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ARMA2 & OA's Steam Thread: All Steam Q's/discussions go here [covered by Dwarden]

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I am also having the same issue with these CAWheeled2_BTR90 files. I can't seem to locate this in the Arma Folders which could mean its all hidden elsewhere?

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AFAIK the "CA" stuff is addons belonging to ArmA2. Are you guys sure that you are running ArmA2 and OA combined?

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I purchased Arma II combined operations from Steam and have both installed, so technically it should be able to work. Unless I am missing some interface somewhere. But the thing is, the multi-player recognizes that I have Arma II, Arma II OA and British armed forces.

This makes me unable to play any chernarus multiplayer map, could anyone help me?

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I purchased Arma II combined operations from Steam and have both installed, so technically it should be able to work. Unless I am missing some interface somewhere. But the thing is, the multi-player recognizes that I have Arma II, Arma II OA and British armed forces.

This makes me unable to play any chernarus multiplayer map, could anyone help me?

run STEAM as administrator

start first ARMA 2 (this writes key into registry), exit ARMA 2

start ARMA 2: BAF (to ensure BAF is properly installed)

starts ARMA 2: OA binary so no worry

start ARMA 2: Combined Operations

starts ARMA 2: OA binary so no worry

now you should be able load all maps in editor (Utes, Desert, Chernarus, Takistan, Shapur)

in case this don't work try revalidate file cache of each title and repeat the procedure

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run STEAM as administrator

start first ARMA 2 (this writes key into registry), exit ARMA 2

start ARMA 2: BAF (to ensure BAF is properly installed)

starts ARMA 2: OA binary so no worry

start ARMA 2: Combined Operations

starts ARMA 2: OA binary so no worry

now you should be able load all maps in editor (Utes, Desert, Chernarus, Takistan, Shapur)

in case this don't work try revalidate file cache of each title and repeat the procedure

Is there a way to make a shortcut for Combined Operations? I'm kinda lazy and like to have shortcuts. I also forget to go into my games library and right click OA to run CO.

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Is there a way to make a shortcut for Combined Operations? I'm kinda lazy and like to have shortcuts. I also forget to go into my games library and right click OA to run CO.

make shortcut to this file

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\ARMA 2 Operation Arrowhead\_runA2CO.cmd

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make shortcut to this file

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\ARMA 2 Operation Arrowhead\_runA2CO.cmd

Sweet TY!

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To my post previously: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=107354

I am still getting the same error after turning off UAC and letting steam run under administrator priviledge - Basically I deleted all local content (ARMA 2, ARMA 2 OA, ARMA 2 Brtish Armed Forces) and redownloaded ARMA 2 OA and got the error when starting it.

PS: I also chosen to participate in beta steam program.

Anyone please help. Thanks

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so far everyone who encoutered issues with BAF and STEAM was fixable with one of these steps

1. run STEAM as administrator (applise to below steps too)

2. revalidating filecache of ARMA 2 and ARMA 2: OA

+ starting ARMA 2 and ARMA 2: OA once

3. erasing these folders inside OA (\BAF\ and \DLCsetup\)

+ reinstalling A2: BAF

as for You these seems to not work ... there are several other questions

do i understood correctly You are getting this error with only ARMA 2: OA ? (A2 and A2:BAF not installed)

what's exactly you OS ?

same error even if you enable UAC and use 'run as administrator'? (yes disabling UAC caused weird result for some users)

any special security suite (HIPS firewalls like Comodo Suite, Norton Suite etc)?

any other special software running (memory firewalls, sandboxing or else ?)

was ARMA2OA.rpt created on startup of arma2oa.exe?

on W7 located e.g. C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\

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Hi Thanks for reply:

I redownloaded all (ARMA2, ARMA 2 OA and ARMA 2 BAF) via steam.

As per your instruction:

For 1. Done this via propertieies of steam.exe select priviledge run as administrator - I reactivated UAC, I am using Windows 7.

For 2. Revalidated Arma2 then Arma2:OA and then try start ARMA 2 followed by ARMA2:OA. ARMA 2 starts fine can get in game, ARMA:OA returned error code 51.

For 3. erasing these folders inside ARMA2:OA (\DLCsetup\) - I do not have \BAF\ folder.

I do not have special security suite. and I cannot see ArmA 2 OA folder at all; only ARMA2 folder in C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\.


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well it seems like quite popular problem


no F-Secure antivirus ?


in most cases fix is disable AV and run as admin ... but in Your case ... hmm no idea but must be reason

what applications you are running ?

Edited by Dwarden

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hmm it should work if you start whole STEAM as admnistrator

make sure you really have BAF downloaded :)

anyway try run ARMA 2: OA it should start BAF install automatically

as replacement of Your F-secure antivirus i suggest to use Avast! v5 www.avast.com

the home edition is free fron non-commercial use

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hmm it should work if you start whole STEAM as admnistrator

make sure you really have BAF downloaded :)

anyway try run ARMA 2: OA it should start BAF install automatically

as replacement of Your F-secure antivirus i suggest to use Avast! v5 www.avast.com

the home edition is free fron non-commercial use

Thanks, all my other pc use Calm AV, free too! I will stick with that.

I start OA and clicked expansion and can see green box next to BAF. Thanks again!:bounce3:

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So ever since BAF my OA has not worked. I talked to steam they weren't helpful at all i'm wondering right now if it's my DX11 that messed up OA or if it was BAF. I've uninstalled/reinstalled about 30 times. I verified the cache, etc.

When I try and run it nothing comes up at all. I open my taskmanager and watch it get to 19K in the memory column and then dissapear.

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So ever since BAF my OA has not worked. I talked to steam they weren't helpful at all i'm wondering right now if it's my DX11 that messed up OA or if it was BAF. I've uninstalled/reinstalled about 30 times. I verified the cache, etc.

When I try and run it nothing comes up at all. I open my taskmanager and watch it get to 19K in the memory column and then dissapear.

running STEAM as admin ?

any security software?

any nonstandard software?

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So... I own ArmA2, ArmA2:OA and Arma2:BAF all on Steam. I have 2 working folders in the SteamApps/Common folder, one for ArmA2 and one for ArmA2:AO... both folders together total over 15 gigs of data... are they duplicating files? is there no way to merge both in to a single working directory?

Next question:

When I launch ArmA2:OA it asks if I want to launch Combined Arms... but when I do that, the following happens.... the Expansions Menu lists:

ArmA2: British Armed Forces


ArmA2: Operation Arrowhead


Just like that and it won't acknowledge any of the @Mod folders like it does when I just launch ArmA2:OA on it's own. What gives?

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the merge is not overwriting content anyway so you would not make your games smaller by combining them into single dir ...

i assume you got some mods because default A2 is under 10GB and OA same ...

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intel core [email protected]


ninvidia ge gtx 480gaming graphics 4095gb

500 gig hd

win7 64 bit

I have went thru all fixes listed with neg results including


A staff member has replied to your question:

Hello Tim, If it still does not work, please try deleting your ArmA 2 expansion entries: Go to the "Start" menu, select "Run", type "regedit" and click "OK". Navigate to the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ Note: In 64-bit operating systems, this path may begin as: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ Right-click on the entry "ArmA 2 OA" and select "Delete". The entry may appear as a folder. Exit regedit. Load Steam using the following instructions: -If you are running in Windows Vista or Windows 7, please completely exit Steam, and right-click on the shortcut which you use to launch Steam and select "Run as Administrator." -If you are running in Windows XP, take the following steps: 1) Exit Steam. 2) Go to the "Start" menu, select "Run", type "regedit" and click "OK". 3) Navigate to the following registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\VALVE 4) Right click and select "Permissions" 5) Check the boxes for "Admin" and "System" to "Full control" and "Read". From the Library list, right-click on "ArmA 2" and select "Properties" from the menu. Select the "Local files" tab and click the "Verify integrity of game cache..." button. Steam will verify the game cache files (GCF's) - this process may take several minutes. Once the process is completed, the "Check" window will automatically exit. Do the same for "ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead". You should now be able to launch your game. If you continue to have difficulty, further technical support for this title is handled by a third party support department - please follow the link below for instructions to contact the support provider for this title: Title: ArmA II series Link: http://support.steampowered.com/kb_a...7614-RUPL-1145 Please let us know if you encounter any difficulty contacting the support provider for this title, or if you have any further questions.

I am at a loss as to what to do any help would be appreciated

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they key problem here is to run whole STEAM.exe as administrator first

the do revalidation of the game (or complete reinstall) and start it

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I am really getting tired of this run around on a fix. this has been going on for darn near a week now. I bought this game from steam when it came out and I haven't played it all that much. I like the game and like OF. I would like to play combined ops with my friends. However, It is not possible as I can't get arma 2 to run . All I get is a note saying BAD SERIAL NUMBER GIVEN IN SETUP.

I e-mailed steam a bunch and tried all their fixes and was referred to here because they said that you could handle it. I don't know what the answer is to this problem ???? I tried the fix your rep said to try and reinstalled arma2. I got the same results as every time I have tried your fixes, which is negative.

Look, I have been patient and have tried and tried to fix this issue. I either need a new key or a refund from steam or you. I really don't know why you or steam can't go into my account and fix this problem. I bought the game thru steam. there is a record of it.:(

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the fix to this problem is same since ARMA 2 and Vista

e.g. see here (it's the classic exit steam, "run as administrator" , start ARMA 2/OA)


and it always work (You would be first who can't fix the bad serial number given in setup)

anyway if You can't fix it then You must contact Valve(STEAM) for the refund or account analysis because we have no control over theirs service

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Hi there, I've searched for answers to my question but havent come across any that help.

My Squadmate has Arma2 with Arrowhead and Baf but purchased it through Steam (the rest of us bought through different means), the problem is that he cant join us when we're playing on a non-dedicated server (my own PC), though he can join any of the dedicated servers which would I'm presuming count out any firewall problems. Versions are the same.

Any assistance would be gratefully received.


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I have the Steam version of arma2 , arma2oa and the British dlc.

I have no problems joining 'normal' cd install servers etc.

However, there are a few points he should be aware of...

first, if your running arma2 only... arma2 oa wont see the server at all.

if you start the server with ao, he needs to as well...

sounds obvious? its not.

combined ops makes it a bit different. steam version of combined ops, you have to run a BATCH file... tell him to find that batchfile, and run it. (or go into the steam browser and use the link there.)

if you use mods, the steam version gets a bit messier... you can add the mods into the steam launcher... but your always stuck with them. instead, copy the batch file, and down at the bottom, you can add specific mods via commandline.. and u can have alot of diff setups for that with more than one batchfile.

(hope i made sense! sometimes i go off on tangents lol)



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well here i am again. I have still not received a fix on my game. I either need a fix or a new key. I contacted steam like you told me and they told me to contact you. I want someone to either fix, give me another key , or give me my money back.

I am tired of this runaround. This has become a nightmare. I want and demand results of one of the afore menti0ned things. I have been a loyal customer for the last several years and have had only one problem prior to this one. I received a bad key for bbc and it was resolved right away by giving me another key. What is so hard about this.

I don't understand why i should be made to go thru all this aggravation when it is not my fault. I paid good money for this game and would like to enjoy my purchase.

Help me out here, fix my game !!!!!!:(

when verifying cache the check stops at 50% for arma2 and says 100% complete. while doing the cache check for operation arrowhead it runs thru 100% of the check. Operation arrowhead works fine

Edited by tertim
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