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FPS drop with time

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This game is really starting to annoy me. I haven't been able to play it since I bought it from Steam. Anway, I was running on Win7 64bit, with 8800GTX's in SLI @2560x1600 but the texture corruption was unbearable so the game couldn't be played in Win7.

I loaded up XP 32bit on the same machine, downloaded the EVGA SLI patch/profile for my video cards and launched the game. Everything was smooth. Moved the view around and it was like butter.

I play the game for a few minutes and the FPS start to drop to a point where I can't even play. The best is, nothing is happening in the game as I started a multiplayer map locally and all I did was get into a hummer and drive thru the meadow. What's going on here? Is this what I get for 50 bucks?

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Sounds like a memory leak, try disabling SLI and see if you get the same problem.

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I was running 186.18 drivers in SLI . After doing some more reading, it was suggested that I use 182.50 drivers which I did. I played witha a single GPU with those drivers and the problem went away. Since it was stable, I decided to enable SLI with 182.50 by using the EVGA SLI fix and the problem hasn't returned by the overal FPS are still bad. No noticeable improvement. I dont think I'm any better off right now.

186.18 game has awesome frame rates for the first 5 minutes and then FPS drops by half

182.50 fix FPS problem from 186.16 but FPS are too low to enjoy the game, but not as low as when the FPS drops with 186.16.

I hate computers.

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Don't we all. Have a Look on nvidia website for the latest beta drivers, may have to wait a few days bit they're udated pretty regularly

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Can anyone else please confirm whether this happens to them or not? I was playing in the Armory just driving a BRDM and hit escape to see what the options were set to, and upon returning to the game, the FPS just dropped for no reason. I've tweaked arma enough for it to be playable but the FPS just drop and never return without restarting the game. I can save a game when I have less than 20 FPS and restart the game and load it and have high FPS again. A few moments later it goes down hill. I can't play this game. Do you know how aggrivating this is? Game is finally released and I haven't been able to play longer than 5 minutes or so.

I wanted to post my specs

SLI 8800 GTX Ultra

Q6600 Quad Core

8GB of RAM

Problem occurs in Winxp 32 and Win 7 64.

In Win7 64, I have reduced my system memory via msconfig and have tried the -winxp switch. SLI is enabled at the moment, physics is off

Running latest nvidia driver 186.18

Edited by nuggetz

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Shift - flush, do this during quiet mission times.

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Check both your 8800's for dust build up. Arma uses your gpu harder than anything else around. I had the same problem and cleaning the dust out of my card fixed it. I wouldn't of known it was over heating except for Arma. Now if only all the other problems where so simple to fix :/

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I checked for dust and its fine. I run a temp monitor on the GPUs that I can see while playing the game and the temps are fine. I really think I'm having some sort of texture loading/memory problem. I ran the benchmark a little while ago and then ran it again by selecting restart and it ran significantly faster. The first time around, the textures don't appear to be loading quick enough. 2nd time they must have been cached so the FPS were higher. Anyway, that's kinda opposite of the problem I have when I'm playing the game. I'm ready to just accept the fact that I got duped into buying this broken ass game. Any ETA on a real patch?

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i dont think anything hammers a gpu more that empire total war on ultra settings. i thought the heating was on

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Memory Leaks or Horror Show?

A lot of problems with memory leaks, IQ artefacts, poor performance, time bomb fps, no compliant with MGPU, etc....

We needs a patch.... or my money back...

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This game doesn't support sli mabay you disable that and run the game seee waths happens

I'm running the EVGA sli patch/profile thinggy. I may disable SLI and compare. This happens in XP32 and in Win 7 64. I hope a fix is released soon.

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