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Artillery munition control

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I'm wondering if it is possible to set the ammunition count during a mission for artillery. What I'm thinking about is having to perform ammo runs in order to keep using the artillery to avoid it being such a freebie.

If a gun gets a fixed amount of all ammunitions, that would be insane. Maybe the mission would be to restore some msr to get ammoflow back, and that there simply weren't enough HE left at the start of the mission.

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I'm not sure if I really understood your question, but the way I use artillery is adding one firemission at a time per script.

So as a mission designer, it is at your hands whether or not there is arty support available at a given time.

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I might not want it to be artificially limited by time, but by ammunition instead. Personally it would be a bad idea if the battery had as much Copperheads and Sadarms laying around as it was HE and WP i.e. What if the gun is player operated? How do I restrict the ammo he has available?

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I have written it badly:

It is not limited by time. What I mean is I have for example a trigger that is repeatetly activated by radio alpha. This trigger adds one firemission request with 15 rounds HE to the player. So the player can get one firemission if he calls radio alpha.

Now, you could for example do something like this:

Initialize a global variable "heCount" to 3, e.g. in the "init.sqf" or a init field of a unit:

heCount = 3;

In the condition field of the trigger you put

this and heCount > 0

and in the on activation field put:

hint "Left-click on the map for target coordinates"; onMapSingleClick """target"" setMarkerPos _pos; [sch_arty, _pos, [""IMMEDIATE"", ""HE"", 0.5, 15]] call BIS_ARTY_F_ExecuteTemplateMission; onMapSingleClick """";"; heCount = heCount - 1;

If the player calls radio alpha, he has to left-click on the map for coordinates.

This will first set a marker named "target", then tell a battery logic named "sch_arty" to commence a 15 round HE firemission at that coordinates. After that global variable heCount is reduced by one.

When the player has done this 3 times, heCount will be 0, hence the trigger will not activate any longer.

When the player now has cleared an area you could increase "heCount" again to give him additional firemissions.

If the gun is player operated I think it depends on how many magazines you give to the gun.

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Not sure where I saw this, classnames or in the language files, but I'm pretty sure there was 30rnd_magazine for the howitzer. IRL copperheads (155mm equivalent to the new 'laserguided' projectile) is usually only two per gun. And expensive as hell :) Having same amount of these and sadarms as the HE and WP, creates as I see it a great imbalance.

In my simulated copperhead for Domination, we only got a single shot extra per mission, to enforce it's less frequent use. I hope BIS will consider lowering these significantly. Maybe one per gun of laser guided, and two per gun of sadarm? Or something...

Leaving ammunition count to be script based can quickly cause problems for JIP. In my Domination edit, I already reached the limit on how many variables I can carry over to a JIP client. Just a couple more, and it will crash a dedicated Arma1 server.

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Use a separate battery for only Copperheads using virtual artillery in the same location as the real battery and give them less ammo?

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Hmm. Might work. Thanks.. Well, now I only miss the game so I can actually try it out :D

But player controlled arty is still at large though.

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now I only miss the game so I can actually try it out :D

You are kidding me, right? Though I do understand you somehow....

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While it's true real copperheads are expensive, keep in mind that we're dealing in fiction here with a 105mm laser guided round. Modern artillery rounds are evolving every day, so it's not unreasonable to imagine a cheaper, guided alternative being fielded a few years from now.

Regardless, one always has the option of making an addon with lower round count.

Edited by Headspace

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is it possible to this unlimited shells in single player missions not only editor?

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