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AI Paradrop from C130J

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I've tried the script I used to use in OFP but it doesn't seem to work. Can anyone help with how to do an AI para jump from the Hercules please?

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I've tried the script I used to use in OFP but it doesn't seem to work. Can anyone help with how to do an AI para jump from the Hercules please?

Didn't some one release a para jump script already? I may be wrong but I believe there's one in this forum section.

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Yes, i think MattRochelle released one

[NameGroup,NamePlane] exec "jump.sqs";


?!(isServer) : exit
_grp = _this select 0
_flz = _this select 1
_jmp = units _grp

_i = 0
_j = count _jmp
~(random 3)

unassignvehicle (_jmp select _i)
(_jmp select _i) action ["EJECT",_flz]
?_j>_i:goto "start"

Or the halo jump. Therefore write in the init line of the plane:

this flyinheight 400; this addaction ["Jump out","halojump.sqs"];


_unit = _this select 1;
_unit action ["eject",c130];
[_unit] exec "ca\air2\halo\data\Scripts\HALO_getout.sqs"; 

Edited by Imutep

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It keeps telling me that it cant find jump.sqs! i have copied the mission script into a notepad document and renamed it jump.sqs and put it into the folder for the mission i am using it in.

What do you guys think is the problem?

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It keeps telling me that it cant find jump.sqs! i have copied the mission script into a notepad document and renamed it jump.sqs and put it into the folder for the mission i am using it in.

What do you guys think is the problem?

Try to write the script with the ArmA Script Editor from Chenderman. If this not work, try the example mission with the script. Find here.

Many Thanks.

Do I create a trigger exec jump.sqs in it over the area I want the AI jump to occur?

Yes, ceate a trigger where you wanna jump out and call the script with... (on activation in the trigger)

[NameGroup,NamePlane] exec "jump.sqs"; 

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_xhandle = [<GROUP>,<VEHICLE>] execvm "Eject.sqf";


if (not isServer) exitwith {};
_group =  _this select 0;
_vehicle = _this select 1;

sleep 2;

unassignvehicle _x;
_x action ["EJECT", _vehicle];
sleep 0.5
} foreach units _group;

Why bother with SQS, its useless. :p

Safety function for those who don't want accidental para drops maybe?

_height = (position _vehicle) select 2;
if ( _height < 50 ) exitwith {hintsilent format ["%1, the %2 height is below 50m (current height: %3), unsafe to eject.", name player, typeOf _vehicle, _height]};

Edited by Rommel

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Thx for sgf version, Rommel ^^

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I have spent that goddamn long trying to make this work! the example mission 'heliparadrop' works fine. It works for the units i am using, however i am calling paratroopers at a later point in the mission.

This involves either using an empty c130 that everybody is teleported into on the activation of the trigger, or using a living c130 that is teleported into the sky at the right moment with everyone else.

The problem with using a 'living' c130 j is that i cant stop it from killing itself with its waypoint or get it to sit still for any amount of time atall, taking away its fuel forces its crew to walk. Giving it no waypooints then artificially creating them later (wp1 = planegroup setwaypoint [centre, radius]; wp1 setwaypointtype "MOVE2) doesnt work either, the driver recieves the waypoints then crashes whilst trying to circle round.

Uing a 'dead' c130j and teleporting in a waiting driver at the right moment almost works. The driver and passangers get into the plane at the right time on the right vector but THE SCRIPT WILL NOT WORK IN THIS INSTANCE.

I have tried spawning an alive vehicle at the right moment, then adding the waiting passangers, the script wont work.

So does anyone know how i can call in a sucessful paradrop mission mid-game?

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If you don't want it to crash, switch it's behaviour to safe or stealth.

To make it start at a later point. Create a wp almost on top of the plane, then have it synced with a trigger, so it won't move to the next one until the trigger is activated. You could use radio trigger to call it in when you want ...

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Sorry, i'm a noob with the old editing, but i've got 4 c130js at the moment in a group, and each planes got around 4 - 5 seperate groups of infantry in. Each group of infantry has

{_x moveInCargo c130j1} forEach units group this;

depending on what plane they're in. I've had a look round, but im not sure what to enter in the

[NameGroup,NamePlane] exec "jump.sqs";

as i want to try and get all 4 planes paradropping all their seperate infantry groups at the same time.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Sorry, i'm a noob with the old editing, but i've got 4 c130js at the moment in a group, and each planes got around 4 - 5 seperate groups of infantry in. Each group of infantry has

depending on what plane they're in. I've had a look round, but im not sure what to enter in the

as i want to try and get all 4 planes paradropping all their seperate infantry groups at the same time.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


In my group leaders I have this:

Grp1 = Group this; {_x moveincargo c1301} ForEach units group this;

Grp1 is the name assigned to each group.

then in the waypoint of the c130 where you want the group to jump put in the wp's init line:

[Grp1,c1301] exec "jump.sqs";

Do this for every group/plane/waypoint then at the end sync together all the wp's with the "jump.sqs" calls in them.


Also, you may want to check this forum section for the other paradrop threads. There's a larger one that has an example mission, I believe. For sure it has a more in depth discussion on this matter. If my way doesn't work check for that thread.

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Ok, i'll give that a go.

Ta very much Manzilla

Tried that and it works brilliantly. Smashin, thanks again. Gonna work on the random casualties now, but they arnt too much of a problem ;)

Edited by OuchShot

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In my group leaders I have this:

Grp1 = Group this; {_x moveincargo c1301} ForEach units group this;

Grp1 is the name assigned to each group.

then in the waypoint of the c130 where you want the group to jump put in the wp's init line:

[Grp1,c1301] exec "jump.sqs";

Do this for every group/plane/waypoint then at the end sync together all the wp's with the "jump.sqs" calls in them.


Also, you may want to check this forum section for the other paradrop threads. There's a larger one that has an example mission, I believe. For sure it has a more in depth discussion on this matter. If my way doesn't work check for that thread.

I copied this but the plane just flies in circles rather than drop the troops :( Sometimes the plane takes off before the group even board it ?

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I dont understand any of this , might not relate to this but, i dont even know how to get a mission to work with any scripting done in a notepad. no nothing. There is no guide that gives you info about starting from scraps and do stuff, no detailed .. info about doing breifings. ive read the arma 1 guide which is more or less like arma 2. and there the same problem is still the problem, cant find a sollution. Could someone just .. msg me or something via email or something. really could use a pro's help ._.

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_xhandle = [<GROUP>,<VEHICLE>] execvm "Eject.sqf";


if (not isServer) exitwith {};
_group =  _this select 0;
_vehicle = _this select 1;

sleep 2;

unassignvehicle _x;
_x action ["EJECT", _vehicle];
sleep 0.5
} foreach units _group;

Why bother with SQS, its useless. :p

Safety function for those who don't want accidental para drops maybe?

_height = (position _vehicle) select 2;
if ( _height < 50 ) exitwith {hintsilent format ["%1, the %2 height is below 50m (current height: %3), unsafe to eject.", name player, typeOf _vehicle, _height]};

Is it possible to have this activate on a trigger when BLUEFOR doesn't blow up a tower so that a plane full of russkies paradrops down as reinforcements?

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