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In-game editor, is it all that I need?

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I bought the game off of steam and am very interested in creating COOP missions but the in game editor seams to lack some features. My question is am I missing some vital or important files that I can download from somewhere?

In advance, Thank you for replies

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The in-game editor is much the same as it's been since the OFP days, and it's the tool that BIS themselves use to create the campaign and whatnot. What sort of issues are you having with it?

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The editor has it all, as long as you are willing to work with scripts as well. The editor is built around the assumption that you will use script-like code both inside the editor, and having external scripts in the mission (that you write outside of the game).

I agree that the editor isn't very awesome without that kind of code, but with it you probably have the most powerful mission editor for any existing game.

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Some features like what?

I was wondering what people meant by scripts, I thought that scripts were pre written files that I could download. Thank you for clarifying that I must write them myself. So what you are saying is that I cannot create coops missions like the ones in single player without writing my own code but I can create simple clear and advance missions like the ones in multiplayer?

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You can do a lot with the editor. But many of the more advanced features will have to be scripted. You will find many scripts on Armaholic.com and ofpec.com for download.

I just started a Basic Editing FAQ here on the forum., look into it. Some good links there.

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I wouldn't say you need any sort of (aside from very basic stuff) scripting at all to make good missions in the editor. Waypoints and triggers are very powerful. A lot of times I see people on these forums attempting to put stuff into scripts which could easily (and more effeciently) be done with triggers and/or waypoints. I personally don't like to use very man scripts in my missions and avoid using external scripts whenever possible (although I do use spawn quite a bit to execute some quickly written code in the editor), and when I do need scripts I'll always write them myself. Now, I know there are a lot of scripts released by other people, but they usually always end up having extra features I find useless, or are too generic. It's more efficient to write them yourself (provided you have the knowledge) so they're tailored to your needs.

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You'll need the Editor, Notepad and some imagination, though the last bit can be left out in a pinch.

If you're no scripting genius (like yours truly), there is always the possibility of borrowing from the more experienced code monki... (sorry) geeks... (damn sorry again) scripters out there. Either look around the various Arma sites (they usually have a scripting section) or rip it out of missions themselves. Just make sure you give credit where it is due, it's a common courtesy to do so around here.

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For an immense source of scripting help and tutorials I recommend www.ofpec.com

Simply using the search function on those forums can get you VERY far since there are tons and tons of code there that people have got help with. Before reaching quite complex scripts you can be 99% sure someone has already asked the same question before, and that there exists and answer :)

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