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About cnivison

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  1. This may seem ridiculous, but I have no idea how to respawn a player in MP after you die. It defaults to the infamous bird. I have created quite a few SP missions with no problems, but what do I have to do to get a player who dies to respawn, either into another character or as a new, timed respawn?
  2. cnivison

    Ghost Recon

    Yeah, GR grabs me as "fun" or "neat", but I've heard so much hype about it, I guess I had great expectations. I was hoping for an OFP that was smoother and had better graphics. This OFP... I think it is revolutionary. I have been an avid computer gamer since Miner 2049'er and I think OFP has impressed me more than any other title over the past 20 years; it is leaps and bounds away from any competitve product.
  3. cnivison

    Ghost Recon

    I admit, I was seduced by the flashy graphics and swaying trees, the rave review by Computer Gamer, so I bought it. And I swear, I can only play for a few minutes before I get bored. It doesn't have the gritty realism of OFP, it's not even close. I find Ghost Recon to be another shooter, while OFP an intense, realistic simulator with incredible depth. I hate to put more time in Ghost Recon as it takes time away from OFP. Did anyone else out there purchase Ghost Recon? What is your mouth feel on it? Does it get better as the game progresses?
  4. I am creating a mission in which I need to change the default soldier names in my platoon (their names are listed under a tab in the MAP screen). I remember briefly finding something on that topic related to one of the init .HTML files, but I can no longer find it. HELP!
  5. I am creating a mission in which I need to change the default soldier names in my platoon (their names are listed under a tab in the MAP screen). I remember briefly finding something on that topic related to one of the init .HTML files, but I can no longer find it. HELP!
  6. cnivison

    OFP has fu**ing low framerate

    Well, I took advantage of the Best Buy GeForce 3 $99 offer, hoping to increase my OFP framerates... didn't do a thing. Although, the FSAA looks does make the game look much better. I can only guess that the game is extremely processor intensive, and not so much video card related (I mean, there are sooo many objects on screen). I wonder if BIS is planning on streamlining the engine? My game runs butter smooth until too much action or too many units appear. I have a P-III 933. Any of you 2 Ghz users out there have bad frame rates?