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ArmA II: The Factions (Forces)

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This is a topic to discuss the faction in ArmA II.

I'll list them here for convenience sake.

Have your say about them, like or dislike. Post your views.

<span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>United States Marine Corps:</span>

USMC deployment in Chernarus consists of 27th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable), which is supposed to overturn the balance in the civil war in the favor of Chernarussian government. Marines are skilled in asymmetrical warfare and are backed up by superior weapons and technology.

„Celer, Silens, Mortalis." (Swift, Silent, Deadly.) - Force Reconnaissance motto

   * Marines wear MARPAT camouflage and are equipped with state-of-the-art personal weapons: M16A4 assault rifles, M4 carbines, SAW and M240 machineguns and many other special-purpose weapons.

   * Standard part of ground forces are LAV-25 light armored personnel carriers, tracked AAV armored personnel carriers, and M1A2 Abrams tanks.

   * Standard assortment of aircraft contains MV-22 Osprey transport convertoplanes, MH-60S Seaknight and UH-1Y Venom transport helicopters. Super Cobra assault choppers and F-35 VTOL fighters fly in attack and CAS roles.

   * Force Reconnaissance detachment is assigned to 27th MEU to provide extra support to operation Harvest Red. Men of Force Recon have exquisite training for recon and surveillance missions, direct actions deep in enemy territory as well as dealing with local population.

   * Marines in field rely on many advanced weapon platforms: Predator unmanned aerial vehicles, MLRS rocket artillery and many more.

Special Units: Marine Force Recon Units.

Vehicles: M1A2 "Tusk", M1A1, AAV, LAV-25, MLRS, 5T Truck, Humvee.

Aircraft: UH-1Y, AH-1Z, MH-60S, MV-22, F-35B.

Role: Official Military Branch of USA, Peace Observers in Chernarussia.

Mission: To protecting U.S. interests in Chernarussia, Defend Democracy.

ArmA II: United States Marine Corps Site

<span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>CDF - Chernarussian Defence Forces:</span>

Chernarussian military has been trained by Western armies in past years, but it retains weapons and equipment of the Soviet Army, its direct predecessor. Its main task during the past years for was to fight challenging counter-insurgecy campaign in the mountaineous regions of Northern Chernarus.

"In the name of freedom, equality and brotherhood of nations of the Fatherland, we swear to fight for the freedom and independence of the Republic of Chernarus." - from the Oath of Enlistment of CDF.

   * Equipment of CDF soldiers is a mixture of older gear, modern kevlar helmets and camouflage fatigues based on Soviet airborne uniform design. Soldiers are armed with AK-74 rifles, PKMs and other personal weapons of Eastern provenience.

   * CDF uses whole spectrum of Cold-War era vehicles: T-72 main battle tanks, BRDM-2 and BMP-2 personel carriers, UAZ cars and Ural trucks.

   * High mobility of CDF troops in the mountains is ensured by Mi-17 transport helos. Close air support is provided by Su-25 attack jets and Mi-24 Hind helicopters.

   * Although there are no „special forces“, Chernarussian soldiers always serve in place of their origin and thus know local conditions, which is especially useful for protecting locals against extremists.

   * Recent training with NATO armies and foreign help enables CDF to cooperate with USMC and efficiently fight the insurgency.

Vehicles: BRDM, BMP-2, T-72, ZSU-23, UAZ, Ural.

Aircraft: Mi-17, Mi-24D, Su-25.

Role: Official Military Force Of The Chernarussian Nation.

Mission: Fighting The Red Star and NAPA Insurgency, Defense of their country.

ArmA II: Chernarussian Defence Forces Site

<span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Russian Armed Forces:</span>

Russian contingent of Chernarussian Peacekeeping Forces consists of elite Guard Motor Rifle battalion, reinforced by armor, artillery and attack helicopter detachments. Based on their previous experience with counter-guerilla operations, Russians also make good use of special forces.

„A broad expanse for dreams and for lives Is opened to us by the coming years.“ - from the anthem of the Russian Federation

   * Russian soldiers wear Flora woodland pattern and modern load-bearing vests combined with older protective gear. They are armed with AK-107 assault rifles, rugged PKM machineguns, RPG-18s and RPG-7s with modern warheads.

   * Special Forces (Spetsnaz) are battle-hardened veterans who wear unique „Gorka" fatigues and use special silenced weapons, sniper rifles and explosives. They are trained in counter-terrorist ops, speak Chernarussian and allegedly have operated in the area for a long time.

   * Contingent of Russian troops is equipped with T-90 main battle tanks and modern armored personnel carriers: wheeled Vodniks and BTR-90 and sturdy and powerful tracked BMP-3.

   * Russian tactics also rely on Mi-24 Hind and Ka-52 „Alligator" air assault helicopters and heavily armed Mi-8M transport choppers. Su-25 is available for close air support.

   * Support consists of mortar and rocket artillery detachment, Pchela UAV is also available for aerial reconnaissance.

Special Units: SpetzNatz Special Troops.

Vehicles: BTR-90, GAZ Vodnik, Tunguska, T-90, BMP-3, UAZ, Ural.

Aircraft: Mi-8, Mi-24 V/P, Ka-52, Su-27.

Role: Official Military Force Of The Russian Federation.

Mission: Protecting of Russian Civilians and Interests in Chernarussia - Regardless of outcome of actions.

ArmA II: Russian Armed Forces Site

<span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Chernarussian Movement of the Red Star:</span>

Although the communist insurgency has its roots as an underground movement, it is now a conventional force with military structure and weapon platforms captured from the Chernarussian government or provided by international arms dealers. This has given ChDKZ enough power to start a coup against the government.

„One man with a gun can control hundred without one.“ - V. I. Lenin

   * Insurgents wear various old fatigues of Russian origin, commonly in an urban color scheme. They are armed with a variety of personal weapons, ranging from old AKMs to captured AK-74s. Anti-tank and anti-armor launchers of various types are commonly used as the ChDKZ purchases them from arms dealers in great numbers.

   * Insurgents lack the logistic infrastructure of a modern army, therefore the vehicles they use don't appear in great numbers and troops have only limited support, artillery is rather rare.

   * Insurgents use mostly older Eastern combat vehicles captured from government forces. Hand-made camouflage spray-paint is often used on their vehicles.

   * ChDKZ also uses various captured aircraft, but its deployment is limited to a small part of Chernarus, far from government air bases.

   * Insurgents are organized into regional task forces, which are lead by and named after field warlords who are direct subordinates of „Akula" (Shark), supreme leader of ChDKZ.

Role: Rebel Force Of The Russian Minority.

Mission: To Defeat the Government Forces in South Zagoria, Creating new South Zagoria Free State.

Vehicles: BRDM, BMP-2, T-72.

Aircraft: Mi-17.

ArmA II: Chernarussian Movement of the Red Star Site

<span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>NAPA - National Party:</span>

Nationalist guerrillas of the National Party is an underground movement lacking sophisticated weapons, but their knowledge of the country, military expertise from civil war and underground network make them serious opponents to both communist guerrillas and government forces.

„We have to show common citizens that our actions are focused on rooting out the evil, not on punishing anyone based on their nationality. Disarm the ordinary armed men, but eliminate all commissars, commanders and functionaries ruthlessly.“ - Soldier's Handbook, allegedly by Prizrak, supreme warlord of NAPA.

   * Guerillas use a mixture of civilian and military clothing and light equipment; anti-tank weapons are rare and consist mostly of RPG-7 stolen from Chernarussian military. Occasionally, better weapons purchased from weapons dealers are in use.

   * They commonly use balaclavas, ski masks or bandanas to cover their faces to avoid identification.

   * Favorite weapons are the old and reliable AK-47; many local guerillas also use hunting rifles. Important part of NAPA arsenal are also various IEDs, RPG-7 anti-tank launchers or home-made explosives.

   * Guerillas use mostly hit-and-run tactics; they disappear soon after they strike.

   * Heavy equipment is usually makeshift originals, stored in safe houses and forest camps deep in the mountains.

Technicals: Civilian cars with mounted weapons are used for hit-and-run tactics. .

Armor: Small numbers of lighter vehicles stolen from other factions.

Role: Nationalist Rebel movement opposed to all sides.

Mission: To Defeat the Government Forces and Red Star Movement.

ArmA II: National Party Site

<span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Citizens of Chernarus:</span>

The proud people of Chernarus were divided by the civil war and its consequences. A majority of Chernarussian citizens are of Chernarussian nationality, with their own language and culture. There is also an ethnic Russian minority living mainly in the northern territories, where Russian is the second official language. People are also divided by their political alignments and sympathies.

„Yes, I'm pretty sure 'twas him. Yeah, it might have been a group of guerillas in Ghillie suits, but Sir, snipers surely wouldn't try to unscrew that Chedak's head!" - from the notes of Cpt. Dressler, Marine Corps Intelligence Activity.

   * Chernarussians are mostly villagers or foresters. City people from the coast work mainly in harbours and factories.

   * After the civil war, life is equally boring everywhere: not much remains of the few cultural events and entertainment the distant Northern Province previously had to offer.

   * Citizens are quite friendly to soldiers, sometimes even providing valuable intel. However, they rarely speak English, so knowledge of Chernarussian or Russian really helps.

   * Causing any harm to the civilian population could lead to a loss of support and hostility towards the soldiers. Improper behavior towards the local women might cause a very rude response.

   * Chernarussian Bigfoot is often said to be spotted in the mountains of Northern Chernarus.

ArmA II: Citizens of Chernarus Site

Role: Civilians Of Chernarussia.

Mission: Civilians are Civilians, Mission is to live life as easily as possible.

Roles and Missions are just my personal descriptions, they are not Official BIS descriptions of the Factions Roles and Missions.

Well that the six factions that are in ArmA II, hope you enjoyed the read, post your views about the Factions like or dislike have your say.

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Wanted to do its remark about emblems in "factions"

Beside "USMC" american star-striped flag and emblem of the body of the marine USA - i.e. all it is correct. Since "USMC" and so consists of the sea foot soldier...

In the Russian Armed Forces - is unclear ...

"Russian Armed Forces" as I understand it, consist of - mechanized troops and Special forces. They have different emblems...

In "factions" is present the russian flag (here all it is correct), and red star on golden circle... :( Where you do find such a emblem :confused:

Thus, IMHO, better to use the emblem of the armed forces of the russian federation, it would be appropriate...

(600px × 392px)

I for: http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/9228/emblem.jpg

Who agrees?

Edited by Jinn

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Hi, hey Jinn, that's the emblem that all the russian ground forces (airborne, army, and Marines)

wear in the uniforms?, don't they use it atleast subdued instead in that very noticeable golden?. Let's C ya

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Hi, hey Jinn, that's the emblem that all the russian ground forces (airborne, army, and Marines)

wear in the uniforms?, don't they use it atleast subdued instead in that very noticeable golden?. Let's C ya

A gold badge is the U.S. Marines - not very noticeable golden? :D

I am not talking about emblems on the sleeves of soldiers! Not about what will be in the form of soldiers in the game! (and so it is understandable that in the hands of Russian soldiers would not be red with gold stars in the disk: D - because it is nonsense. is likely to be tricolor, like this… that something like this... Although, it would be great if, depending on the kind of troops would be fully observed a military heraldry...)

Of course, different armed forces - emblems and insignia differ...

I am talking about a common the emblem of Russian Armed Forces! - as the defining symbol!

Red star in Russian army is no... Have been only in the USSR...

P.S. I hope, understandable written... :o

Edited by Jinn

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Yeah I also wondered why they have a red star there. Looks more Soviet to me (although it's not the correct soviet emblem either).

Edited by Andi

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I’m intrigued by what role the NAPA are going to take in the conflict. At first glance they appear ‘good guys’ a pro Chenerus militia counteracting the communist militia and Russians, but I suspect there’s something more sinister to them…

Can’t wait to play around with them in the editor, fighting from technicals and the like... Always enjoy being the underdog :)

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Yeah I also wondered why they have a red star there. Looks more Soviet to me (although it's not the correct soviet emblem either).

I also wonder why the ranking symbols are incorrect for the USMC. I understand that everyone don’t know the deference between the US Army and Marines. But will find it odd for an SSgt to be a Squad Leader in the USMC. When SSgt are Platoon Sgt in the Marines Corp

So far as Russia goes. Yes it is also incorrect.

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BIS needs to have a one size fits all ranking system for 5 factions. i really doubt that the CDF or NAPA use the American army's ranking system. Or the Russians for that matter. the ranks are wrong for EVERY ONE. quite fair, no?

that SSG emblem is just there to tell you that he is a "leader" unit. nothing more

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Concretely to this subject this post does not pertain...

Simply in addition

The Stars on russian air technology (exactly on air technology of the star else remained with soviet timeses...) in Russia possible already change.


Yes, there were such:



Possible have already changed on such:



Have changed them already or no - do not know. I in this matter not specialist - simply interest...

These questions - a heraldry \ indications \ sign and etc, must solve understanding in this area people... Hope beside BIS they there is - after all they create simulator!

Edited by Jinn

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How is the faction "reputation" going to work in this game? There presumably will be some dynamic way of increasing or decreasing faction favorability with the Marines (assuming you are playing as them as in the campaign). For example, kill members of ChDKZ and NAPA becomes friendlier to you as a result. Also, maybe civilians are allied with different factions depending on what town you are in and any civilian casualties you inflict will lessen reputation with that faction (other than the civilian faction).

An easier, albiet somewhat less interesting way to program faction alliances is to simply tie them to missions where doing a mission for one increases repution while decreasing it for a rival, but it would be nice if it was more dynamic than mission-based alone.

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