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Graphics Options

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Is their enough graphics options to get ARMA II graphics similar to ARMA I?

I only want ARMA II for the massive AI improvements and content I can wait till I get a new rig to run the amazing graphics and I want to be able to learn the editor and check out the content while i wait for a new PC biuld.

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There are graphics settings for ArmA2 that get the same performance as a reasonable setting on ArmA1.

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Ok thanks for the info think I might wait for the demo it's ment to be released today but who knows.

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Just to warn you, there is no word on when the demo is to actually be released, just speculated that it may be sometime early this week, we hope.

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Hopefully we will see it today...Since it was said we'd see it last week(Mon or Tues) and didn't. Those who already own the game got their 1.2 patch an we got left hanging. We'll be lucky to see a demo in the next couple of weeks.....but let me stop venting. Don't hate me Placebo.

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Yup, not a word on the demo and the BI guys have more than likely gone home for the day now. Friday is release day here in the US and i was hoping for a little taste before the big day. But at this point i guess i would rather have version 1.3 come out than the demo LOL.

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Is their enough graphics options to get ARMA II graphics similar to ARMA I?

I just reinstalled ARMA I until I can update my hardware because after toning down the settings to get good framerates that were on par with ARMA I, the settings were so low it wasn't worth it. Now back in ARMA I I get really good framerates with really high settings.

I think there is really no justification for making too many people edit configs manually to get good performance, the in-game graphic settings really aren't intuitive at all. It's as if all conventions were thrown out the window.

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It's the same engine but with more features. I guess both use shader model 2.0 and 3.0?

Unfortunately, because of CPU limitations and increased AI complexity, I can't run ARMA 2 with the same quality I run ARMA. I have to disable all post/AA and lower the resolution. However, when running in windowed 1280x on my 1920x display it looks sharp and clear, and with good fps.

Just a hint "-window".

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Yup, not a word on the demo and the BI guys have more than likely gone home for the day now. Friday is release day here in the US and i was hoping for a little taste before the big day. But at this point i guess i would rather have version 1.3 come out than the demo LOL.

You fool dont speak about the demo or you will get the thread locked and get a yellow card!::a:

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Yup, not a word on the demo and the BI guys have more than likely gone home for the day now. Friday is release day here in the US and i was hoping for a little taste before the big day. But at this point i guess i would rather have version 1.3 come out than the demo LOL.

Sorry to break the news but U.S. isn't coming til July 7th.:mad:

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Sorry to break the news but U.S. isn't coming til July 7th.:mad:

where did it say that?

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jfdfsdjlkfsdj dammit o well 2more weeks wont hurt i guess...

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