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So is Super Powers the new Warfare?

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Cause it sucks so much compared to ArmA 1 Warfare :(.

Its awesome to play dont get me wrong on that but it just feels so unfinished, there's no options menu in your action menu, commander can't set squads to either patrol the base or capture towns etc.

I like how it saves though when u play it lan offline by urself, always fun, even more fun than the SP campaign :).

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Yep - It's warfare.

It's quite buggy at the moment, but I think we can expect BIS to fix this in patches.

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Yeah i also remembered you can do Artillary yet and you can't build the radar's or UAV station, so im guessing this is almost a beta version of Super Powers.

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Just rework superpowers a bit with the editor, like adding SOM or ACM. Uav and radar prob gets fixed by the community b4 bohamia does. Wanted to implement the UAV into Superpowers since last week. But due to work I didn't had much time this week to look into this further. Hope we find a soulution for this soon.


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I let this run overnight last night with just AI fighting. I came in this morning and it was still running. BLUFOR had all it's factories destroyed for what looked to be a few hours as REDFOR had taken already at least half the map while BLUFOR had the major cities and a few outlying areas but had stopped advancing.

I ended up having to vote myself as commander to get the factories up and running. However, when I did, I never got the high command interface...also... and this is big in my mind... I have still since ver 1.00 not gotten the "T" key to work. There is no way to set multiple waypoints, patrol areas, set squad roles (ie. Capture towns, defend, Patrol, etc.), no disband..this needs to be fixed as fast as possible. I noticed that the crcti Warfare .04 has this working, but as a mouse scroll "Options" selection. Without going in and making the mod, is this what the "T" screen is supposed to look like in the default Warfare?



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Aye I've noticed a lot of things missing that are mentioned in the manual and the high command system is missing key things like setting objectives and such...

The new warfare looks like it will trump the original ARMA warfare when it is all fixed and proper though! So many new tools to use like UAV's...

another thing I'd like to see fixed up is other Indirect-fire weapons like mortars and the MLRS added with suitable controls...

but for now we can hope someone mods the map to this capability or than an official patch is created.

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I'm not so sure Superpowers IS Warfare yet... I took a look in the ArmA 2 AddOns folder and there is a Warefare2.pbo. After un-pbo'ing it, I found a wealth of new scripts as well as several example missions like:






Can anyone confirm the difference between Superpowers and the Warfare2 PBO?



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Me and my buddy are having a similar issue. Manual mentions all kinds of cool stuff like UAVs, Artillery, Radars, etc. etc. but we can't build those in any of the maps that come with the game, and the wizzard doesn't have an option for warfare. What the heck?

The only build options we get in "Civil Warfare" & "Superpowers" Are the 6 basic buildings and some defence structures.

Please help...?


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try bennys warfare, its the most played variant with full servers around. its balanced and almost bugfree

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OK, thanks I have had benny's recommended to me in another thread as well so will try that out for sure. :)

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And like I said in other threads, current BI Warfare does not deserve the flak it receives and could be played more, it has been quite polished since release version

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But it isnt played, and the other variants are much better balanced than the bis one.

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It is not played, how can you know? That's quite an issue since ArmA, tbh, that a very few missions are played from a very very large panel of available ones. Like people are afraid to play something different.

So, better balanced how, just to support your case, plz? :)

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Setting the proper parameters in SuperPowers, makes it not so easy to win, which I prefer.

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It is not played, how can you know?

just go to your serverlist and sort by players, then watch the full and half populated servers. thats it

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That was not my question : if it is not played, how can we know about imbalances... if we don't play it?

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It was played much after release, then the ppl who played it becomes lesser over time. Then other variants came and ppl played those. Now only a few versions are still played, and sp isnt one of them.

They are very similar, but the newer fan projects have more features, better balance, better stability and players. They got fixed and tested all the time with full servers, so trust me when is say they are better and much more played than the vanilla warfare mode.


No more trucks hanging around doing nothing

setable view and foliage layer

more equipment (in superpowers russians >> us, no equivalent for havoc before apache/ no bmp3 counterpart and so on)

better menue for player

building stuff not so glitchy

better balanced money and equipment prices set after long time of balancing and tweaking

Edited by Pain0815

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