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How silly do I feel now, works great - I thought the Respawn_west was where I would respawn , put a marker on called Start and working fine


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Have another little issue , Sometimes when i start the mission i get 2/2 lives remaining ?

It is set to 10 lives and most of the time i get 10 but the odd few times i get 2 at start up , anyone know why this could happen ?

Is it anything to do with the amount of stuff i have loading in the init ?


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Have another little issue , Sometimes when i start the mission i get 2/2 lives remaining ?

Its most likely due to a setting in the revive_init.sqf. The scripts have an option whereby players that JIP have a reduced number of lives when they join the mission.

This was done for two reasons - as a disincentive to players who quit and rejoin the mission the moment they fall unconscious and also so that players joining towards the end of a mission don't get an unfair advantage by having the full compliment of lives left (they still have to be careful).

If you don't want to use it just set

_JIP_respawns = [2,30];


_JIP_respawns = [0,0];

and this option will be switched off.

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Hey, having a bit of an issue with my revive script.

Using the latest Arma 2 version on 1.08 (vanilla) and nobody is able to revive each other (there are four of us playing). When someone dies, the game seems to have their dead body, but also spawns a new body, which moves around as if incapacitated, right next to it.

Is there a specific reason why this might be happening?


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If you're using revive version 0.50 you need to have Arrowhead running - the most up to date release for vanilla ArmA2 (ver 0.42) can be downloaded from here: http://norrin.org/downloads/ArmA2/revive/AI_enabled/Revive_TEST_042.utes.rar

Other than that it sounds like a configuration error - first have you got a respawn_west marker on the map? Have you named the playable units in the editor and then put their names in the NORRN_player_units array in the revive_init.sqf eg.

NORRN_player_units= ["s1","s2","s3","s4"];

where s1, s2 etc are the playable unit names

Have you got the the correct unit types in the _can_revive and _can_be_revived options?

etc etc

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yeah I have the right version of the script, the Utes one.

I think I may know the problem, do you need the [] brackets flanking the _can_revive and _can_be_revived options?

As in, it would read ["unit1","unit2"] etc.

Edited by INinja132

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For can revive and can be revived enter the character type, "soldierWB" for example.

In mine they are in " ", not [ ] .

Good luck

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Thanks man, that fixed it. Still does the weird new body generation thing, but at least I can revive them.

Cheers again.

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thank you Norrin for this great script, MP wouldnt be the same without it.

Edited by Demonized
read revive readme... answered my question on "" in names and use of playableunits

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OK still not working spend all day trying to get this to work !

When running on a Dedi server the Mobile Respawn does not work, i just respawn to base not the mobile respawn – I also do not get the Mobile green icon?.

Any changes for a dedi I need to set ?

When i run this local and play host in MP it works great !?

NORRN_player_units = ["s1","s2","s3","s4","s5","s6","s7","s8","s9","s10","s11","s12","s13","s14","s15","s16","s17","s18","s19","s20"];

_mobile_man 					= s1;  

I just took out :-

NORRNCustomExec1 ="[slick1] execVM ""scripts\heloGoTo\heloGoTo_init.sqf"";";
NORRNCustomExec3 ="[slick1] execVM ""scripts\heloGoTo\heloGoTo_init.sqf"";";

and it works now ? so any work around as i still need your Evac to work after respawn ?

Edited by psvialli

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in my coop mission i have checks within mission, if player named s1 and s2 is in lb1, then eject them.

This works well when i test mission.

question 1: what happens if s1 and s2 dies and gets revived prior to this check?

Is s1 and s2 still named s1 and s2 after they have been revived?

question 2: is it possible to define several units to can revive. like baf medic only + us medic only + all special forces units + teamleader us + sectionleader baf?

will this work?:

_can_revive 					= "BAF_Soldier_Medic_MTP","US_Delta_Force_Medic_EP1","US_Soldier_Spotter_EP1","US_Soldier_SniperH_EP1","BAF_Soldier_TL_MTP","US_Soldier_TL_EP1";

and rest will not be able to revive.

---------- Post added at 04:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:31 PM ----------


OK still not working spend all day trying to get this to work !

When running on a Dedi server the Mobile Respawn does not work, i just respawn to base not the mobile respawn – I also do not get the Mobile green icon?.

Any changes for a dedi I need to set ?

When i run this local and play host in MP it works great !?

NORRN_player_units = ["s1","s2","s3","s4","s5","s6","s7","s8","s9","s10","s11","s12","s13","s14","s15","s16","s17","s18","s19","s20"];

_mobile_man 					= s1;  

I just took out :-

NORRNCustomExec1 ="[slick1] execVM ""scripts\heloGoTo\heloGoTo_init.sqf"";";
NORRNCustomExec3 ="[slick1] execVM ""scripts\heloGoTo\heloGoTo_init.sqf"";";

and it works now ? so any work around as i still need your Evac to work after respawn ?

Maybe try

_mobile_man 					= "s1";

since you named it "s1" in first place.

Also i see in init_revive.sqf version 0.50 that unit names are like this without "

NORRN_player_units = [s1,s2,s3,s4]

maybe try altering to this.

Of course i havent read all forum pages so if you guys are on a beta or another version, still waiting for reply on names and saved names..

Edited by Demonized
added question about specific multiple units can revive

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when I use it without the "" after the 1st respawn the screen goes black and after 30 sec it comes back and the guy is frozen ?

What version of the revive script are you using as if its 0.42 then you will need the quotation marks around each of the unit names in the NORRN_player_units array.

The mobile spawn should work fine on a dedicated server regardless of your settings in the NORRNCustomExec1 so without seeing your mission I can't tell you what the problem is.

@Demonized -

Q1. yes S1 and S2 are still called S1 and S2 after they are revived.

Q2. You can have multiple types of units that can revive but you don't set up the options like that as you can only put a single unit type in each _can_revive option. However, this can be a super class such as "soldierWB"; ie. it allows all BLUFOR units to revive or it can be a specific unit class such as "USMC_Soldier_Medic";

In addition, if you just want to use individual unit types, as in you example you can define the individual classes in the revive_init.sqf like this (but four types only)

_can_revive = = "US_Soldier_Spotter_EP1";		
_can_revive_2 = "US_Soldier_SniperH_EP1";								
_medic_1	= "BAF_Soldier_Medic_MTP";	
_medic_2    = "US_Delta_Force_Medic_EP1";

However, by using a combination of super classes and individual unit class names you should be able to get what ever you want - for instance - depending on what the 2 medics inherit from class-wise you may be able to use something like "SoldierWMedic" to account for all the BLUFOR medic classes.

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Thanks Norrin, I found I had copied an old version 3 :j: put v5 on and works like a charm !!!

Is there a way I can Respawn into a moving C130 that will be controlled by a player or is that not possible as it is moving ?

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Thanks Norrin, I found I had copied an old version 3 :j: put v5 on and works like a charm !!!

Is there a way I can Respawn into a moving C130 that will be controlled by a player or is that not possible as it is moving ?

quick and dirty way:

in revive_init.sqf use this:

_no_respawn_points 				= 1;				//array no.12 - no of respawn points (Max number 4)  
_Base_1 						= "C130";			//array no.13 - spawn position names  

create a c130 named c130name for this example, name it whatever if desired, this is the one that your pilot will fly

also if c130 gets destroyed and you use a vehicle respawn script, make sure new vehicle get same name.

create a marker, named C130 for this example far away from the action or any possible enemys.

create a trigger over marker, big enough, think 50 50 will be ok, experiment.

set trigger to anybody present and repated and 1 second in all three time boxes



On activation:

{if (alive _x) then {_x assignAsCargo c130name; _x moveInCargo c130name;}} foreach thislist;

And in revive init

_respawnAtBaseWait				= [1,10];			//array no.68 - Two parameters: 1st if = 1 makes players that respawn at base wait for (parameter 2) seconds before being able to see surroundings   

Now when player dies it should get only 1 respawn dialog named C130, when clicked player will respawn to the marker and be blind for 10 seconds, while player is blind, trigger over marker will move player into c130 as passenger. you can ofcourse add base and other respawn points by setting amount of respawn points and several markers as in top of this post.

Edit1: It doesnt matter

if c130 is in the air or parked at base, player will be moved into cargo anyway, if c130 is destroyed, you may need to add a check in trigger condition:

this and alive c130name

and have c130 respawn immediatly.. depends on the dangers for the c130, you could always just set c130 init:

this setcapture true;

and noone will shoot at it during the mission


maybe there is already a function within revive scripts to do this.. as i said, quick and dirty way on the fly, im no expert:)

Edited by Demonized
added edit

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Yes that works great 1 issue is that i am put in the front seat and not in the back of the c130 any idea how i get in the back ?

Edited by psvialli

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Edit: Nevermind, I think I have it fixed now.

Edited by Nomadd

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Yes that works great 1 issue is that i am put in the front seat and not in the back of the c130 any idea how i get in the back ?

C130 cargo seats is nr 2 to nr 24.

To make it easiest make 2 ai and set this in their initline:


this moveInCargo [ch, 1]; this setCapture true;


this moveInCargo [c130name, 0]; this setCapture true;

Now the 2 other seats in cocpit will be occupied by 2 ai that will not do anything or attract any hostilities.

When player gets moveInCargo it will go to one of the remaining seats, wich all is now only rear cargo seat 2 to 24.

This link is for most of the vehicles seat positions if needed on other vehicles


if you hate the idea of having 2 brainless AI acting as window plants for the pilot

You could also try and make a script if you dont want ai in there with the player pilot, checking if player in seat 2 then choose seat 2+1 then if player in seat (2+1)3 then choose seat 3+1 etc.. making a loop should be fairly easy, but i lack the exact knowledge to write it at this moment.

Edited by Demonized
added seat locations by kylania

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OK tried that but now I do not spawn back into the c130 I just spawn outside it, but I can then get in and go to cargo and the pilot seat is spare.

Any idea why i sould now not spawn into the cargo ?

Edited by psvialli

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OK tried that but now I do not spawn back into the c130 I just spawn outside it, but I can then get in and go to cargo and the pilot seat is spare.

Any idea why i sould now not spawn into the cargo ?

Maybe the setCapture messes with the moveInCArgo command. try without it..

Edit: tested, i assigned copilot and radar guy and pilot and used moveinCArgo on myself in a radio trigger, i ended up in the back of the c130 as expected, test was done in editor with me bluefor, c130 crew bluefor, and no other scripts running, no revive active etc...

Have you renamed the c130 and forgot to change in respawn markers trigger code?

Edited by Demonized
added test info

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I am still having an issue with the Mobile respawn it seem to work once but that is it , can i senmd you the .pbo so you can have a look at see why it is happening - i am uisng the Duala Mod if that is an issue ?

On MP it works fine just on the dedi i am having the issue


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