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Problems with BFG 8800 GTS 320Mb.

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Hi there,

I am having some troubles with graphic card after install beta 1.16, ACE 1.07 and Nvidia 185.85 drivers.

I have a BFG 8800 GTS 320 Mb, and it's producing some real problems...

Here are some screens (sorry for the bad quality but because of the error type the print screen was not functioning properly);




The one that has the dialog it says that the controller (nv4_disp) stop working normally.

I format the HD installed everything again and run ArmA, I got the same error.

I only have this error when running WinXP normally, if I run in safe mode or in the POST there is not a single error, right now I am using it on normal mode and I don't see the error.

Does anyone have the same issue?

I'll test it with another game to see if there is something to do only with ArmA 1.16/ACE 1.07. Or it could be something to do with the drivers from Nvidia.

Thanks for the help.

Best regards.

EDIT: The problem happens as soon as I start a 3D application, the erros are like polygons out of place, erratic textures, low LOD models, strange objects, black things, etc. If I don't start any 3D application and only runs in desktop there are no errors.


Edited by Focha
Adding information.

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EDIT: The problem happens as soon as I start a 3D application, the erros are like polygons out of place, erratic textures, low LOD models, strange objects, black things, etc. If I don't start any 3D application and only runs in desktop there are no errors.


i would say your Vidram is toast, but it may just be getting very hot.

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Y Vidram is damaged or GPU is overheating , try the GPU card in another PC and if these artifacts and errors will still show up then your card is damaged or try better cooling

Edited by RobertHammer

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Y Vidram is damaged or GPU is overheating , try the GPU card in another PC and if these artifacts and errors will still show up then your card is damaged or try better cooling

I start to think that is VidRAM damage... Strange because I didn't overclock the card nor change the BIOS. It was from one instant to the other. More strange was when I went today at my local computer store and I run Armed Assault for 20 minutes without any kind of problem. As soon as I got home I start it again and problems were there one more time. I thought it was the monitor, but it is not because I got the same problems with a different monitor.


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Do i understand correctly?, You took your machine to a store and played arma for 20 mins without issue?

Brought it back home and the issues re-occured?

Please tell me you do not keep youre PC next to a radiator or some other heat source. (badly ventilated cabinet?)

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Do i understand correctly?, You took your machine to a store and played arma for 20 mins without issue?

Brought it back home and the issues re-occured?

Please tell me you do not keep youre PC next to a radiator or some other heat source. (badly ventilated cabinet?)

No, it was always in the same spot for over 2 years and I didn't had any problems before. But yes I went to a store and I didn't get any error... At least for that period, as soon as I got home I got the same issue... I am so frustrate right now! The cooler is clean (meaning no dust). 60+/-5ºC with 60% of cooler. I already contact BFG and the guys said it is the VidRAM that went out, they are trying to replace my video card hope they can. Other way 320€ are going into the garbage... :(

Edited by Focha

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