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Soviet - afghan campaign

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I really think the next edition to the operation flashpoint series should be based around the Soviet - Afghanistan war of the 1980's. A large amount of the weapons and armor are already available in the game and it would give some value to the often criticised desert map. The time period is very similar also.

The desert map would have to be larger, more mountainous and include villages, cities, military bases and some vegetation.

New editions to the game could include :I1-76s (closely resembling the U.S. C-141), An-22s (a Soviet turboprop strategic transport), and An-12s (a C-130 equivalent) as transport aircraft. Mi-4 Hound helecopters. MiG-21 Fishbed, the Su-17 Fitter, the Su-24 Fencer, MiG-23 Flogger and Tu-16 Badger as ground attack aircraft.

In terms of vehicles the BTR wheeled APC is a must. Does anyone else have any ideas for a Soviet - Afghan campaign?

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i dont really know about that conflict but i think it would be cool to kill some afganis after what they did on 911 i would like to be american though biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

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Is that the movie where the Russians put a poor Agfan under the tank chains?

Well it would be a U.S vs Russia conflict since the Yanks gave money to Agfans to fight the Russians. In addition killing Bill Laden in the last mission would sell like cold water to someone left in desert for 6 days!!! tounge.gif

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Why would you want to murder a bunch of Afghan civilians?

What is the fun in that you sadistic bastard?  confused.gif

It wasn't the Afghans who plotted the attack on 911... it was a single man and his heartless crew

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Yea, and the worst part is that bush and co. killed more innicent civilians in afg. then the amount of people killed 11/9.

If we were to think as *some* people do, all americans would be murderers.

But we dont.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Espectro @ Feb. 26 2002,16:44)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Yea, and the worst part is that bush and co. killed more innicent civilians in afg. then the amount of people killed 11/9.

If we were to think as *some* people do, all americans would be murderers.

But we dont.<span id='postcolor'>

I'm sorry but there is no evidence to this. Also it's lucky they did it so early in the morning, between then and lunch and considerably more would have suffered.

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The Afgan war would be good, a World War 3 situtation in Europe would be good as that was mentioned in the campaign (well as the Soviet doctrine, massed tank assaults at key points in central Europe) but in the Afgan war the US would not have been present so being American would not be right (altho I'm not sure about that I know the Afgan rebals or whoever were supplied by America) But it would be good to have a conflict that is an internal matter for Russia, say trouble with one of its republics or something along them lines, or maybe just internal conflict within Russia. But probably not that last point. Maybe a border disdute or some form of conflict between Russia and China, I think they were not on friendly terms when Russia was USSR (again I think) Anyone of these conflicts would be good with me.

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Or perhaps Chechenia, but since it's still ongoing...It could hurt some people I think confused.gif

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How about a Cyprus scenario?!

One small island of a bit below 10000sq km devided between in half. One side uses American like weapons and other Russian like equipment.

Is a real type scenario and it would kick ass.

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Russian OFP modders could unite their skills and create a good Afganistan 1979-1989 total conversion mod. Resistance could play as pro-Communist Afgans, West as Mujahideen etc.

The campaign could last for years and battles would take place only monthly or more seldom so it would feel kinda realistic 'Afganistan tour of duty' lasting 10 long years.

Too bad OFPs Islands ruin the feeling of inland war, but maybe this can be fixed when terrain editor comes out...

This mod definately needs to be done!

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um no, the estimated civilian casualties in Afghanistan as enflicted by the American military is estimated at ~100 by many organizations, and ~3000 people were killed in the 9-11 attacks

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MiG-23 interceptor not what this game needs, B-6 (like a B-52) no use, dumb bombs maybe, ill ad a Su-22 (FB)

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Did someone say that we killed more innocents in Afghanastan that we lost to Sept 11?

I think I remember atleast several thousand, about 3 thousand being killed in 9/11.

We only killed like a handful of innocents in Afghanastan.

We sure as heck didn't come close to the number we lost in 9/11. We probably killed no more than about (what that other guy said) 100.

Cmon people, AlQeuada knocked over our WTC's in NY, a heavily populated area.

We are using smart missiles with pinpoint accuracy to hit enemy targets.

The chances of killing up to about 3,000 is highly unlikely.

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If you're replying to me than you misunderstood me, I was just replying to this BS:

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">

i dont really know about that conflict but i think it would be cool to kill some afganis after what they did on 911 i would like to be american though

<span id='postcolor'>

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Tis was taken from that CNN report.

"They also view American values as deeply materialist and secular and American culture as a corrupting influence on their societies"

Hmmmmmm......... But they are more than willing to live in these corrupting and materialistic Western countries and set up Muslim communities. If they hold their values and believe that the Muslim faith is the true faith, why are so many so willing to leave their own countries and take all the benefits the West has to offer?

How is it that we the western population get accused of racism if we do not adapt to accept their culture, yet they can openly make it illegal or very difficult to practice another religion in their countries.

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"'They also view American values as deeply materialist and secular and American culture as a corrupting influence on their societies'

Hmmmmmm......... But they are more than willing to live in these corrupting and materialistic Western countries and set up Muslim communities. If they hold their values and believe that the Muslim faith is the true faith, why are so many so willing to leave their own countries and take all the benefits the West has to offer?

How is it that we the western population get accused of racism if we do not adapt to accept their culture, yet they can openly make it illegal or very difficult to practice another religion in their countries."

POW! Shot down.

A soviet - afghan campaign sounds cool. A US - afghan campaign would be dumb. It's not even a war. It's just the US and Britain slaughtering Al Queda.

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How mad would a Soviet mission be based on the opening days of the war when the Spetnaz stormed a palace and took out the Afghan leader at the time. I saw a TV doco on this once and it was a huge fire fight - Spetnaz kicked ass though.

Lots of convoy escort missions would be a must. Search and destroy missions by airborne troops in the mountains would be cool. Street to street fighting was pretty common also. Yeah they have to do this campaign.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Chan @ Feb. 26 2002,14:13)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It wasn't the Afghans who plotted the attack on 911... it was a single man and his heartless crew<span id='postcolor'>

yeah i heard most of the talaban soldiers arent even afgani

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The 911 attack wasn't much compared back in the World War II days..

Americans have never seen a battle on their dirt for about 200 years, a event like 911 freaked them out because this generation have never witnessed war..

My grandmother was age 16 back in 1937 when the Japanese army invaded China, they bombed the cities and killed about 8 million Chinese civilians during that campaign.

She told me she would never forget the horror of seeing  decapitated corpses on the side of the road, or the whining sounds of a rain of bombs being dropped right above her head.

Rare experiences like this, would never be felt by many.

No offense, I am an American myself..

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