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Preview Version AI?

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On any previews, I never seen an IA shooting the player !

In the preview version IA SetSkeeled at 0 ?

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On any previews, I never seen an IA shooting the player !

In the preview version IA SetSkeeled at 0 ?

The AIs in the preview versions act extremely weird and no one really knows why. It's possible that they're set to zero skill, but there may be other reasons. Unfortunately, since all the beta testers have signed an NDA, they can't give any info about what the AI is really like. Unless we get some official footage from BIS, we'll just have to wait until the game is out in Germany on the 29th.

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From the videos I've seen, it appears that the teammates AI is good, while the enemy AI looks the same as Arma. I doubt that's how it actually is, but it's the impression I'm getting.

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In 2 video previews on youtube the player gets shot by the AI : in one vid the player dies and in the other one the player is only wounded (and then the character 'Robo' starts moaning).

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From the videos I've seen, it appears that the teammates AI is good, while the enemy AI looks the same as Arma. I doubt that's how it actually is, but it's the impression I'm getting.
Wasnt it the same setup in ArmA1? Maybe they play on Cadet Mode; Enemy Skill: SILLY, Friendly Skill: PRO? :)

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As far as I remember, the sliders might be slightly skewed in the difficulty menu. However, for Arma II, that definitely shouldn't mean that one team properly uses cover while the other just walks in the open. There's something wrong here, but I'll hold my final opinion until the demo before deciding what is exactly.

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I wont even give my final verdict from a demo. When i have the game itself installed i will see how the AI works. And im sure its better than ArmA1 so. All good.

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Hi all

The thread needs Renaming to AI by a friendly moddie.

Most of us have played ArmA AI and know how it treats people who have only played other lesser games.

They come and whine on here about one shot kills and too accurate AI until they learn to crawl and hide from the AI.

When ArmA I came out I can remember many Previewers complaining about the game being too hard for supposedly leet CS kiddies; a certain Czech comes to mind. Having your ass handed to you by an AI when you are used to script bots is embarrassing.

Since we know the player AI was working fine and better than ArmA I AI in ArmA II previews. I am guessing the OPFOR AI was toned down to default easy for the previews. Also note the use of third person and cross-hairs in many previews. All signs of ArmA at easy settings.

The previewers cannot preview if they are not able to get past the first 5 seconds of battle. We all know from our original OFP days how fast you die against Real Virtuality (RV) AI if you do not follow proper Tactics Techniques and Procedures (TTP).

People who have not played ArmA find it frightening, and supposed leet COD4 and BF players freeze up at the kinetic force in an RV battle. All their negative training bunny-hop, invulnerable, blast away in the middle of the street, and Rambo charge is put to naught by a simple one shot kill head shot from a prone AI taking a steadied careful single shot.

And the fact that the AI flanks you is a terrible shock to those used to script bots; hey that was not in the script I am supposed to win. Do not like that :( is the reaction.

Previewers need time to get used to ArmA AI same as the rest of us did that or they need to read Dslyecxi's TTP manual.

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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There is also no video about the AI's driving skill, i wonder if they fixed it so that now they stop crashing into tree's and keep following the road at a decent speed..

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If the thread is to discuss previews there's one for that.

If the thread is to specifically discuss AI there's ones for that already.

Please do not start new threads when there are active ones covering the topic to be discussed.

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