swoop 15 Posted June 27, 2009 There I was, relocated the base, built myself a barracks, was slowly conducting hit and run ops to build my resources up, I had 2 units of 1 soldier each running around and seeing some success......when suddenly, 32 minutes in, the mission ends with "we have been slaughtered like sheep". What?! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
reb0rn 10 Posted June 27, 2009 duno how you go so far, last few missions are unplayable by most... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LT. Razgriz 10 Posted June 30, 2009 Did you ever find a way around this, or anything? I had barely done anything (blew up the offices, had just cleared one of the two checkpoints) and all of a sudden it gives me this. I hadn't even been leading. This seems like a really cool mission, other than this huuge problem. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Col. Doomfarer 10 Posted July 2, 2009 Interesting, Ive been playing this mission for about 4 hrs now. I'm curious, how can I play as the over all Commander when I started the mission it said AI has choosen a Commander. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
manzilla 2 Posted July 7, 2009 Interesting, Ive been playing this mission for about 4 hrs now. I'm curious, how can I play as the over all Commander when I started the mission it said AI has choosen a Commander. You better hurry up and defeat the mission, it ends after 3 hrs. That was a serious buzz kill for me. I was finally making headway and actually taking some towns and all of sudden I got a "Time's up" message and the game ended. I started the mission over and tweaked the time limit to be 2 days, not 3hrs. If you want to do this open up the mission folder then data/scripts/winConditions.sqf. Then change: //Check for the time deadine of 3 hours if ((time > (3 * 3600)) && !BIS_timeUp) then {BIS_timeUp = true}; to: //Check for the time deadine of 3 hours if ((time > (48 * 3600)) && !BIS_timeUp) then {BIS_timeUp = true}; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Russtik 10 Posted July 7, 2009 with what programm i can open that *.sqf file ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kylebisme 10 Posted July 8, 2009 (edited) How do you get rid of the Russian checkpoints? I satchel charged both turrents and the tent on one but it still showed as there. And is Razor squad just there to look cool or can I get their help somehow? Also, any tips for the mission in general? I went off solo with an RPG at first and made enough to buy pretty much whatever I want, but I've tried a few different squad setups and they all get slaughtered quick. Edited July 8, 2009 by kylebisme Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maturin 12 Posted July 8, 2009 I have thousands of gold but can't seem to buy any units or anything but that goddamn default V3C (whatever it is) and default weapons. As a result it's around dawn, I've taken every village (though no objectives have updated yet), I am swimming in equipment-laden Ruskie corpses and am trying to use a grenade launcher jeep singlehandedly to go against swarms of of APCs. And on top of this typically lopsided insurgency I have a time limit? Bollocks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
synch_c 10 Posted July 8, 2009 I have thousands of gold but can't seem to buy any units or anything but that goddamn default V3C (whatever it is) and default weapons. You can only buy the V3(?) at the capture points. If you're loaded use the fast travel on the map screen to go back to the main base and buy your units there then fast travel back. The V3S(?) you get at main base is useful as it allows you to build defences anywhere, not just inside bases and strong points. Haven't played many warfare missions but I'm attracted to this one because it's so nails. Dying to complete it. Has anyone got anything useful out of Razor or the smugglers? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
manzilla 2 Posted July 8, 2009 Has anyone got anything useful out of Razor or the smugglers? Never gotten a thing from either. Matter of fact, they don't do nothing, say nothing, nothing nothing. I'm dying to figure out what they are there for. Damn right, this mission is serious nails. Warfare and SP rocks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Punjistick 10 Posted July 9, 2009 Played this one a looong time before beating it. First thing I tried was capping Tulga and then heading south towards Kamishovo. RPGing the wheels on a BDRM headed north and getting in and using cannons on anything else coming up the road. That didn't work cause the other cities were getting captured while i was racking up kills. Then I tried capping Msta and building some defenses at the strong point on the road out of town to Staroye, but again staying put meant I could rack up kills but the other towns would get turned and I'd lose fast. The time I finally had some success, I capped Msta, then Tulga super fast (100 kph on a motorcycle, dirt trails in a forest, using night vision = wheee). As i was leaving Tulga, Msta was getting capped by the enemy. I laid some mines on the road between Kamishovo, and Msta. That seemed to slow down the enemy progress. After mining the road, I high-tailed it back to Msta, recapped, grabbed a couple extra troops from HQ and a couple gun trucks, then took the northern road around towards Staroye (avoiding the direct road between them which is thick with APCs and troops. Even after I capped Staroye, there were still enemies spawning in the town right on top of me. I had a couple RPG troops with me to help with the apc's materializing out of thin air. In my other tries I found Razor to be a waste of time, as was hopping in a boat and going for some equip on the island. Elektrozavodsk was hairy. By that time I'd been back to HQ to buy a BDRM-2 and some satchel charges to blow up their base structures. Not worth defending the strong point where their HQ is, soldiers spawn constantly there even after its capped. As far as troops go, the time I won I started with 2 scouts. They seemed to have a little more survivability, I was hoping that sorta ghillie suit and NV gogs they have would help. Once I got a little more $ from capping a town I bought some RPG infantry. Never was able to get back to HQ often enough so I sent money to the other AI's, not sure if that helped. Very fun mission, the campaign seems boring as heck after that. Good luck guys. P.S. GET SOME! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kalha 10 Posted July 9, 2009 I'm not finding the mission so enjoyable. AI instantly sends a bunch of BTR's along with other stuff. Fightning them off only means I don't get anything done and soon after they'll bring T72's, T90's and Shilkas! I could fight off them BTR's, but the tanks are way too much. Good money, but what to do with the money, when all I can get is BRDM-2 with a whopping 14.5mm machinegun. Can't either get to try for the island in time before the enemy caps a town and the mission ends right there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kylebisme 10 Posted July 9, 2009 What are the smugglers supposed to do for you anyway? I took the time to find a boat and go out there only to have them tell me about the weather. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Punjistick 10 Posted July 9, 2009 kylebisme: Seems the smugglers on the island are only good for some weapon upgrades. It takes so long to get there and you can usually loot some bodies for decent guns/rpgs if you want. Kalha: The times I really tried to halt their advance by building defenses at a strongpoint, things would fall apart somewhere else (lol, everywhere else really). Try to take out a few lead APCs in a column, either the ones advancing on Msta or Tulga, then retreating and taking a different town. Do it with a mine or two and you can be long gone to a new objective. They get paranoid and slow down once their convoy lead explodes. Drop the mine at a narrow point on the road and they'll have to go off-road, slowing them down even more. Capping towns did more to slow down their reinforcements. Defense is fun but you do more damage with a few troops in a gun truck (or two) hitting the soft spots. You can cap strongpoints faster than the enemy can take them back. I never thought to try the quick travel someone mentioned, that might be a great way to get back home to buy more RPG units after you earn some cash. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maturin 12 Posted July 25, 2009 Something that works for me so far is this: buy a medic and two other cheap units and put them in a truck. Drive that thing like a bat out of hell east from your start point to the coast, where there is an inflatable boat. Take the boat to Starolsky and go to the Smugglers weapon cache. Give everyone RPGs and Snipers. Then go back to the mainland and snipe the Russian checkpoint. There is an ammo crate by the fixed machine gun. Then go take Kamishovo. Now there should only be several dozen APCs inbetween you and Elektrazavodsk. Eventually you will capture a jeep with an grenade launcher, which can even disable T-90s in a pinch. It's going pretty well on my game, except for the goddamn Tunguska bearing down on me. No fucking fair! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
templar514 10 Posted July 27, 2009 You better hurry up and defeat the mission, it ends after 3 hrs. That was a serious buzz kill for me. I was finally making headway and actually taking some towns and all of sudden I got a "Time's up" message and the game ended.I started the mission over and tweaked the time limit to be 2 days, not 3hrs. If you want to do this open up the mission folder then data/scripts/winConditions.sqf. Then change: //Check for the time deadine of 3 hours if ((time > (3 * 3600)) && !BIS_timeUp) then {BIS_timeUp = true}; to: //Check for the time deadine of 3 hours if ((time > (48 * 3600)) && !BIS_timeUp) then {BIS_timeUp = true}; ive tried going into the arma 2 main file and going to missions, but mine is devoid of anything other than a readme that says "single missions", am i missing something??? (any very detailed instructions on how to find this file would be greatly appreciated :) ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
swestm3 10 Posted July 27, 2009 As I remember, after all the ememy soldiers were killed, a communication came that the Leader had left. I have tried going back to the Camp with all the dead ememy soldiers to find the Leader. I have selected one of my team and pressed "6" but the "Search Body" command is not available. Even though I like this game the more I play it and get familiar with it, I am not about to go back to different saves and hope to finish the level. Since this game offers the player endless paths to accomplish the tasks why does it seem from other players that if you don't follow a particular path you can't finish the level. Also, I have not found any evidence in all the places I have searched and I don't have the time to do grid searches in hope of discovering evidence. Any help is appreciated. Thanks, Stuart Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
br@cob 10 Posted July 27, 2009 ive tried going into the arma 2 main file and going to missions, but mine is devoid of anything other than a readme that says "single missions", am i missing something??? (any very detailed instructions on how to find this file would be greatly appreciated :) ) Go to the game root directory (it's C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 if you are playing the downloaded version, I don't know where the game root is if you bought and installed the DVD) Go to Addons. Unpbo missons.pbo Once that is unpacked inside the newly created missions folder you will find a Scenarios folder. The single missions are there. Note that Village Sweep is called something else. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
subtee 0 Posted July 28, 2009 This mission is just ridicilous. Dont understand how anyone could finish it with the time limit etc. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
templar514 10 Posted July 28, 2009 (edited) thanks for the help, and it is the bought version not the steam one, and i agree it is far too short, but mayb it is restricted cause the scenario is supposed to be night raids?? ---------- Post added at 07:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:52 AM ---------- also, how do i unpack it? so far i can just rid the .pbo and view some of it in microsoft word, do i need any specific program to do (argh i hate being tech-illiterate :S) *UPDATE* ohk, opned it with my ancient version of word and edited it, but the file can no longer be recognised as a valid pbo file. tried using notepad but it for some reason crashes notepad and doesnt work? :S gah! curse vista and all of its satanic offspring! XS Edited July 29, 2009 by templar514 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maturin 12 Posted July 28, 2009 By unbelievable good-luck I stumbled across an unoccupied, undamaged Russian Tenguska. But now the Russians have platoons upon platoons of tanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ez3kiel 10 Posted August 4, 2009 I find this type of missions really interesting, but unfortunatly too buggy...again:mad::mad::mad:(f*** team razor, can't help?). Hope this will be fixed with the patch 1.3 (and the campaign too :D) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
currychicken 10 Posted February 20, 2010 Thank you Punjistick, I can finally beat this mission. I mainly use Punjistick tactics. Buy some landmine at the beginning. Put landmine in the road choke point. That really stop the enemy APC group. Capture Town. Fast travel to base to buy AT soldiers. Capture another town. SAVE & LOAD a lot. Fast travel to defend town if needed. Buy more soldiers. Capture more town. Buy BRDM. SAVE & LOAD A LOT. The main problem is the enemy base. I use BRDM and lots of Stinger Soldier to attack it. I don't attack from the coast. I attack from the forest path north of enemy base. SAVE & LOAD A LOT. I go into the enemy base. Somehow I get into an empty T-90 tank and blow up all the enemy base! Without the enemy base, I go back to my base to buy more units. There is some enemy tanks remaining. But it is not a big problem now. Finally I capture all towns and the mission finished. Before that, I tried to blow the office but nothing happened. I haven't contact Razor team and smugglers. I haven't save the village. But the game end when I captured all towns. My advice is: Don't play this mission. It is too punishing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airborne_hk 0 Posted February 20, 2010 I was also having a hard time to play this mission through, until I found the trick. In fact it isn't THAT hard of you know how to do it... Digest the mission task notes might give you some hints... The key of success is "speed". Since the Russians are building up their force as you do but they are in the upper hand because they have heavy factory while you don't, the sooner finish off the enemy base, the better. You don't want to see a column of T-90s crushing your poor small BRDM, right? Take a look on the task note of destroying the office building in Elektrozavodsk. It suggested that you should bomb it before dawn. However this mission started at about 5am, which means the sunlight comes up very soon. Although in fact it doesn't matter even you bomb after 7am, but it is a IMPORTANT hint! This is what I did: I bought 6 satchel charges, putting them in the motorcycle nearby and drove as crazy towards Elektrozavodsk. In the progress I discovered the Russian base on the plain south of the city. Then I placed all satchel charges inside the building. Bombed it and returned to capture the north strong point which overlooked the Russian base. Bought a ZU-23 and pointed it to the base. Since it was still early stage, the Russians didn't have anything better than a BTR and the ZU-23 should be enough for wreak hovac. I cleaned up every buildings, vehicles and troops. Although the Russian soldiers seemed to be constantly spawning, but in fact they would eventually stopped after a while. I think those were "queued productions" which were still in effect even the barrack was destroyed. After I made sure everything were cleared. I continued with the mission. With the enemy base destroyed, the rest of the mission was just a piece of cake! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites