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multiple guns error....

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can anyone spot the error......

Quote[/b] ]

Error in expression <elect 1);

_b = nearestObject [_u, _this select 4];

if (((_ammo mod 2) == 0) and >

Error position: <select 4];

if (((_ammo mod 2) == 0) and >

Error Zero divisor

File PRACS_AB212\mg.sqf, line 4

Error in expression <elect 1);

_b = nearestObject [_u, _this select 4];

if (((_ammo mod 2) == 0) and >

Error position: <select 4];

if (((_ammo mod 2) == 0) and >

Error Zero divisor

File PRACS_AB212\mg.sqf, line 4


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

_u = _this select 0;

_ammo = _u ammo (_this select 1);

_b = nearestObject [_u, _this select 4];

if (((_ammo mod 2) == 0) and (_b isKindOf "B_762x51_Ball")) then


_offset1 = [1,1.9,-1.2];

_wpos1 = _u modelToWorld _offset1;

_b setpos _wpos1


init line....

"[(_this select 0)] execVM ""\PRACS_AB212\mg.sqf""";

Edited by W0lle

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You shouldn't call that script from the init line. It should be called from the fired eventhandler. So it might look like this for example (init line in editor):

Quote[/b] ] this addEventHandler ["fired", {_this execVM  "\PRACS_AB212\mg.sqf"}]
Or add it in the vehicle config. I recommend to precompile the mg.sqf function into a global var as it's called very often (for every bullet fired), if you want it to work like swiss watch smile_o.gif Edited by W0lle

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Recommend always learn from others who have already got it working and open their addons.


- Config

Quote[/b] ]fired="[_this] execvm ""\rktsu33\scr\firemissilesMR.sqf""";
Quote[/b] ]_array = _this select 0;

_weapon = _array select 1;

_ammoname = _array select 4;

_plane = _array select 0;

// If it's just the gun, then dont run the script

if(_weapon != "GSh301") then


//------------------ Missile type 1 -------------------

if(_ammoname == "RKT_R27_AA") then


_alamcount = _plane ammo "RKTR27Launcher";

if (_alamcount == 1) then


_plane animate ["R27_1_Hide", 1];

_missobj = nearestobject[_plane, _ammoname];

_missobj SetPos (_plane ModelToWorld [-4.85,-2.579,0.571]);

_missobj SetvectorUp (VectorUp _plane);


if (_alamcount == 0) then


_plane animate ["R27_2_Hide", 1];

_missobj = nearestobject[_plane, _ammoname];

_missobj SetPos (_plane ModelToWorld [4.85,-2.579,0.571]);

_missobj SetvectorUp (VectorUp _plane);



//------------------ Missile type 2 -------------------

if(_ammoname == "RKT_R73_AA") then


_archcount = _plane ammo "RKTR73Launcher";

if (_archcount == 1) then


_plane animate ["R73_1_Hide", 1];

_missobj = nearestobject[_plane, _ammoname];

_missobj SetPos (_plane ModelToWorld [-7.2,-3.88,0.832]);

_missobj SetvectorUp (VectorUp _plane);


if (_archcount == 0) then


_plane animate ["R73_2_Hide", 1];

_missobj = nearestobject[_plane, _ammoname];

_missobj SetPos (_plane ModelToWorld [7.2,-3.88,0.832]);

_missobj SetvectorUp (VectorUp _plane);



//------------------ Missile type 3 -------------------

if(_ammoname == "RKT_Ch29_AT") then


_alamcount = _plane ammo "RKTCh29Launcher";

if (_alamcount == 1) then


_plane animate ["ch29_1_Hide", 1];

_missobj = nearestobject[_plane, _ammoname];

_missobj SetPos (_plane ModelToWorld [-3.298,-2.559,0.454]);

_missobj SetvectorUp (VectorUp _plane);


if (_alamcount == 0) then


_plane animate ["ch29_2_Hide", 1];

_missobj = nearestobject[_plane, _ammoname];

_missobj SetPos (_plane ModelToWorld [3.298,-2.559,0.454]);

_missobj SetvectorUp (VectorUp _plane);



//------------------ Bomb type 1 -------------------

if(_ammoname == "Bo_kb500_LGB") then


_bombcount = _plane ammo "RKT_kb500Launcher";

if (_bombcount == 1) then


_plane animate ["kb5_1_Hide", 1];

_missobj = nearestobject[_plane, _ammoname];

_missobj SetPos (_plane ModelToWorld [0.0,-3.15,0.071]);

_missobj SetvectorUp (VectorUp _plane);


if (_bombcount == 0) then


_plane animate ["kb5_2_Hide", 1];

_missobj = nearestobject[_plane, _ammoname];

_missobj SetPos (_plane ModelToWorld [0.0,0.25,0.071]);

_missobj SetvectorUp (VectorUp _plane);



//------------------ Bomb type 2 -------------------

if(_ammoname == "Bo_fb250_FFB") then


_bombcount = _plane ammo "RKT_fb250Launcher";

if (_bombcount == 3) then


_plane animate ["fb25_1_Hide", 1];

_missobj = nearestobject[_plane, _ammoname];

_missobj SetPos (_plane ModelToWorld [-6.419,-4.15,0.653]);

_missobj SetvectorUp (VectorUp _plane);


if (_bombcount == 2) then


_plane animate ["fb25_2_Hide", 1];

_missobj = nearestobject[_plane, _ammoname];

_missobj SetPos (_plane ModelToWorld [-5.978,-4.15,0.653]);

_missobj SetvectorUp (VectorUp _plane);


if (_bombcount == 1) then


_plane animate ["fb25_3_Hide", 1];

_missobj = nearestobject[_plane, _ammoname];

_missobj SetPos (_plane ModelToWorld [6.419,-4.15,0.653]);

_missobj SetvectorUp (VectorUp _plane);


if (_bombcount == 0) then


_plane animate ["fb25_4_Hide", 1];

_missobj = nearestobject[_plane, _ammoname];

_missobj SetPos (_plane ModelToWorld [5.978,-4.15,0.653]);

_missobj SetvectorUp (VectorUp _plane);




EDIT - Ignore me, I see you trying to relocate MG ammo

Edited by W0lle

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Gnat @ Mar. 21 2009,08:23)]
Quote[/b] ]fired="[_this] execvm ""\rktsu33\scr\firemissilesMR.sqf""";

Hi Gnat,

it's nothing big, but those brackets around _this are completely unnecessary:

Quote[/b] ]

fired="_this execvm ""\rktsu33\scr\firemissilesMR.sqf""";

Then you can write

Quote[/b] ]

_weapon = _this select 1;

_ammoname = _this select 4;

_plane = _this select 0;


in your script.

Eliminating unnecessary extra variables makes debugging and navigating code easier. smile_o.gif

Edited by W0lle

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