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ArmA2 3D Mission Editor

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Since Vbs2 has this feature why not Arma2, don't they share anything between both studios ?

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mr.g-c on one day you laugh about articles/pictures and the other day you take statements from gaming magazines as "holy-truth"? Until BIS didnt show this editingtool ingame its yaddayadda  tounge2.gif

Hope that tools like 3DE and RTE did influence BIS developers and they made a new + userfriendly editor. Time to get rid of old OFP editor.

Hehehe, well considering the fact that Ivan Buchta mentioned in the interview that such features maybe making it into the game later via patches/commercial expansion packages, at a point as Arma2 was scheduled for October 2008 release, i think chances are rather good we will see a 3D placing mode in the game on release or rather shortly after.

@ lecholas, the mentioned PC-Games article, was it in the printed version or was it in the online version?

I'll check that further.

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I hope that we get an new user-friendly + customizable 3D Realtime Mission Editor in Arma2!! Expect the unexpected smile_o.gif

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