of the air assault team is possible after the tent is constructed. If the force arrives, the commander map can be used. (0-0-1 is activated)

Yes, I did construct a tent and the air assault force arrived. The Osprey landed, and stayed, and the air assualt force got out and stood around. But the radio button was still grayed out.

Same thing happened when the Osprey was hit with AA missle, the force parachuted to the ground, but the button was still grayed.

Not sure if I am missing a step or not? Anyone else not able to command the air assault force?

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I did notice a small bug in the air assault function that from time to time popups (atleast in normal and casual ;)). Sometimes during enemy fire it appears only part of the assault team dissembarks out of the heli and part stays in until the chopper is destroyed. (It might have nothing to do with the enemy fire but i only noticed it in these situations).

By the way i don't know what your plans are for converting this mission to Chernarus. But it might be interesting for the gameplay that you don't know the exact locactions of the outposts in those situations (only an estimated until they are found). These leaves you guessing for the exact location and keeps you sharp. And perhaps a Machinegun outpost, with camo nets?

I think that the bug is hidden in an air assault. I encounter the problem while playing the test, too. The air assault function is a part that I like. However, the order of priority of the problem solving is low now.

I want also to make this mission from Chernarus. Time seems to be spent on the location selection.

Yes, I did construct a tent and the air assault force arrived. The Osprey landed, and stayed, and the air assualt force got out and stood around. But the radio button was still grayed out.

Same thing happened when the Osprey was hit with AA missle, the force parachuted to the ground, but the button was still grayed.

Not sure if I am missing a step or not? Anyone else not able to command the air assault force?

The situation was able to be understood well.

*The step of you is not wrong.

I seem to have to raise the priority level of this problem. :(

Is it just me or does Artillery funtion refuse to work in the latest version ( 1.3 )?

I can choose it and get a yellow marking and when i click in it it seems to execute the command however nothing happens and i also get no feedback to my request like in the older versions.

Thank you for information.

I had not experienced this situation yet.

The problem of an artillery and an air assault aims at both early solutions.:)

A previous notice of upcoming version

Added:Request of IFV for player (After constructing the fortress).

Improvement: Action menu (It was made easily to use by the dialog).

Fixed:rearm problem

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Good work stiff. Looking forward to it.

MP in Chenarus would be AWESOME! I could see it clogging a server with 1000s of AI after a while ..... but what a GREAT battle it would be !

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Good work stiff. Looking forward to it.

MP in Chenarus would be AWESOME! I could see it clogging a server with 1000s of AI after a while ..... but what a GREAT battle it would be !

Your wish to MP seems to be high. :eek:

Because a lot of triggers are used in this mission, it seems to have to remodel the part.

Anyway, if the bug in the presence is not removed early, it doesn't previously advance it. :)

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hehe yeah stiff would love it MP however what you have made for SP is brilliant so far.

Keep up the good work !

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Just two idea's that came to mind which i think might be a good edition to the mission, aspecially when going large scale with an larger area to play. Do whatever you want with the idea's :)

Perhaps it would be nice that to the edition of Artillery you are capable of calling in a single JDAM/LGB airstrike on a target. I think this would be a great edition, Artillery is large scale both in time, area and destruction. A JDAM/LGB strike would cause less damage but would be more precies. Perhaps an editional building should be build before an airstrike can be called in, to balance this.

And perhaps it would be nice that you can "upgrade" a bunker to an outpost. This allows the player to place bunkers on more strategic locations regarding airdefence, AT and AP.

Edited by Speeeedy.com

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Just two idea's that came to mind which i think might be a good edition to the mission, aspecially when going large scale with an larger area to play. Do whatever you want with the idea's :)

Perhaps it would be nice that to the edition of Artillery you are capable of calling in a single JDAM/LGB airstrike on a target. I think this would be a great edition, Artillery is large scale both in time, area and destruction. A JDAM/LGB strike would cause less damage but would be more precies. Perhaps an editional building should be build before an airstrike can be called in, to balance this.

And perhaps it would be nice that you can "upgrade" a bunker to an outpost. This allows the player to place bunkers on more strategic locations regarding airdefence, AT and AP.

I think that I was able to understand your idea.

1)The upgrade of the bunker is enabled.

2)The player is made to be able to select the upgrade type from AT, AA, and AP(MG?). (AI is also the same)

3)This can be destroyed by the laser guided bombing. (AI is also the same)

I do not think an especially technical difficulty to be this addition. I want to try the addition of this function by the phase of the next stage. :D

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Mission update!

v1.5 beta

I hope a serious bug disappears. :)


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Before i try 1.5 i have a serious question because im close to throwing my pc out of the window.

Is it possibloe to win the mission?

Seriously asked,currently using 1.3.

I just ask because even if i have all bunkers under control there still is a endless and huge spawn of enemies.

Especially as the spawning enemies concentrate on the closes bunker you sooner or later laase bunkers again.

Hammering their last spawn point with artillery also didnt work as i was forbidden to use artillery on it :/

I love the mission but i played it so often and never could finish it that it is more than frustrating.

Dunno if it matters but in 90% i play the mission as the russians


Couldnt resist and tried the 1.5 and after a hour the countdown eneded and for the first time i was able to end the mission.

Seems it finally has become fully playable as all things like support troops and artillery work perfectly now.

Edited by Shadow NX

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Couldnt resist and tried the 1.5 and after a hour the countdown eneded and for the first time i was able to end the mission.

Seems it finally has become fully playable as all things like support troops and artillery work perfectly now.

Your victory is praised.

I have not won yet. :o

You proved that this mission was able to win. I wish to express my gratitude for it.

Moreover, the thing that the problem doesn't occur in the function necessary for victory is glad.

Because RAF has two bunkers in the airport, it is more disadvantageous than USMC.

Your victory is valuable.

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The domination idea was not bad then. Good. :)

Will give this a try today, and thanks Stiff for your hard work in making this mission mate! :pc:

EDIT: About an MP version - This mission in MP would become famous me thinks. Not as PvP initially (would be awesome as well), but as a COOP for 1 small team. Just as it is now but with players in the squad. I seriously think it would be a very much played mission on servers. But im aware of the amount of work that needs to go into it. :crazy_o:


Edited by Alex72

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Your victory is praised.

I have not won yet. :o

You proved that this mission was able to win. I wish to express my gratitude for it.

Moreover, the thing that the problem doesn't occur in the function necessary for victory is glad.

Because RAF has two bunkers in the airport, it is more disadvantageous than USMC.

Your victory is valuable.

As much asi i enjoyed finally beating it yesterday as much did i curse when i tried to do it again with the USMC this time.

The mission shows what makes ArmA2 great but often it also shows every damn lil flaw and bug in ArmA2 like the soldiers that just kneel and do nothing after giving first aid to you, the LAV25 you can call in that doesnt want to fire at the enemy, the Ospreys that either get destroyed as they need minutes to land ( if they not just crash into somethign nearby ).

But what i hate most is when you get fired on and bullets kick up dust all around you and my team doest notice where its coming from and so just stares till were all dead... i would guess soldiers would be able to notice where shots come from if they are fired at for minutes.

But thats not your missions fault.

What i suggest is give the player bit more control about where the freshly spawned bunker crews go.

Nothing more annoying than having a fresh build bunker and everywhere run troops but for 30mins or more noone manages to get into the bunker kinda like they ignored it.

It also would be intresting if i could call in a tank after a while because once you have secured most bunkers all enemies come from one direction and moving on foot is nearly impossible that way.

How about a system of upgrading a few bunkers with machineguns maybe or something?

Overall its extremely hard to win, especailly as USMC ( btw, please add a DMR to the weapon crate ).

Just a bit more control and things would be bit easier.

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I like the upgrade bunker idea.

Also having the Osprey paradrop the troops would be much better .... or even using fastrope script to disembark !

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I will add the upgrade of the bunker and the construction of arms at the next stage.

Moreover, the concept of the resource is used.

For instance, the truck where materials were installed can be given to the player, and arms and the building be constructed by the amount of the resource in the truck.

The resource disappears uselessly when the truck is destroyed.

The truck will not be able to be moved if there is no mastery of the air.

When the game starts, the maximum value of the resource is decided. It doesn't increase.

Not as PvP initially (would be awesome as well), but as a COOP for 1 small team. Just as it is now but with players in the squad. I seriously think it would be a very much played mission on servers.


Thanks! your opinion helps me.:)

I want to have made the test version of MP before it goes to the next stage in this mission. (Maybe):rolleyes:

Edited by stiff
Added text

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Sounds mor promising every day stiff ! Keep up the good work. This is one of the best SP missions I have tried as all hell breaks loose very quickly!

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yeah Keep up the good work!!!

a bigger Chernarus version would be nice

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I want to solve the problem of Seize Zones MP version now.

Did anyone play this? Information on this helps me.


By the way,

Is there a good place for Chernarus? The building that can be entered seems to be few. (It is not happy that CQB is few. ) If it is an Afghan map, the building that can be entered seems to be abundant. :D

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Did you think about converting your Arma1 missions to Arma2 now we have A1 islands working in A2 with the CAA1/OAC mod? I would love to play Seize Zones Afghani in A2.

Edited by Nazul

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Did you think about converting your Arma1 missions to Arma2 now we have A1 islands working in A2 with the CAA1/OAC mod? I would love to play Seize Zones Afghani in A2.

Me too! I will do it by the highest priority. :D

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