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can someone give me 100% savegame or savegame after manhattan?

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if someone can, please upload an 100% (or something after manhattan) savegame, cause im stuck at manhattan and its long and booring mission to me

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you don't have to wait - just cheat

press left shift and the - key on your numpad at the same time. then type endmission

if it works the phrase endmission comes up and off to the next mission you go

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thanks its works

is there more cheats like godmode?or ammo

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Manhatten is one of the best missions. Why do you want to rush it. Follow the objectives clearly placed on your map and its easy. Did you even read the briefing notes on the map screen? They give you all the intel you need to find people and places.

If you skip this mission then I cant really see the point in buying Arma 2, you may as well go play a shooter on rails like COD where you dont have to think just twitch and shoot.

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Manhatten is definately one of the best missions, however its extremely buggy though not unplayable as many people have completed it without cheating despite the bugs.

However for some people, the endmission cheat is the only way they can continue in the campaign because they may not have the time nor luck nor the patience to deal with the bugs and CTDs and OOMs that occur in the mission.

HAving said that, after seeing the mission in the ingame editor its very easy to see why its so buggy and with many of the other missions to... they are so complex to understand and follow.

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hey guys for some reason the shitf key + "-" doesnt work for me.. all thjat happens is that it zooms out.. pls need help :(

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I have to say that this "cheat" doesn't work for me either :/.

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I have to say that this "cheat" doesn't work for me either :/.

It works since OFP. If it didn't you either did something wrong or tried using it it inside a vehicle.

press left shift and the - key on your numpad at the same time. then type endmission

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Not a good idea to use cheats. It will mess up decisions made earlier in the game and create abnormal situations like example friendly shooting at you.

Edited by Hanzu

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Manhatten is definately one of the best missions, however its extremely buggy though not unplayable as many people have completed it without cheating despite the bugs.

I replayed Harvest Red Campaign a few Weeks ago with CO 1.54 and latest beta patch at that time and I had no bugs during Manhattan. Everything worked fine. During the whole Campaign I had only two bugs. One in One Week Later (Mission failed as soon as the Osprey was airborne) but it was gone when I replayed it and one out of memory error in the last mission. That was all. I think BIS did a very good job with the patches.

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I would love to do something like that too, but I don't have a numpad. How can I open the dev console?

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