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FADE activating even with a bought copy.

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So, here's my deal. I'm on steam, la de da, and see Arma II out. So I go download the demo, it works fine, I'm happy. I beg and beg, and I was bought the game in steam. Yay, 50$. It was very difficult getting that.

So I'm playing, la de da, and everything works fine. I get to the third mission, or second, whichever, and I start noticing some glaring issues. Then all of a sudden my view turns blurry and I can't see anything. It's at this point I realize FADE is activated.

So, I look around, and oh, I have Daemon Tools installed, for debugging purposes on my programs. Oh my, Arma II thinks I'm pirateing it because I have a completely seperate program installed. Whoops. Your bad. This is akin to Arma II saying 'Hey, you haven't done anything wrong, but just because you have something else I don't like, I'm going to punish you.'

So, I see two basic solutions to this. The first is probably the more convenient to me, because I get to continue to play this fantastic game, and that's to add a check for the steam versions of Arma II, integrated with steam, so as to verify my bought copy, and not mistakenly think Daemon Tools is abusing it. The second is less preferable, and that's a full refund.

I don't mean to sound demanding, but I just had to beg for 50$ to buy this game, and at the moment, it's completely useless. I just wasted 50$.

- Kayla

Steam name: Kayla

http://steamcommunity.com/id/Kayla/games (Notice the Arma II in my games list)

Edited by Kayla

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Unless they changed the way FADE operates it doesn't scan external to the ArmA 2 structure for bad files. try turning off post processing and increase your fillrate to at least 100% and see if the problem persists.

If it does I then suggest reinstalling the game and retesting.

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Will do. I just got the game, so, there wasn't any other possible explanation coming to my feeble mind. :)

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FADE usually wont trigger right away. more like in a few days. they let you play for a while... the gradually faded. most apparent telltale of FADE is bullet dispersion went all over the place.

maybe not FADE

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So I'm playing, la de da, and everything works fine. I get to the third mission, or second, whichever, and I start noticing some glaring issues. Then all of a sudden my view turns blurry and I can't see anything. It's at this point I realize FADE is activated.

This is not FADE. It does not make game look worse or make any graphical tricks. It affects bullet dispersion so that you are not able to hit enemies and so on.

Your problem must be releted to video card. But you did not mention if this happened only one time. If it goes like that often then try setting your 2D and 3D (used to be called fillrate) resolution equal and preferably same as your desktop resolution (if they are not like that). Also try with different video memory and texture detail settings.


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i get blur after fiddling with the menus. just press escape then click continue seems to fix it.

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Yeah, flake got it. I found out just before I came back here. Apparently when changing the video settings, there is a bug. When you normally go into the menu, it 'blurs' out the screen, and when you leave, it unblurs it. But there seems to be a bug I was hit with, where that's switched up, so in the menu, it's unblurred, but in the game, it's blurred.

What flake says fixes it well enough.

- Kayla

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Hi All

Does not sound like Fade.

With blur it sounds like you have have post processing running at a setting you do not like or not set your resolution/filrarate properly. Asuming that you are patched to the latest version:

Select Options

Select Video Options

Select Advanced

Select 3D Resolution and choose the resolution with 100% (filrate) listed in it.

Select Postprocess Effects and set it to diabled

Select OK

Kind Regards walker

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The sudden blur usually indicates that you've been shot.

That's not FADE. Either some weird bug or you were hit.

Edit: Then again, it could be what flake and Kayla said above.

Edited by Maddmatt

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Do me a favor and try saving your game when this happens. Reason why i ask you to save is cause, i know a person, who knows a person who downloaded an illegal copy and this person had a similar problem...He stated that blurriness was removed immediatly after saving his game progress.

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hello Gnosis,

Probably best NOT to give advice on how to circumvent any protection thats implemented in game, could get you a ban.

Oh, tell your "friend of a friend" to buy the game.



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I am not advicing to circumvent any protection, i´m stating that for example in some games the game itself "reminds" players, who are playing on easier levels, to save their progress by ie. blocking/locking a doorways, or perhaps blurring their view untill the game has been saved!

"Oh, tell your "friend of a friend" to buy the game."

Not my business to tell people what to do, or not in/with their lives, neither it is yours. It´s rude.

edit. I believe mods would have already notified me if i would have said something impropried...

Edited by Gn0sis

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Just remember with the current 1.02 patch you have to redo that setting every time you start the game. Switch to low on postprocessing then disable again.

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Fade can be noticed very good... a message shows up in the middle of the screen telling pirated software does not bla bla something like that.. after that showing up things start to go bad and ends up with a game working for 50%.. files not loading etc.

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Hello all

Yesterday I tried to fiddlw with my seetings to see what effect on my FPS it would have.

I noticed that if i lowered my fill rate to 88pc (800x600) on my machine, and set textures to very high, everything blurred, but when i went into the menu system, the blur cleared.

(seemingly the opposite of what *should* happen)

So as others have stated, try hetting your HUD and in game resolution to be equal, and as the Survey said, the PP issue rears its head at start up for some of us.

@ Gnosis, I wasn't telling you off, just warning you that mods can be very strict.

as to the "minding your own business/rudeness thing", its's a moral values dilemma and probably best not handled here. Do what thou wilt an it harm none :)



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