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I didn't list the exact mission names, but I tried hold, DM, CTF and CTI/crCTI.

Common issues:

- Bad respawn systems (Ignoring many bugs present with some respawn methods): Mobile spawns are bad. Spawning too far to require a vehicle every time is also bad. Which leads to:

- Zone size not suitable for number of players. Dying 2 seconds after spawning in DM is bad. Having 2 flags in CTF 50m from eachother with the spawn 10m behind the flag is bad too.

- Equipment choices often make it an even weirder experience, like having lightly armored vehicles but no light AT weapons, or having sniper rifles but no ACOGs, or just having weapon supply limited in some odd way.

All of this turns the should-be-awesome PvP experience into something that's edging unplayable.

sounds like you need to jump on some of the hold servers im on...dont have those issues except some times the spawn is far away and vehicles are gone

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Where can I download these HOLD game type missions these servers are running?

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I didn't list the exact mission names, but I tried hold, DM, CTF and CTI/crCTI.

Common issues:

- Bad respawn systems (Ignoring many bugs present with some respawn methods): Mobile spawns are bad. Spawning too far to require a vehicle every time is also bad. Which leads to:

- Zone size not suitable for number of players. Dying 2 seconds after spawning in DM is bad. Having 2 flags in CTF 50m from eachother with the spawn 10m behind the flag is bad too.

- Equipment choices often make it an even weirder experience, like having lightly armored vehicles but no light AT weapons, or having sniper rifles but no ACOGs, or just having weapon supply limited in some odd way.

All of this turns the should-be-awesome PvP experience into something that's edging unplayable.

None of this has to do with Assault and Secure/ HOLD mode of play. Please stay on topic. It would be appreciated. :threadjacked:

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None of this has to do with Assault and Secure/ HOLD mode of play. Please stay on topic. It would be appreciated. :threadjacked:

None? Maybe you were playing different HOLD missions, but the ones that were on the servers I played definitely had most of those issues.

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None? Maybe you were playing different HOLD missions, but the ones that were on the servers I played definitely had most of those issues.

Maybe you weren't playing Assault and Secure/HOLD. This thread is not about Team Death Match, Capture the Flag or what ever hybrid version someone has made. Look at what your complaints are.

*There are no mobile spawns in current versions of AAS yet, afaik.

*Zone sizes are more than suffiecient its the entire Island, granted the battle takes place around the AAS zones.

*You complain about TDM and CTF

*AAS you get every imaginable weapon class right from the beginning and customizalbe kits.

So, again I ask that you please stop misinforming the community.

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Those existed in servers that were labled as "HOLD" in the server browser. I don't know what else to say.

Some had mobile spawns.

Some had a zone way too big for the # of players the server was meant for (in HOLD it's usually a "too big" issue rather than the "too small" issue that's common in CTF/DM).

Some let you choose gear from the ammo boxes but most items weren't available.

So while those issues appear in all types of PvP missions, they ALSO appear in the HOLD type. Not in all missions, as it's a mission designer issue and not a gametype issue, but it's definitely out there and common enough for me to have run into it on every server I had tried so far.

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wow, i' don't think i've seen such a retarded thread in a long time, the OP, complains about PvP maps not being PvP because they have some AI elements (CTI), a long standing member of the forums points out that CTI is still PvP since any AI are controlled by a human, he then also points out that CTF C&H are "pure" PvP and then he gets shot down because they are not the AAS maps.

if you wanna rave about AAS thats great, i'm glad you found a playstyle you like, but to complain about people taking the thread off topic and they should get back on topic about AAS and how great it is?


i've never played these AAS maps but i would imagine they should fall into the C&H map style, are the map naming conventions of old not adhered too anymore?

Edited by RN Escobar

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Have to agree Escobar, the OP was really misleading and for someone who claims to want to help the community by bringing light to a great style of play, he is particularly adversarial and just plain rude.

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wow, i' don't think i've seen such a retarded thread in a long time, the OP, complains about PvP maps not being PvP because they have some AI elements (CTI), a long standing member of the forums points out that CTI is still PvP since any AI are controlled by a human, he then also points out that CTF C&H are "pure" PvP and then he gets shot down because they are not the AAS maps.

if you wanna rave about AAS thats great, i'm glad you found a playstyle you like, but to complain about people taking the thread off topic and they should get back on topic about AAS and how great it is?


i've never played these AAS maps but i would imagine they should fall into the C&H map style, are the map naming conventions of old not adhered too anymore?

Have to agree Escobar, the OP was really misleading and for someone who claims to want to help the community by bringing light to a great style of play, he is particularly adversarial and just plain rude.

Thanks for the free bump guys. Obviously two, Evolution or Domination fellas giving the thread some loving.

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Just go to the filter and select "Hold" and it will show the available hold servers. There aren't usually many of them but then are fun.

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In my modest opinion HOLD is the best gametype in ArmA 2. I'm glad that several people have confirmed to me that they too like HOLD the most and 2 of them will even start running dedicated HOLD servers.

Please, let everyone decide for themselves which gametype they like most, and please stop bickering about who is a more respected or more senior member of this forum.

Anyway, HOLD rules for me.

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Out of the currently existing gametypes, HOLD is probably the best. However a lot of the HOLD missions are still horribly made, but this isn't a HOLD-specific issue.

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Just because, having played OFP, it feels very odd to see you all talking about "HOLD", it's called "HOLD" because it's the abbrieviation of "Capture & Hold", and "Hold" was the word that was fitting in the server list of the game :)

It's usually refered to as "C&H"

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After playing in a lot of servers and talking to Admin's and players. I understand that a lot of Arma1 people are working on different versions of Capture & Hold, Capture the Flag and others. The Maps that most people seem to be enjoying are AAS "assault and secure" lumped under the HOLD classification. Uniquely different than other styles of play. Some AAS are different than others too depending who's tweeked them and the settings. It's a crap shoot depending on which one you join, they will eventually sort themselves out. Some you spawn only at Xray flag (horrible idea), some are bugged from testing beta maps. This link is very helpful describing how it works and whos running servers.


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Yes, I've definitely ran across bugged C&H missions as well, not just poorly designed ones.

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Thanks for the free bump guys. Obviously two, Evolution or Domination fellas giving the thread some loving.

Yes, pointing out that you are behaving like a prick is a clear indicator of our favorite type of game play :rolleyes:

Personally I'm getting frustrated with trying to find alternative play types in MP right now. I've managed 1 or 2 CTF games and 1 or 2 TDM games but not many options. Occasionally you find a decent round of COOP and the only HOLD mission I have found when I was on was a beta test with 3 other guys.

Pretty much just waiting on the community to come up with stuff. I'm really tired of games with impossibly difficult to use editors. BIS is on the right track with their modules and I hope they continue to improve on this idea. Some people like myself would like to throw together missions with the elements they desire without waiting for someone else to do it or spending frustrating hours pouring over documentation and learning to write scripts.

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Yes, pointing out that you are behaving like a prick is a clear indicator of our favorite type of game play :rolleyes:

Personally I'm getting frustrated with trying to find alternative play types in MP right now. I've managed 1 or 2 CTF games and 1 or 2 TDM games but not many options. Occasionally you find a decent round of COOP and the only HOLD mission I have found when I was on was a beta test with 3 other guys.

Pretty much just waiting on the community to come up with stuff. I'm really tired of games with impossibly difficult to use editors. BIS is on the right track with their modules and I hope they continue to improve on this idea. Some people like myself would like to throw together missions with the elements they desire without waiting for someone else to do it or spending frustrating hours pouring over documentation and learning to write scripts.

Awesome, thanks for your imput. I'm really sorry the AI are not smart enough to come here and address your concerns. Keep checking back though maybe BIS will add that to the "TA DO LIST"

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After playing in a lot of servers and talking to Admin's and players. I understand that a lot of Arma1 people are working on different versions of Capture & Hold, Capture the Flag and others. The Maps that most people seem to be enjoying are AAS "assault and secure" lumped under the HOLD classification. Uniquely different than other styles of play. Some AAS are different than others too depending who's tweeked them and the settings. It's a crap shoot depending on which one you join, they will eventually sort themselves out. Some you spawn only at Xray flag (horrible idea), some are bugged from testing beta maps. This link is very helpful describing how it works and whos running servers.


FYI my server is running them ;)

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