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official Website: german translations

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maybe there is a thread about this topic, I didn't find it via forum search...

I noticed the the official Arma2 website has been updated in the german language version. But I noticed also that there are some mistakes in translation, which make the descriptions a little bit unprofessional.

I didn't have the time to read it all, but I will give you a few examples:

Vehicles section:

Don't call it "Kettenpanzer" and Radpanzer". "Tracked vehicles should be "Kettenfahrzeuge" and "wheeled vehicles" should be "Radfahrzeuge".

The Ural is not an armored vehicle, so it is not a "Panzer".

BMP3: "dual feed autocannon" should be translated as "Maschinenkanone mit Doppelgurtzuführung"

The Mi-8 article is still not translated...


M107 has got translation of KSVK. M107 is still not translated...

M24: "bolt action" does not mean "Geradezugverschluß". The M24 has no "Geradezugverschluß". "bolt action" should be translated as "Repetiergewehr" only.

AA/AT Launchers:

FGM-148 Javelin:

Please, dont say "Rüstungen". Correct translation of "armor" is "Panzerung". "Rüstung" is what middle- age knights wore on their horses.

FIM-92F Stinger:

"Vergeltungsmaßnahmen" is not right. "significant countermeasures immunity" sholud be "verringerte Störanfälligkeit".

Igla 9K38:

same as for Stinger.


"Rüstungen" again. Say "Panzerung".

RPG-18 Mukha:

"Rüstungen" again.


"Rüstungen" again.

Strela-2 9K32:

don't call it "Hinterteil eines Objektes". Say "Heck" please. "Hinterteil" is the word for a human's ass...

static launchers:

this sentence is absolutely useless: "Befestigte Panzerfäuste und Flugabwehrgranaten gehören zu den modernsten Verteidigungsmitteln. Stationäre Raketenwerfer verwenden Lenkraketen mit größerem Kaliber."

What the hell? My proposal: "stationäre Panzer- und Flugabwehrwaffen gehören zu den modernsten Verteidigungsmitteln. Sie verwenden leistungsfähige großkalibrige Lenkraketen"

Igla AA Sockel:

"Sockel" sounds crazy. Translation could be "Igla Fliegerabwehr- Raketenwerfer" I don't know a really fluid- sounding description.

Stinger Luftabwehrraketensockel:

same as for Igla.


"Rüstungen" again. Say "Panzerungen".


Podnos 2B14:

"motorized infantry" should not be translated as "motorisierte Schützen". "Motorized infantry" in german is "Panzergrenadiere" in former west- Germany or "Mot- Schützen" in former east- Germany. For Arma" simply use "infantry", that's absolutely ok.

So far, maybe someone will find other things to be corrected.

No offence to the translators, but I think a game like ArmA2 is worth to get a proper translation.

(I would be satisfied with an english website as standalone, but if in german, please in professional german.)

Thanks for your attention!


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Thanks, passed on :)

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lol, nice request Clause :D

Maybe you should be talking to morhpicon too, seeing that the M203 is/was labelled as Raketenwerfer (Rocket Launcher) in the german version of ArmA1 :turn:

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Every body knows that English is the Universal language, why don't these people use English?

Thanks for the translation. :)

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To "Igla AA pod" possible was add "Igla AA pod Dzhigit"

In the same way either as beside "PG-18 Mukha" («Mukha» - a russian verbal name, «Dzhigit» - too... )

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I didn't notice the German translation on the website, but the things you pointed out are just hilarious :pet6:

Looks like Google translation to me :D

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Headquater -> Hauptquatier. :)

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You have a typo there. It's: Headquarter -> Hauptquartier :D

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Thanks again for the feedback, I've now passed it on, for the sake of expedience it's better to provide such website feedback directly to me either via PM or via Email: Placebo@bistudio.com

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