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initJIPCompatible file...

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What is the purpose of having this file in MP missions:


Its empty, so surely it must trigger a function?

It sounds fairly obvious from the name but whats its exact doing?

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In this file you can also write your briefing etc

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What's the difference between the init.sqf and the initJIPCompatible.sqf? Do I only need one of them and what makes the JIP one so special?

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Well, judging by its name, initJIPCompatable.sqf will execute when new players join the mission in progress, where init.sqf will only execute on mission start. This is only a guess though.

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initJIPcompatible.sqf gets called from the MP mission framework (scripts in modules MP directory).

A script waits until the player object is initialized and execs initJIPcompatible.sqf on clients (all clients, even those that were allready there at mission start as it is basically the same)

Has nothing todo with init.sqf.


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initJIPcompatible.sqf gets called from the MP mission framework (scripts in modules MP directory).

If I understand you correctly: initJIPcompatible.sqf will run automatically everytime a new player connects to an ongoing MP game? It will run on all clients, not just the JIP-player.

Is this verified, or are you merely guessing? Do I need to place a module in the mission to make initJIPcompatible.sqf work? If so: wich one?

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If so: wich one?

He just mentioned it, the mp framework module.

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Sounds like a very, very handy script to broadcast variables and make sure the new player is properly synced :)

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If I understand you correctly: initJIPcompatible.sqf will run automatically everytime a new player connects to an ongoing MP game? It will run on all clients, not just the JIP-player.

Correct. But it only gets executed once on a client machine after the client connected (scripts run allways local).

Is this verified, or are you merely guessing?

Err, I can read scripts :p and have some experience regarding JIP :)

Though to be honest I'm not using it as I had mixed results with it. Sometimes it didn't get started, specially when the mission has a lot of playable slots, for example 50 (might not be a problem of the MP framework but rather an A2 problem).

I'm using another "safe" method by placing a trigger with condition

local player

in the editor and start client scripts from there. It will allways trigger on clients as player is only local in the current client instance.


Edited by Xeno

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I'm using another "safe" method by placing a trigger with condition local player in the editor and start client scripts from there.

Brilliant. Why didn't I think of that? Thanks again


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