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Badlands Incompletable

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no i said i havent completed it yet, ive since found the second piece of information by return to base camp and being sent to some small village. now as far as i know i have only the assasanation mission for full coompletion. and my point about ppl complaining referred to mission difficulty (not bugs), IT IS EASY (if your lucky enough not to have mission bug)!

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Did you do the two side missions? Try going back to point hood (south of the first village you capture) and speak to the locals standing in the field by the white car. One mission involves protecting a village from a local warlord, and the other is an assassination mission.

Yes I completed all side missions. Now I am stuck in the next one, my team being killed straight away since I applied the endmission command.

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Draeger[OwP];1328692']I'm on that mission just now' date=' just started it. I've just been given a mobile HQ and I have no idea what to do with it!!.

If you need to skip the mission, hold down LEFT SHIFT and the KEYPAD "-" ( minus ) key then let go. Then type in "[b']endmission[/b]" ( without the quotes ) and it will move you onto the next mission.

can keypad "-" be remapped as i don't have a keyboard with a number pad?


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i have conquered all four towns with the CDF, i have knocked of the NAPA guy, and i have defended the town against the bandits..................... what is stopping the mission ending?

the only thing i haven't done is play with my command vehicle, is this a problem?

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Uff, after not less than 30 save/loads, I have finally managed to kill a BVP and protect the villagers.. (I was unlucky not to have RPG with me, so I always needed the enemy to kill my rpg-mans as soon as they still had some ammo left and do it all by myself..)

I have one, no, two questions..

How do you control the vehicles? Now (before taking Rogovo) I have one BRDM, one BVP-2 and one T-72 in my squad (together with my team mates and other 2 or 3 NAPA guys), but I cannot control their movement, like I tell them to go to the place XY, but they are still in a formation behind me.. infantry is o.k., but these vehicles are not.. ?

And one more question: even after saving the village, there were still that two guys with Skoda in my Hood base.. I get no response neither from the saved villagers and these two.. is it normal?

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I have restarted this mission a few times now with the same result:

I conquered the first two villages Novy Sobor and Stary Sobor, but then nothing else happens. No cutscene or radio communications.

I built a base, bought some tanks and took over the other 2 villages. Mission doesn't end, the objective of "conquer region" seems to be met, then resets. Nothing else happens.

What do I do now? If I end the mission with the console command, does it mess up further choices in the game?

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Come on BI... throw us a bone and at least respond! I'm not going to use cheesy "skip mission" console commands to complete the campaign. I'm stalled on this one because it won't complete.

You have a solid foundation in this game, but letting it sit with the hellish campaign bugs is hurting your reputation badly. You should have delayed release for a few more months and got the campaign smooth. Seriously.

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Well, after my 3rd playthrough of this mission it finally ends (only to start with the next mission, dogs of war bugged - but thats another thread). If it helps, the only thing I did differently on the final playthrough was:

1. not to touch the HQ BMP you receive, i.e. don't unlock it or get in or anything, just go into construction and construct your HQ directly ontop of where it is parked on the grass.

2. When taking the 'save vishnoye' sidemission, I did NOT destroy the enemy HQ that you find parked there.

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Come on BI... throw us a bone and at least respond! I'm not going to use cheesy "skip mission" console commands to complete the campaign. I'm stalled on this one because it won't complete.

You have a solid foundation in this game, but letting it sit with the hellish campaign bugs is hurting your reputation badly. You should have delayed release for a few more months and got the campaign smooth. Seriously.

Is anyone aware of BIS responding to ANY game problems, ANYWHERE at all?

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Is anyone aware of BIS responding to ANY game problems, ANYWHERE at all?

They have in the past.

I didn't even know saving Vishnoye was an option I don't think I ever got that. I never had a problem with the mission. I beat it on my second try... I got incapacitated on the first and I can be impatient sometimes.

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I found my issue with badlands and it was not going back and doing the side missions.

when you take that 2nd town head back to the 1st town (HQ) and get the side mission and same for the 3rd town.

its NOT obvious and easily to miss as the conversation is a translated one in your bottom corner and when you under fire your not reading text....

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I cant believe the amount of bugs I've suffered but nothing compares to Badlands. Here's a good one- After several attempts in capturing the fist town in the Badlands scenario with zero casualties, I then start working on my base. Thing are going smoothly for the first time. I'm developing my forces to attack the next town and then BAM! my computer crashes. No problem, I'll just restart the game right? Wrong! I cant load my last game. I'll have to revert back to the beginning.

This is just one example. Most of my other complaints are similar to the many posts I've read (and assume BI has read) on this thread.

Why would you release a game that isn't even close to being ready? Why haven't you even responded to others who are making valid complaints? Are you working on another patch? The game is hard enough to play, why make it hard to enjoy?

I see the games potential and I hope I last long enough to see it through but I think you owe an explanation to the people (including myself) who purchased this incomplete game.

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