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transporting vehicles with the hercules

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ArmA and VBS are vastly different at this point it seems on many things. For one you cannot wander around inside vehicles like you can in the VBS videos, at least not without collision issues (tried it a few times in a Chinook in ArmA1, resulted in me sliding out the back or falling through the floor).

It'd be nice to be able to load vehicles like that though, or even be able to walk inside the C-130 or V-22, or any future addons while they are moving without having to be seated in fixed spots. I don't think we'll see this happen unless BIS makes a magic patch that allows it some day.

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I think BIS isn't going to implement that, it's something which is a SELLING POINT for VBS. Even though this is something which should be implemented in A1 and A2, It most likely never will. If they start adding all the cool stuff from VBS into ArmA 2, why would anyone buy VBS?

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I think there's more to VBS than more accurate vehicle collision detection as opposed to in ArmA. I doubt adding such a feature would hurt VBS's sales.

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Where would you take the vehicle? To one of the airports only several km away :rolleyes:

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Where would you take the vehicle? To one of the airports only several km away :rolleyes:

It'd still be fun :D

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Question, can you airdrop those Paratrooper bikes? That is after all what they are made for. And can you carry it on the LAV as pictured on a screenshot some time ago?

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arma2 just a tool to finance vbs?

Oh noes.... not this again. :rolleyes:

Who promised you that you can transport vehicles in a Hercules? Exactly, no one. It's a result of the community hype where on page 1 in a thread someone said it would be cool to transport vehicles in a plane and on page 6 it became a (not existant) fact.

VBS2 != ArmA2

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Question, can you airdrop those Paratrooper bikes? That is after all what they are made for. And can you carry it on the LAV as pictured on a screenshot some time ago?

I think that was scripted in the mission, but I'm not sure.

However it is very simple to script thanks to the attachTo command. You can script it into your own missions with some work.

(assuming it's not already in the game)

For airdrops you could spawn a parachute and attach the bike to it.

Maybe someone will create a nice set of scripts to transport the bikes around.

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The ideal thing would be to spawn a bike as the person airdropped lands. These bikes are packed in a bag attached under the airdropped soldier.

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i just hope the ACE guys or some other talented modders will give us this feature.

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arma2 just a tool to finance vbs?

I really do think the flow of cash works the other way around. :p

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