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Mouse movement in ArmA II

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Is it similar to OFP or is it like in ArmA with excessive smoothing? This smoothing causes a horrible mouse lag unless you're playing at 100+ frames per second, which is impossible in ArmA.. except maybe in the desert.

In ArmA II there should be an option for smoothing.

Edited by Leopardi

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Are you sure its just you put your video settings a bit too high? I have NO mouse lag in ArmA.

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Are you sure its just you put your video settings a bit too high? I have NO mouse lag in ArmA.

Try to go in northern sahrani and turn your settings so that you can have more than 100fps while looking at the sky.. then look down and try to aim at 50fps. It's completely different, the mouse will be lagging like hell compared to +100fps.

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Try to go in northern sahrani and turn your settings so that you can have more than 100fps while looking at the sky.. then look down and try to aim at 50fps. It's completely different, the mouse will be lagging like hell compared to +100fps.

I totally get where your coming from. Good question. I would like to know this as well.

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I remember saw/heard somewhere that the mouse movement have been tweaked so that it is more responsive now, forgoted where through

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I remember saw/heard somewhere that the mouse movement have been tweaked so that it is more responsive now, forgoted where through

But I don't get why couldn't there simply just be an option to turn off the mouse smoothing? Armed Assault would be SO much more enjoyable without this smoothing ruining the feel of the game.

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Don't remember explicit smoothing (like a feature added, I mean) in ArmA

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I suffer the mouse lag in Arma, just as Leopardi describes. For me, it was the most annoying thing when playing the game. I hope I can get rid of it in ArmaII

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But I don't get why couldn't there simply just be an option to turn off the mouse smoothing? Armed Assault would be SO much more enjoyable without this smoothing ruining the feel of the game.

For me its not "lag" or "smoothing", its feels like "dragy", feels like having extra elastic bands holding the 2 crosshair to move, instead of the good old OFP way where your outer crosshair is where your mouse position are

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Tried all the novsync/Flip queue size/Max pre rendered frames/no free mouse movement fixes? A lot of people had the problem in the beginning (Including me) but AFAIK it was fixed for most people.

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Just adding that i too have this type of mouse lag. ArmA always felt a bit "creamy" to me. Some areas its better and some "creamier". Its not because of lag (well sort of ofcourse), but other games where lag/chop/low fps takes effect i dont get the same slowdown of the mouse. I dont know what it is. Maybe "mouse smooth" as some say here. Maybe an option for it (if there even is any smoother) would eliminate the problem.

BIS, please take a peek at it when you got some time over. :)



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It's the mouse smooth for sure. It smooths out the movement for a certain number of frames. Like if it was set to 5, then at 5fps it would take one additonal second before your mouse starts moving in-game, and then another second to stop after you have stopped moving the mouse. This is pretty close to what it is in ArmA I think.

This should be like in Unreal Engine, where you can adjust mouse smoothing to any value between 0-1

Edited by Leopardi

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The thing I'm still wondering because I've never seen an official statement about it, is if BI deliberately put a mouse smoothing thing in place (in which case, adding a configuration setting can be done) or it's a side-effect of the way they handle the mouse signal (in which case, you're screwed, Leopardi)

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I don't know if it was mouse smoothing or not as I dont know what mouse smoothing is but I definately agree something should be done about the way the game uses the mouse. I found myself trying to aim at a target in ARMA and it taking ages to aim exactly where I wanted because as I moved the mouse the game was slow to react and I ended up over-correcting the input, very annoying.

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Yes, this is a problem I have too.

No lag at all, just pure "mouselag", where the movements are delayed some 0.1 seconds or so.

EXTREMELY annoying.

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I had this when ArmA came out. I think it was my system back then ([email protected], 2GBRam, 8800GT, WinXP) and i had the shaders on high.

Using the lowplants addon and reducing the mouse deadzone helped somewhat, but the northern woods were always a bit painfull to play in.

Now with my [email protected], 4GB ram, GTX260 i don't have this problem anymore.

I remember somebody told me that some ppl get arkward mouse lags when trying to fiddling around with mouse speed in the windows options. You should always leave the windows settings on default and rather tweak your mouse via the mouse drivers, Logitech G5 in my case. Don't use mouse acceleration or anything other fancy things.

I have to use lowest sensitivity of 400 with my G5, along with very low sensitivity in the ArmA mouse options. And i need the Y axis to be twice as high as the X axis to get a round circle when moving the mouse.

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The thing I'm still wondering because I've never seen an official statement about it, is if BI deliberately put a mouse smoothing thing in place (in which case, adding a configuration setting can be done) or it's a side-effect of the way they handle the mouse signal (in which case, you're screwed, Leopardi)

I am 100% sure it's the smoothing. You can notice it when you look around since it goes so smoothly even if you have a low resolution mouse. OFP has zero smoothing when not zoomed in and you can notice it, it's very responsive. ArmA has this smoothing even when not looking through sights.

Edited by Leopardi

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I am 100% sure it's the smoothing. You can notice it when you look around since it goes so smoothly even if you have a low resolution mouse. OFP has zero smoothing when not zoomed in and you can notice it, it's very responsive. ArmA has this smoothing even when not looking through sights.

On the other hand OFP's cursor skips pixels. It's like you're moving your mouse over a low resolution grid and the cursor snaps to the closest coordinate.

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On the other hand OFP's cursor skips pixels. It's like you're moving your mouse over a low resolution grid and the cursor snaps to the closest coordinate.

Yeah there is no option to lower the sensitivity in OFP. But in ArmA there is. Would be perfect if there was an option to tune the smoothing.

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i'm getting bad mouse lag/smoothing in the arma2 demo. it makes the game nearly unplayable for me. fine aiming is impossible. a small movement of the mouse produces no movement of the sights. it takes a relatively a large movement of the mouse to move the crosshairs, which is obviously undesirable. the smallest movement i can make is about 10 pixels. i'm not retarded and don't have cerebral palsy. my setup works fine for every other FPS out there. if they don't fix this, i'm not buying the game. sad, because i was really really psyched for arma2.

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Is it similar to OFP or is it like in ArmA with excessive smoothing? This smoothing causes a horrible mouse lag unless you're playing at 100+ frames per second, which is impossible in ArmA.. except maybe in the desert.

In ArmA II there should be an option for smoothing.

I noticed it too. At first I thought I had a hair or something in the laser. Seems to be intermittent with me on only ever really get it at menu screens

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It's very odd. I have this mouse lag too.. but a few friends of mine say they don't.

I've tried a few of the so called work arounds, they help VERY little. I can still somewhat play, but it is really very annoying. I don't think I should just "put up with it" when I would be spending 50 bucks on it tomorrow.. that's IF I even get it due to this.

GOD..... PLEASE FIX IT! :eek:

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Godd*mnit son of a b*tch don't tell me ArmA 2 also has this lag/smoothing. Can anyone confirm or deny this?

Mouse smoothing is the main reason I didn't buy ArmA and stuck with OFP, I just can't stand it :(

I won't buy this game either if it's like ArmA. Cba getting shot in the face and restarting because the game is irresponsive and I can't aim properly.

Edited by cullBo

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