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Find the airplane

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Longinius @ Mar. 07 2002,12<!--emo&wow.gif)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Are you telling me that when a plane crashes like that the law does not get scorched, there are no major pieces of wreckage and no heaps of plane debris visible?<span id='postcolor'>

Even if it was 60 - 80 stories high, i didn t see on any pic or movie material there came down alot of debris from the two planes that hit the wtc towers. Only glass and office supplies but i don t think they found much debris from the two planes even during cleanup.

I dont think you can compare a planecrash in a field or forest with a planecrash where there is such a tremendous impact againts a solid structure ( i mean not trees or smaller objects that can rip pieces of the plane before actual impact )

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"Even if it was 60 - 80 stories high, i didn t see on any pic or movie material there came down alot of debris from the two planes that hit the wtc towers. Only glass and office supplies but i don t think they found much debris from the two planes even during cleanup."

The major difference here is that they...

1. fell from 80 stories up with tons of rubble coming down from above.

2. they burnt for a long time prior to this in their own jet fuel in fires that seem more fierce than the Pentagon one

The Pentagon plane must have hit the first floor dead center without touching ground first. It then must have stopped before the wings reached the structure OR both wings folded in along side the plane and continued inwards WITHOUT leaving debri on the outside. And, any fuel to the engines or in the tanks did not spill out until well inside the structure, since if it had spilled out outside we would see a burning lawn.

Just seems odd to me.

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Also to me, but i just don t believe in a conspiracy.

Also, i don t think you can compare both structures.

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IMHO the only way this could happen is if the plane had an extremely low angle of attack. IE it nosed dived in.

This would explain the plane vapourising as most planes atomatise at 500mph when they hit something solid.

BUT!! you would have a big azz crater and I dont see that in the pic.

It does seem rather interesting though now you mention it.

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"I think all these conspiracy theories are ridiculous."

Why do you say that?

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I love good movies about them though biggrin.gif

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"Why? Because I think this conspiracy thing is complete crap."

I understand that, but why do you think its crap? Do you really doubt our world and history is filled with conspiracys?

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Errr yes. This world is not filled with "government conspiracy" crap.

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First of who said conspiracies have to be about governments?

Secondly, governments conspire all the time. Against eachother and against itself. Most conspiracies take place on individual levels though and few take place on an over all organisational scale. But it does happen. And its not rare.

To name a few conspiracies, we have several acts of fraud from various countries, oil prices, in Sweden a recent pavement conspiracy (pavement of all things!wink.gif, political parties secretly supporting extremist organisations, countries secretly supporting oppositional organisations in other countries with the intent to disrupt the government. Those are all conspiracies. Conspiracies dont have to be about aliens and mass destruction.

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Yes, of course there are conspiracies. Otherwise there wouldn't be a word for them. tounge.gif

This case, however, isn't one.

FYI, found this report discussing the engineering aspects of the collapse of the WTC towers.

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There is also the VBS conspiracy!

Many Operation Flashpoint fans secretly intend to create a Operation Flashpoint with their mods that is better and more realistic than the program the marine corps use.   tounge.gif

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wow.gif  But what if the VBS conspiracy is made up by the government?!? If they have undercover agents in our forum and use us to make their VBS better by stealing our ideas!!

That`s it... the evil moderators are probably from the CIA... that would explain a lot  tounge.gif  biggrin.gif

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More engineering opinions on collapse of WTC.

Sample quote: "He and others suspect that the buildings collapsed because the intense heat of the jet-fuel-fed fire softened the steel to the point that the columns no longer could support the weight of the floors above."

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No stopping her now .... too late biggrin.gif

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look im an engineering student, yes a student NOT an expert but still, the power,force and energy involved in these crashes is simply phenomenal, the planes that hit the twin towers could easily have atomised themselves,simply disintergrating,and then once the towers collapsed they would have been crushed and twisted and sheared bwyond recognition so no large amount of debris can seriously be found

As for the Pentagon, this is the center of the American military. America is the most powerful country on earth and one of the most technologically advanced. The Pentagon would have had a ridiculous amount of armour using th newest and most sophisticated alloys and polymers. So a plane hiting the Pentagon could have Atomisied itself, because objects holding a great deal of potential energy when impacting upon a very hard or specialy mad ematerial can simply disintegrated and it IS possible that htis reaction could have spread to the wings and they would have folded into the plane and been atomised by the fire and the force of the impact.

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I agree with Stealth Squirrel, a plane isn't rock solid. Did you ever see pictures of normal plane crashes? Then you know what I'm talking about. Planes that crash usually end up in millions of small pieces, even at 'low-speed' crashes.

So the fact that there were no visible parts of the plane, except a small piece or two doesn't mean that it's a conspiracy.

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Most airplane crashes I have seen pictures from have either had...

1. craters with debri around

2. fairly large chunks of airplane (like parts of the cabin, engines, wings etc)

3. debri strewn over a large area

Now, with a plane impacting a solid object you wouldn't get a big area of debri and the plan would in all likelyhood get smashed. But I still have a hard time seeing that it would nearly disappear.

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Without having looked at every one of the pictures/accounts ,i think (almost) complete disintegration in quite possible. I remember seeing footage of a fighter jet being propelled into a bunker wall at something above the speed of sound and it simply 'dissappeared' into the wall(but NOT through the wall) it just vapourised - so i think its quite possible that a heavier but slower moving object might react similarly when crashing into the Pentagon (assuming the Pentagon is a sturdily made building).

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Okay, it may be a little strange that there is hardly any debris visible, but I still believe that is was a plane that crashed into the Pentagon. Cause if it wasn't a plane, where else did it go?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (IsthatyouJohnWayne @ Mar. 07 2002,15:04)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I remember seeing footage of a fighter jet being propelled into a bunker wall at something above the speed of sound and it simply 'dissappeared' into the wall(but NOT through the wall) it just vapourised<span id='postcolor'>

I've seen that video too. They were testing some new structures of a Japanese nuclear power plant.

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I don't know which US produced science show it was (maybe Dicovery) but about 2 months ago here I managed to see a few minutes of it here and the whole subject was studying impacts.

I don't remember which US labs were doing the testing (Sandia?) but they were hurtling trains, planes and you name it at all sorts of solid material walls.

There was often not much left of whatever object attempted to go through one of their improved impact resistant barriers. Some of these lareg object were on large rocket sleds and what not.

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