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Setting the height of a C130

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Gents, how do I set the height of a C130 to 700 metres above sea level so it travels from 1 waypoint to another at that height?



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That and maybe put this in the init, in case the plane should already start at the desired altitude:

this setposASL [getpos this select 0,getpos this select 1,700];this flyInHeight 700

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are you puttin that in the waypoint or the aircraft ?


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yeah i finally figured that out but i'd like to find a way to add it to the waypoints so i can control the altitude of the aircraft at different locations.. will have to mess with it again after work :)

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Do choppers and planes wtill have issuse with Waypoints when they are over 100m high?



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For some reason my plane like to take off the run away and turn in to the last WP instead of gaining alt and it ends up crashing in to the trees..how can i fix that? I even set the wp order

wp 0 is so it gains alt but it still manages to crash in to the the trees.

wp 1 is the real location i want it to fly by, and it just skips 0 and goes to 1..and crashes in to the trees again..sigh i don't know.

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Sorry to re-ignite an old thread, but Im after the same thing. (better than creating a new one and getting flamed)

I want my F35 to fly at 100m ASL rather than AGL.

I did put this

this setposASL [getpos this select 0,getpos this select 1,100];this flyInHeight 100

in the waypoint activation field but soon as it triggered it cause the pilots to bail.

Ive check the waypoint route, and the terrain along the route is less than 50m.

Any ideas?

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Try this instead:

this setpos [getpos this select 0, getpos this select 1,100]; this flyInHeight 100

or this will work

this setPosASL [getPosASL this select 0, getPosASL this select 1, (getPosASL this select 2) + 100]

Edited by cobra4v320

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Until they add a flyInHeightASL you're stuck with flying above ground level unless you're constantly setPosASL'ing it.

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