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trigger for "whole group" doesnt work :(

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hi again.

i tried linking a trigger to a squad of a few units and set the trigger to:

"whole group" when "not present" so i get the trigger to activate after every member of the group is dead but the result is always that the trigger is activated after the specific unit i liked the trigger to is dead. it's like i set it to "vehicle" but i didnt.

am i doing something wrong!?

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Name the units and then in the condition for an empty trigger...

(!alive NAME_OF_UNIT) AND (!alive NAME_OF_UNIT) AND (!alive NAME_OF_UNIT)

etc... (replace the NAME_OF_UNIT to correspond with each of your named units). There might be a quicker way using group and triggers... but this way is the one I use.

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hmmm. ok.... thanks

if my unit's names are 1, 2, 3 and 4

can't i just write in the conditions:

1 and 2 and 3 and 4

and in the trigger i set "not present"?

do i have to write it in brackets and type !alive?

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I'm only a noob too. But if you want something that will work, copy that exactly, brackets, !alive... everything. One of the pros can probably give you a more streamlined version... but that works...

(!alive 1) AND (!alive 2) AND (!alive 3) AND (!alive 4) ...etc....

Edit: It basically means, if unit 1, 2, 3, and 4 are not(!) alive, then the trigger activates.

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thanks, uzii :) how come if i write !alive than it refers to the unit's death?!

what if i want a trigger that is set-off if the unit is alive in it?

p.s. - uzi, what country are u from?

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I'm from England, and ! means 'not' in scripting... I think. So !alive means when the unit is not alive, and alive by itself refers to the being alive.

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(!alive 1) AND (!alive 2) AND (!alive 3) AND (!alive 4) ...etc.....

If you want that the whole group is dead, so use...

(count units NameGroup) <1


(count units NameGroup) == 0

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Told you a pro would be along to give you a better one soon ;)

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I just tested the "whole group" "not present" thing in the demo, and indeed it appears to be broken.

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Imutep's variant is fine, but it will not be instant. There is a delay before the group is considered 'empty'.

{alive _x} count units NameGroup < 1

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