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Pakistan Taliban/Al Qaeda War

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They don't even have to detonate a stolen nuclear device in the middle of a big city in America, India, or Pakistan to get noticed.

A nuclear detonation in a small border village on the wrong side of the border could be enough to trigger a very nasty series of events between Pakistan, India, and the world.

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Hi all

As you all know I have been warning about how Wahhabi Al Qaeda are gaining increasing control in Pakistan.

The American intelligence community has now come to the conclusion that Pakistan is colluding with Al Qaeda and the Taliban.




Here is the BBC Documentary on the the Level of ISI's involvement with Al Qaeda and the Taliban.


Kind Regards walker

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The American intelligence community has now come to the conclusion that Pakistan is colluding with Al Qaeda and the Taliban.

No Shit?

Seriously, everybody could have seen that some years ago

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No Shit?

Seriously, everybody could have seen that some years ago

Yes, it's very unlikely that Mister Ben Laden was living in a Pakistanese army garrison town without anybody noticing him. Or maybe an incredible Alzheimer epidemy...

Oh wait, i know this guy but.. what was his name already ?

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Robin Cook said it best in this article:


Throughout the 80s he was armed by the CIA and funded by the Saudis to wage jihad against the Russian occupation of Afghanistan. Al-Qaida, literally "the database", was originally the computer file of the thousands of mujahideen who were recruited and trained with help from the CIA to defeat the Russians.
I dont for one second think there is an organised group under that name at all, mainly very pissed of people who want to react to the invasions of the past, this "group name" I would suspect only lives on the internet, in agencies paperwork and in the media's current and past archives, and pretty much a collective put together way before the last 10 years that now has a new badge for us to be threatened by. Oddly enough its now a mixed occupation of the same place, with the same agencies shouting "threat level" every so often from said named group.

Of course, that's my view of the name itself.

Edited by mrcash2009

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Taped it tonight - should be interesting viewing!

I watched 'Secret Pakistan' tonight - the BBC doc on the Pakistani ISI and Government. Incredible! If all it asserts is correct it means some of the aid we give Pakistan is being used to train and arm the Taliban that kill our troops. They also show the training of the London 7/7 bombers in Pakistan and the possible input of the ISI.

Secret Pakistan:

In May this year, US Special Forces shot and killed Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan. Publicly Pakistan is one of America's closest allies - yet every step of the operation was kept secret from it.

Filmed largely in Pakistan and Afghanistan, this two-part documentary series explores how a supposed ally stands accused by top CIA officers and Western diplomats of causing the deaths of thousands of coalition soldiers in Afghanistan. It is a charge denied by Pakistan's military establishment, but the documentary makers meet serving Taliban commanders who describe the support they get from Pakistan in terms of weapons, training and a place to hide.

This first episode investigates signs of duplicity that emerged after 9/11 and disturbing intelligence reports after Britain's forces entered Helmand in 2006.

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I'm not sure if it's related but there was a terrorist attack on the US embassy in Sarajevo yesterday.

One police officer guarding the building was wounded before police surrounded the gunman. After a 30-minute standoff, the sound of a single shot echoed and AP video showed the shooter slump to the ground. He was armed with an AK-47 and grenades.

In videos he seems calm after being shot in the leg and puts his hands out by his side and looks around to see what's happening. Very professional and courageous police work.



Edited by PELHAM

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Shot in the Leg? German News reported that he was killed by the police

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Hi all

In reply to PELHAM:

I refer you to something I wrote earlier in the thread about Wahhabi methods of recruiting, selection and control:

...How Modern Wahhabi Madrasahs work, around the world

The Wahhabi Madrasahs; schools, colleges and orphanages are used to choose and stream the different classes of Student/Taliban (Taliban, in Pashto, means Student remember) The vast majority of Wahhabi Madrasahs' students, between 75% and 90%, are just unconscious financial supporters, via school fees and charitable donations to their Alma Mater.

The Wahhabi Madrasahs are based on concepts taught to them by their Western security agencies, the Pakistani ISI and Saudi Secret Service trainers; in how to recruit and groom the various asset types they needed. The Tactics, Techniques and Procedures that formed there SOP were reverse engineered from Russian communists, Chinese Maoists, Koreans, Cuban and NVA revolutionary manuals and practice sources some of this stuff goes all the way back to the SOE and French Resistance and indeed back to the America Revolutionary war and all the way back to Machiavelli and Sun Tzu.

It has also been further refined by modern psychology and the fruits of America's own MK Ultra project.

It is all about classifying and streaming the different asset types:

A selected few are active support (all these are then leverage-able via blackmail)

a) Direct financial supporters, people who give money for acts of jihad.

b) Recruiters, people who work in and run the Wahhabi Madrasahs; schools and orphanages usually Arabs at the higher levels, people like Anwar al-Aulaqi.

c) Trainers and technical support, the Taliban has bomb makers, computer and encryption experts etc. the more socially inept of the nerds at a school, the ones who want to look cool, these are the covert core assets who remain hidden and prime targets of the CIA.

d) Administrative control and asset handling, the people who control the suicide bombers.

e) Suicide bombers, in every school there are people who have mental issues these are the people who Al Qaeda choose as Suicide Bombers, people with a similar psychological make up to say to Jared Lee Loughner, the Tucson killer.

f) Soldiers; those who are are not stupid enough to be suicide bombers but who like guns, every school has them...

I also refer you to this program by Derren Brown on Channel 4 where he demonstrated in an experiment programming a person by selecting one of the small percent who are susceptible to these techniques to a the point that they could be caused to commit an assassination:


I would suggest that there are similarities in the experiment to the person in your post.

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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Shot in the Leg? German News reported that he was killed by the police

Every one else reports that he is alive? That's the 2nd time this month that I have had to correct the German press lol.

"Hospital spokeswoman Biljana Jandric told The Associated Press the gunman had a minor wound to his leg, and would spend the night at the hospital before being released into police custody."

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Hi all

In reply to PELHAM:

I would suggest that there are similarities in the experiment to the person in your post.

Kind Regards walker

Yes the guy in the above post is a very sad case that has obviously been misled and brainwashed, it's happened many times before. Unfortunately the young men of this faith are conditioned to accept everything they are told without question from a young age. It makes setting them up for this sort of thing much easier.

I'm looking forward to the next episode of Secret Pakistan - just incredible.



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Hi all

It appears that the appalling attack on Mosques in Kabul by Pakistani Wahhabi Al Qaeda has been the final straw to break the camel's back among Afghan Taliban.


Many Afghan Talibs are openly calling for a break with Pakistan and condemning the Al Qaeda attacks.

A tipping point has been reached it is time to seize it.

Kind Regards walker

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