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Weapons charge

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I think that for each weapon may be several types of overcharging. In each game is overcharging for each gun the same. It is only 1 animation overcharging and ArmA 2 could come up with something new. It would be better, because in fact every time you empty as well.

Sorry for my English. I translated in Google translator. I am Czech.

Myslím, že pro každou zbraň může být nÄ›kolik způsobů pÅ™ebíjení. V každé hÅ™e je pÅ™ebíjení pro každou zbraň stejné. Vždy je pouze 1 animace pÅ™ebíjení a ArmA 2 by mohl pÅ™ijít s nÄ›Äím novým. Bylo by to lepší, protože ve skuteÄnosti taky nenabijete pokaždé stejnÄ›.

Edited by FREELEX

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I'm not sure what you mean by 'overcharging'. To be completely honest I first thought you meant something like charging up a railgun, while a big ball of lightning builds up inside and a buzzing noise can be heard... but I digress.

Maybe you meant overheating? If you did mean overheating, I haven't heard anything about it in any interviews or feature lists from what I can recall. ArmA didn't feature overheating either.

Would be neat though, of course. :)

Sorry I can't help much more,


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I think he's talking about reloading, and about how the reload animation is the same for an M4 and an M249.

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Yeah, he is talking about reloading.

he meant something like this:

"In every game, there is only one animation for reloading a certain type of weapon. Maybe ArmAII can came with something new, like diferent type of reloading animation, because in real life you never reload the weapon in the same way."

So, he is sugesting several animation for reloading M16, several animation for reloading AK74 etc. etc. etc.

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Yes, Derk Yall. This is overcharging

Edited by FREELEX

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Accurate models including graphics, sounds and animations.


Animated parts for shooting and reloading (triggers, receivers, ammo belts) and eject brass.

Customized character animations for holding weapons based on inverse kinematics.

I hope this answer a little your question. :) source

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Yes, Derk Yall. This is overcharging

The word you want in english is "reloading". I think the translator is a bit broken. ;)

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I think that "overchanging" refers to being way to "obvious" with the animations.

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