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Easy way to take Google Earth images for an Island ?

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Is there any easy way to take satellital images form Google Earth or another site in higher resolution ?

I want make an island of the Sahrani size but at this moment the only thing than can I do for take the images are, open Google Earth, zoom in to 500 meter and take an screenshoot and later paste it on Photoshop and later join it all images in a big one.

But that method will take me a alot of time.

Any other way to do that ?


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I'm asking the same thing. I've been stitching data for the past few days. Luckly its over and I'm now already placing vegetation =)

Try out Google Maps Downloader or something similiar... current system in ArmA doesn't work well without "true" multitexturing, so I'm using satimage as a help tool to place forests, villages and roads.

Edited by IceBreakr

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I used Microsoft VirtualEarth Satellite Downloader and I've got a good image.

Now I'm deleting clouds.

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If there is i would like to know, please!

Would save indeed a lot of weeks time LOL

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You can try to make snapshots from very low altitude in GE in about 4800x XXXX pixels but you need Google Earth Pro/Plus. Low alt sat pictures are without clouds mainly. That's how I did 20480x20480 pixels satellite PNG file for my island :)

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I'm glad it's not just me resurrecting an old thread here lol.

I've spent a lot of time this week stitching and editing the sat image for my first ever map :), not a very rewarding task, but has been made much easier through scripting the print screen process.

Basically, I've been using google earth and a few other aerial photo / satellite image websites at high res to put together a massive high res file in GIMP2 with different layers for the mask & road maps etc, and a nifty joystick hotkey software called "xpadder" (see http://xpadder.com/ - my version was free but it's now £5.99). I use this software to script several lengthy button presses and actions (print screen, switch tab, paste, new layer, merge down, save as etc) into one simple action so that I press Print Screen then a single button on my old xbox 360 controller repeatedly on different images and quickly build a large satellite picture. Also, it doesn't always work, but if each print screen has a decent overlap you can use Microsoft's ICE (free and elegant) panorama stitcher to put it all together quickly.

So a quick summary & some useful websites -

source websites:

google earth /// www.arcgis.com /// www.openstreetmap.org /// www.zonums.com/gmaps/maptool.php /// www.earthtools.org


Universal Maps Downloader, Google Earth, Microsoft ICE (Image Composite Editor), xpadder, GIMP 2

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