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Gecko ATV (Alpha vers.)

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today I release version 0.7 of the Gecko ATV (The vers. included in the device was vers. 0.2)

The difference between this and the version of the device is that its

the light cargo version this time, used for smaller cargo.


You can use it to transport troops (4) or weapons.

The good thing is, you can drive with it through woods, water,

hills and countryside at a good speed, which makes it a perfect

supply vehicle.


Costum Sounds

Working Damper

Large trunk for transportation

Own mapicon

Own icon

Known issues:

a little misplaced rpm

damage tex. do not pop up sometimes

Hard to shoot out cargo yet (due geometry)

These things will be fixed in vers. 1 in no time

*Note* If you think the gunner position is a bug,

well, you're wrong. I included it for commanders that people can

order their units to move to the wanted location etc., thats why you can use it as

a commanding vehicle as well






Download Link:


Edited by Takko

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well done! Nice addition to arma :)

waiting for the download link though :P

EDIT: just downloaded, very nice, good job!

Edited by Schancky

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It looks great! Thank you! However, I've downloaded it, and can't see it anywhere in the editor... It doesn't seem to be under EMPTY at all ?!?

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It's not under (West) Blufor for me anywhere... Please help! (I've already made all unit visible in ACE.)

Edited by robmuzz

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Pretty nice vehicle. How does it pull the device?


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Janowich was right, it is under Blufor-Amoured->Gecko ATV (The first one)

Or under Empty-Amoured-Gecko ATV

but in ACE Mod the standart classes are hidden, try to start it without ACE.

In next version I should make its own class when people don't find it.


If this is the Gecko Vers. came with the device, then you should drive to the back of the

device util there appears in the actionmenu : drag device

The the device gets tires and you can move it. I'am going to make pictures tho.

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Or do start with ACE but you need to change a word in the ACE config file called: ace_clientside_config.hpp and you find it in the ARMA/DTA/ACE folder.

The line is called:

#define ACE_SCOPE_SHOW_BIS __hidden

change the end so it look like this:

#define ACE_SCOPE_SHOW_BIS __visible

SAVE and start ARMA. Now you see BIS & other addons in the list.


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If this is the Gecko Vers. came with the device, then you should drive to the back of the

device util there appears in the actionmenu : drag device

The the device gets tires and you can move it. I'am going to make pictures tho.

The action menu seems not to be displayed even if I turn behind device and it crowds :confused:


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I unstalled the ACE mod, and run the base game, and I still can't see the Geko!

I already had all the units that ACE hides made visable. I can only assume that there's something else hiding it. My blufor and empty - armoured starts with M113s no sign of it.

Has anyone got this problem? If you HAD and have solved it, please let me know!

Thank you.

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Thats weird as you seem to be the only one

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