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Missing Waypoint Indicator on HUD? Help!

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Hi all. Just started playing my review copy of ArmA 2 with 1.02 patch.

Pretty cool game, runs well on my system, etc.

One thing I can't seem to figure out is where the waypoints are in your HUD.

For instance, I'm in the bootcamp tutorial and the guy tells me to pick up my rifle. There is no way waypoint marker telling me where the weapon is and I had to run around and eventually find it randomly. Same with any other objectives in the game.

Am I missing something? I'm quite experienced with OpFlash (but never played ArmA) so is there something I need to do to bring up the mission objective waypoint indicator?


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Hit ESC or "M" to go to map and then out again should activate it for a while. Also check TASKS in "M" map view to set a task and it should come up. It is shown right in front of your eyes in the world so to speak. It is added to the ground or to an object etc.

It is however (if not set to be showing constantly) fading after a while so it doesnt bother the player. Hitting esc twice or go into map view and out will activate it again for a while.

I think in the difficulty settings (edit) you can set it to always show waypoints. Not sure, cant help you with that atm. Check it.


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The main problem I have with the HUD waypoint marker is that it seems to fade out as it gets toward the centre of my screen. If I turn so the waypoint marker moves towards the left or right side of my screen it's *way* easier to see than when it's directly in front of me. It would be nice to have an option to set the brightness of the marker, or at least not fade it out when it's in front.

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Or just set the diffculty setting down. But maybe they thought the weapon box ten feet away was too obvious to include a marker for. Can't remember.

I think not having the marker get in the way of aim would be a good thing.

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Yup, figured this out after I set my difficulties to normal.

It's hard enough as it is. :)

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Bleh, expert all the way! (though they should improve the AI voice commands/reports accordingly...)

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