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Beginners Multiplayer Server UK

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I have a dedicated server which I'm using at the moment to host co-op games with my squad.

We're Newbies but absolutely want to get into the game.

There's 4 of us, we'd like to play another 4 people.

(The server is 16 slots). If you're a group of 4 we'd welcome a game or two preferably of "Recruit" Skill.

If you're interested let me know and reply to this thread we'll get a game going at some point. (I'll send you the IP through PM)


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I'm very very interested, i want to learn how to play the game as well.

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Hi Goopeh

A hearty well done and welcome for your clan to the ArmA community.

If you follow the advice of Dslyecxi's Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTP) you will not go far wrong


Kind Regards walker

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i am interested in joining a squad if possiable. I am thinking of buying the game and I am downloading the demo now to try it.

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@LT.Eddie, thanks for getting back and showing an interest, I've PM'ed you some info, hopefully we'd like to see you on soon!

@walker, thanks for the welcome! ArmA 2 is a great game/military simulator!

@w00dy, ArmA 2 looks set to be an awesome game, if you're interested after the demo, give me a shout and I'll let you know details of the server etc.


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Great! I am going to try the demo in a minute here. But I must first tell you a bit about me. I am really into the PC game Call of duty ever since the first one came out years ago. I know this is a bit diffrent and I do see some really cool screen shots and such of ARMA2, which got me interested because I also play Team fortress 2 alot and I got the pop up for ARMA 2 via my steam account. I also like battlefield 2 & 2142. I am in a clan for COD4 called [ETS] Elite Tactical Soldiers. we have about 200 members and we put on our own COD4 tournement several times a year called Realism 1 (R1), where we compete against 15 other clans in the tournement. [ETS] is now in a competition leauge called (TCC). http://www.tccleague.com/modules.php?name=Competition_Clan_Schedule.

I would like to get some of my team mates from my [ETS] clan to join ARMA2 because We lack in the stratigies and plans department, and We could really learn some stratigies from this ARMA2 game by the looks of it.



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We now have 6 full time members in the Squad, any other takers??


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Hey sounds good! I'd be very interested in learning along with others, kinda takes some of the frustration out of things.

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me and a friend would like to play firendly coop games with you guys.


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Hi guys, the IP is

I'll PM you the password.

Good to have you on board!

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Thanks Ink,

Really cool.

Cheers all you guys who posted,

We almost have 2 Fire Teams now :D

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Count me in! It would be nice to join group that more mature than the 8 year olds that seem to have been in every public game I joined recently! :D

What time do you guys play?

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I'm gonna answer on behalf of Goopeh, we play at around 7PM GMT.

I would recommend you download Skype so we can you can talk to us etc.

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Good point to mention Eddie

@Captain Bravo, check your PM's I've sent you a message.

All who are going to play, we're using skype for the moment.

I would request you download it and add me on there my username is:


Thanks guys, happy milsimming :D


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Hey, I posted on another thread earlier im very eager to join, im new to the game, however i do understand the basic mechanics of it, i hope ur still recruiting.. can u pm the password to ur server so i can see what its like and also do u use any voice over programs like skype, ts etc... if yes could u give me the details to that aswell please... thanks, hope to see u on the battlefield

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Good point to mention Eddie

@Captain Bravo, check your PM's I've sent you a message.

All who are going to play, we're using skype for the moment.

I would request you download it and add me on there my username is:


Thanks guys, happy milsimming :D


goopeh i enjoyed the game last night,no kills for me. great bunch of guys see ya soon.:yay:


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can i get in on some games? havent had a chance to play online yet. still looking for some people to play with

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Hi, I am from the UK, not very advanced and I'd also be very interested in getting in on some multiplayer games. Please let me know if you'd be interested. Thanks.

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Hi Goopeh,

I have sent you a pm. Hopefully you guys are playing tonight. I will look out for you.

Are you guys using TS2? I am not sure how to find you on TS2 ..

Never mind about TS2 I just read your comment on Skype. Will download and look for you this eve. Cheers.

Edited by CaptainBravo
Added comment about Skype

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Hey all,

Goopeh, if your still looking for people to join, please count me in.



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