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My response to everyone asking for all this.......

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Iv heard countless times, people asking for things like hueys, fixed wing transports, aircraft carriers, harriers, etc. and to all that, i say this:

Part of what makes games like OFP so good and fun for everyone is retaining its simplicity. if we start overcrowding it with tons of new units, all these issues would come up. we'd have to worry about not putting in units whos jobs are already filled by other units that already exist, we'd have to worry about balance, making sure other sides had their equivilant, we'd have to put in units that had the ability to go against all the new units we added, so as not to make unfair advantages. And if we didnt succeed in any of that, we'd only be breeding a very disgruntled crowd of gamers who would only end up wishing things would go back to the way they were.

Take Delta Force: Land Warrior for instance. It was an infantry only based tactical shooter that even had anti tank rockets for no reason (there wansnt a single tank in the whole damn game). But one thing it had was a perfect balance of simplicity, and functionality. this is what will make OFP stand out. It has effectively mastered realistic infantry combat, and combined it with completely fuctional and playable armored combat, and even air combat to an extent.

Pretty much all thats left is for BIS and Codemasters to ditch Gamespy and set up a dedicated server thats more user friendly and better tailored to the games functions.

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You know what I say to those p33ps? *ahem*...here goes! I say: "Wait for Independence Lost!"...*ahem*...thank you!

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and thats great. User made addons can flow at their own pace if they want. Its just getting a little annoying when people ask for all this new stuff from the creators.

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I have to agree ... the Huey wouldn't do anything the Blackhawk can't do. Sure, it's a nice chopper, but it'll be in Independence Lost anyway.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (slowyconection @ Mar. 10 2002,20:37)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">we jus want new things

nothin more!

and,"aham", civilian, resistance and the reds need more stuff<span id='postcolor'>

the key word here is "civilian". One who is not part of any armed forces. Just a regular person. As such, what purpose would he have with a gun in a game like OFP? Civilians were not meant to fight in this game, they were meant for back ground activity. this is also why there are only 3 different models for them.

As for the resistance, them not having as much as anyone else is because they are the resistance. they have had to fend for themselves as a pose to the Reds and NATO being financially backed by their own governments. thats why those two sides have so much more than the civilians and resistance. its a matter of realism.

And let me guess; you want to see more choppers in the Russians arsenal. To that, i say this. The Reds dont have as many choppers because they dont need any more. The Mi-24 hind preforms all the functions of both of NATOs attack choppers and even carries more ammo than either of them. On top of that, it also carries six aditional passengers. It effectively combines the AH-1 cobra with the AH-64 apache with the UH-60 blackhawk. And then the Mi-17 hind is nothing more than the Russian version of the Ch-47d chinook. And it even has more firepower. The chinook only has a machine gun, while the Mi-17 carries close to 200 57mm rockets. it could sustain fire on an area almost just as long as any attack chopper could. And on top of all of that, Both of the Russians choppers are even stronger than NATOs choppers.

And then theres their APCs. the NATO M113 cant even compare to the Russian BMP. It only has a machine gun, while the BMP carries a small sabot, an anti-armor rocket, and a machien gun. Only when the bradley came out with version 1.30 did it become fair.

I will admit that laser guided bombs give NATO a bit of an edge, but there is a user made addon that puts a Russian equivilant in the game. Other than that, you must take into consideration weather or not a Russian equivilant is even needed. The SU-25 carries more firepower than an A-10 does anyway. So maybe its neccisary for NATO to have one more option.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Aculaud @ Mar. 10 2002,21:52)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">[<span id='postcolor'>

civilian r jus that, i must say

but some addons would be cool 2

a question:

does the risistance have a plane or its jus me?

i really like the hind, 2 bad they dont like me

neither do the ground

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yeah, the ground doesnt like me much when i take to the sky either.

One thing about OFP is that the mission editor allows you to give people whatever you want. you could have a group of civillians pilot A-10s with more civillians on the ground supporting them or something. You can give anyone anything you want to give them. If there was a dog unit in OFP, you could probably arm it with a gun of some kind too. So really, theres no need for any more units on the other sides, cause the player can give them anything anyway.

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I would like to see more Russian choppers, but i know that it wouldn't add anything new to the game and isn't the point in addons to add something new to the game.

So for next addons BIS should think what is missing from the game and not just listen people who says, Huey is missing from the game and that's not fair, you have to put it in. Also the balance is very important in games like OFP so supporting that would also be good.

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I would like to see the ressistance cessna addon (with mgun and bombs) to be released in a patch as official addon so we could use it freely in missions. Its a nice touch, and its not unrealistic.

Just my two cents.

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Too bad the bombs are invisible confused.gif

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I've made a Cessna plane-pack with both Russian scout planes and Resistance light AA and AG planes and they work like a charm. The AI knows how to properly drop bombs on you, etc. They will be released soon. wink.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (WKK Gimbal @ Mar. 11 2002,13:38)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">AG<span id='postcolor'>

wat means that?


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your not mentioning that balance can be achived thru #'s of units. yes, an M1 tank is tough, but put him up against more than one t-80 and he might loose. it's up to the mission makers to achive balance this way. Shermans in WW2 weren't that great, but what gave them success was their #'s as an example. So i say let the addons come.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (PFC_Mike @ Mar. 11 2002,23:33)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">AG= Anti ground? Maybe Air-to-ground

just my two pfenig wink.gif<span id='postcolor'>

AG mean Air to ground or at least it did when I last checked...

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Duff @ Mar. 12 2002,00:26)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">your not mentioning that balance can be achived thru #'s of units. yes, an M1 tank is tough, but put him up against more than one t-80 and he might loose. it's up to the mission makers to achive balance this way. Shermans in WW2 weren't that great, but what gave them success was their #'s as an example. So i say let the addons come.<span id='postcolor'>

this is also a good reason that we wouldnt need any more addons. Put 8 shilkas in the way of an A-10 formation, and they're as good as useless. but put 2 machine gunners, and a few soldiers with full skill in the way of 3 oncoming enemy squads, and they'd probably win, or at least take them down to a fraction of what they were just because they would have the drop on them. there are so many things that can tip the odds in a players favor besides numbers, although they play a part as well.

I'll pretty much always be playing the devils advocate to people who want to see more Russian choppers. Because, while it would even things out as far as how many kinds of units each side had, youd just be putting in more of the same. Because the truth is, the Russians only need two choppers right now because the two that they have preforms all the tasks that four of NATOs choppers do. Hell, the Mi-24 alone combines 3 of NATOs choppers.

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i agree about the russian chopper part, but i'd sure like to see a Mi-6 Hook or an Mi-8 hip. but i'm just wishing. i don't need them, but it'd be nice

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