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Aiming while walking

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Hello Gentlemen

I am wondering if any of you guys that have Arma II already can tell me if there is a certain feature.

Can you aim through the open sights/scope in any other direction apart from the direction you are moving. If so how many degrees of freedom is there.

Basically, I would like to walk down an alley for example with the weapon up and aim up\down, left\right while still moving straight down the alley.


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I'm not sure if it can be done via free look.

You can always do a similar action, though, by using both the forward and strafe buttons at the same time.

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if you hold down your freelook key (Alt) you can move your weapon around 80-90 degree cone. when you release the air returns to center.

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I'd say 60 degrees at most. And makes you look drunk. Or like you're having an epileptic fit if you strafe with it up.

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Looks like ~45deg from the centered position. Keep in mind it's very hard to control your walk while you do that, though, so it's rarely useful. You'll usually still end up doing it like in most games where you strafe+move in order to aim in a different direction than the one you're moving to - but yes, you can use the freelook feature while aiming to aim up to ~45deg away from your body direction while moving.

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