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OFP has fu**ing low framerate

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Well, all i experience (HELLLP!) is that OFP runs perfectly (think 40+fps) in normal mode, i.e. just walking around or the 3rd person 'looking at your own ass' mode.

When I switch to sniper mode or get killed and you get the scenic view of your own corpse and your killer the game stutters a -bit-. It's not that horrid but this shouldn't have to be, should it?

I have an epox (via kt266a-based) 8kha+ and an athlon XP 1800+, geforce 2 PRO (64m ddr)

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from BoonieRat on 3:22 pm on Nov. 26, 2001

Dude i did'nt turn anything against you!, i did'nt mention you, i did'nt even think of you!, man!, you're paranoid!,wink.gif,now if you'd like to explain 'Just How?' i ''turned something against you'', or ''Made It Personal'', i'd be happy to see your explaination!,wink.gif and if i remember rightly,Mr maniac got a bit 'peeved' cause, (whoops!! smile.gif ),i did actualy say durons were crap,when what i meant to say was'ANYTHING BELOW A T~BIRD IS CRAP!!', especialy Pee3's,haeing owned one ,thats my opinion, its non~negotiable,wink.gif he never said they were crap hisself, what is crap, is argueing about peeples opinions, its a no~win situation, and in my (non~negotiable;) ) opinion, complete and utter Pants!,smile.gif i'm sorry about writeing this crap in your post Maniac, i wont do it again,

*Back to topic*

Man this is a poser!, you dont *just* get it when zoomed in,with the Binos' or scope no?, its when you just look @ things?,up close?,have you tryed getting the NVmax (or whatever its called smile.gif ) proggie?, and fiddleing with some of the more 'arcane' settings?. if other D3D games are OK, then i'm inclined to think this is actualy a general performance thing with OpF/P specificly, and this is just how its manifesting, how does it go with the new single~player mission?, the one with hundreds of AI's in the field all at once?, is it still only slowing when you 'close up' on something in that mission?,or is it choppy all through?,

have you contacted BIS yet?,

<span id='postcolor'>

lol, never mind for this smile.gif

All of your questions will get answered, when you read the whole thread. smile.gif

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Well, I took advantage of the Best Buy GeForce 3 $99 offer, hoping to increase my OFP framerates... didn't do a thing. Although, the FSAA looks does make the game look much better. I can only guess that the game is extremely processor intensive, and not so much video card related (I mean, there are sooo many objects on screen). I wonder if BIS is planning on streamlining the engine? My game runs butter smooth until too much action or too many units appear. I have a P-III 933. Any of you 2 Ghz users out there have bad frame rates?

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Sorry BoonieRat, I was having a bad day and you reminded me of Big Dave (shudder). To him, everything is crap "Cause it is".


I would like to say, that someone who is unwilling to accept a new point of view, because it challenges what they percieve to be true, really does my head in, because it's the sort of thing that racists and religious fanatics do.

I cannot stand either.

Bisides, there is nothing WRONG with changing your views (I think it's called adapting to your surroundings, or wisdom). Changing your view doesn't make you less of a person, less of who you are, in fact, it's failing to challenge yourself (by using prompts that others give you) that makes you an individual, anything else and you become a sheep...

LOL... not that I'm trying to alter your view, I'm just trying to get you to challenge it (properly) yourself.


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S'ok dude!, everyone has bad days, me more than most;) , please dont think me pig headed, i write 'non~negotiable' cause i hate getting into arguments over opinion!, not cause i've got a 'no reverse kinda reasoning' wink.gif ,also i wrote the 'pentium are crap' line in a joking way, i was surprised when i went back to read it and found i had'nt put a smiley in :o,my mistuuke smile.gif

I like to think i'm an honest person, the truth is a big thing to me, i think life without it becomes pointless, i think this is part of why the world is such a messy ####(not the fun, glow in the dark,'lets get it on honey!' one!!) smile.gif , so i look for the truth in all things, and truth is'nt always a fixed Black/White thing!, i'm not a racist or religeous person, i have my beliefs, but organised religion is a thing of the past ,IMO wink.gif ,i have my opinions, but i'm not polarised in any way, so please!, i'm still learning/looking at everything!, dont mistuuke me for 'Big Dave' smile.gif

PS, who's Big Dave??,.....

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Have you checked you IRQ settings? Is the IRQ of youre video card not shared with an other device? If so, turn ACPI in youre BIOS off, and remove it from youre windows. Helped me when running in Win2000. In Win XP no problems though with ACPI.

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