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newbie guide? some questions too.

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cant find any guide for startes. i try to make basic mission (1 side protect village other attacks).

What waypoints i should use?

Can i assaign one waypoint to all units or i must do it 1by1?

Id like to be able to use all units, but if i select "player as driver,commander,gunner" option, i still cant get inside of them.

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Thanks for your reply, but this guide is too complicated for me :D

there was one small guide posted here but i cant find it anymore...

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can someone answer this question: Can i assaign one waypoint to all units or i must do it 1by1? How i make my tanks and infantry all move to one waypoint.

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can someone answer this question: Can i assaign one waypoint to all units or i must do it 1by1? How i make my tanks and infantry all move to one waypoint.

I'm fairly sure that you could use the join and join and lead way points to make all of your units come together and attack or move to a givin area ect.

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can someone answer this question: Can i assaign one waypoint to all units or i must do it 1by1? How i make my tanks and infantry all move to one waypoint.

You really wouldn't want the tank and infantry t move to exactly the same spot.. The tanks won't be able to move properly with all the infantry surrounding them and it would be pretty likely a few would be crushed under the tracks.

You could put them in the same group, which would keep them dispersed enough to move effectively, or just make waypoints for each group in the same general area, but keeping them far enough apart to not bump into one another.

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so if i select multiple units with mouse drag and create waypoint, it affects all of them? I see only 1 line to waypoint drawn.

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It doesn't. You can only have one set of waypoints per group. However you can use the Synctronization tool (F6) to make sure the units keep up with eachother.

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Great to hear Mr Murray, your first guide was just amazing!

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