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Just got it, a few questions.

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So I was playing around in the editor to mess with all of the aircraft and I have a few questions about the interface and command structure.

1) How on earth do I lock onto tanks now while in a helicopter? I had an AI flying me around in an Mi-24v and I brought up the camera, I right clicked on the tank I wanted to lock on but it never did. Did they change the lock on system? I also tried pressing tab but it didn't seem to do much.

2) What happened to the command structure? Another issue I was having was I gave my AI a position to fly us to. After he flew to the point I gave him he kept moving so I told him to stop. He was facing the wrong way after that. I go to my command menu and I noticed 90% of the command interface from ArmA 1 is gone. I cant command him to look south, to look east, etc etc. What happened to the command list?

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1) TAB or right-click does the lock on just fine for me

2) All the older commands are still there, use your number keys just like before and you will see

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1) TAB or right-click does the lock on just fine for me

2) All the older commands are still there, use your number keys just like before and you will see

The tab works when I am the pilot, but for some reason it does not work when I am the gunner...

Also, is there anyway to get the interface to look the same? Because I dont know which numbers to press to get to the commands I want, and my squad members who are waiting for the English version never played the game before.

EDIT: It seems I can lock on ONLY when I am equipping the machineguns. If I switch to the missiles, it wont lock on. Anyone else have this issue?

Edited by Kocrachon

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The tab works when I am the pilot, but for some reason it does not work when I am the gunner...

Also, is there anyway to get the interface to look the same? Because I dont know which numbers to press to get to the commands I want, and my squad members who are waiting for the English version never played the game before.

EDIT: It seems I can lock on ONLY when I am equipping the machineguns. If I switch to the missiles, it wont lock on. Anyone else have this issue?

Might be wrong on this one but thats intentional you're not supposed to chose targets as gunner, thats what the pilot does. If you want to chose targets AND shoot go as pilot and switch to manual fire. Does the trick.

I think you mean Rockets. They are unguided, therefore no lock. AIM Sidewinders do have lock. So yes i have the same "issue" ;)

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Might be wrong on this one but thats intentional you're not supposed to chose targets as gunner, thats what the pilot does. If you want to chose targets AND shoot go as pilot and switch to manual fire. Does the trick.

I think you mean Rockets. They are unguided, therefore no lock. AIM Sidewinders do have lock. So yes i have the same "issue" ;)

No... i mean the missiles... such as the hellfires on the AH-1, the I dont remember what the ones on the Hind or the Shark are called. You use to be able to choose targets as the gunner in the past.

Plus like I said, I can lock onto them when using the machineguns, but if I switch to the missiles that are for locking on with, i cant...

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you cant lock on with machinegun only hellfires and sidewinders

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Yeah the M197 you have to manually control from gunners seat. Or, if you want to attempt it with Manual Fire on in the pilots seat, go ahead. But you can't move it.

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As in RL the gunner only operates the cannon i believe, missiles and rockets are operated by the pilot, i believe this was implemeted as a measure to increase the realism of helicopter gunships.

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Im not sure about the AH-1, but in real life the AH-64 the gunner controls everything actually.

Anyways, let me explain my exact problem again..

While I am the gunner, I CANNOT lock onto targets with the hellfire, however, when I switch to the M197 machine gun, I can lock onto the target with it. Then, if I switch back to the hellfires, the lock DOES stick, and the missiles will guide to it.

Why am I able to lock onto stuff with the M197 but NOT the Hellfire, and how came when I lock on with the M197, I can still use that lock with my hellfires, it makes no sense.

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I have similar issue. Except for me even in the pilot seat with manual fire I cannot target things with the tab button.

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I believe the problem comes from a fact that Hellfires (ingame) can only directly lock onto the targets that are in the "radar square" on the HUD , which is a cone or something in front of the helicopter, to see what I mean, make the helicopter on the ground instead of the air, leveled with your targets and repeat your test. If it works the same as in A1, you should be able to lock onto stuff with no problem.

Establishing the lock with the cannon then switching to Hellfires is a side effect of the fact that you don't lose a lock under any circumstances until you switch to a weapon that is not capable of a lock. (You can lock on with FFAR's but the lock is there only for assisting purposes, instead of actually guiding the rocket to it's target)

Also, automatic "next target" TAB targeting, should also bypass this LOS thing somewhat, but with the following rules: It will only work for the "Red"/"Yellow" targets, and it is impossible to TAB target the "white" objects, like the non-crewed ones, vehicles with the engines off, houses, etc. You have to manually lock onto those by using the lock on key.

Edited by Sniperwolf572

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I have been using enemy tanks that are active as targets. I am a USMC AH-1 shooting at Russian T90s and guerrilla T34s (I have independents set to friendly opfor)

Also I use tab and it doesn't seem to work either.

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