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Hi Bad Ben, happy to hear you like them.

the maingun has 2 ammos, HE should indeed be slow and need a higher angle, its a bit like a mortar. intended to give firesupport, visible ammo to allow players to visually see the path of the shell. if you didnt tried it allready, check it out at night.

the second ammo is normal high speed armorpiercing which should behave like the standard arma tank ap ammo. think the optics are a little weird for this ammo, maybe thats the reason.


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Just wanted to say Awesome Ships, added them to ACE Domination and had a great time.  

1. Are there any init line variables we can enter to control the distance enemies are detected before a missle launch?

2. Using Mando Bombs for Recruits (Blufor) how do I keep the ships from blowing the out of the sky?


Keep up the great work! yay.gif :

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Great models! But a friend of mine and I have a couple of problems and wanted to see if anyone else was experiencing them as well.

When I use a the Nanuchka model it will only move to the first waypoint and will not continue further, it tends to circle after reaching it.

Seems if you group more than on model together they will not move at all.

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Hi, the only problem that i had with the ships (RACS) with setted up

waypoints was that the PBs passed thru the frigate most of the times,

i haven't tested the SLA PB yet, i only know that 2 LGB Harriers are

not a menace to two of this boats. Let's C ya

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Might be I can reply to vengeance questions as both of them are mando missile related.

1 - This is a limitation of 2.3. With 2.3, once you setup a minimum and maximum ranges for an automatic launcher, you cannot modify them later. You will can modify these at will in 2.35. The current maximum ranges of these ships are set in their internal init event handler, so actually you cannot change them from ouside (init.sqf or whatever else).

2 - This has been covered few post earlier. In current configuration, these RACs ships consider enemy anyother side (west and east). You may try to group these ships with a west side unit of higher rank with 0% probability of presence.

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1. Mandoble thanks for the response because I have each ship going to different waypoints patrolling I ended up putting a West Higher Rank 0% probability on each ship and it works fine now.

2. Looking forward to 2.35.

Much Appreciated.

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waypoints are really a mess with the boats, try sending them to gamelogics instead an check with a trigger when they reach their destination and send them to the next gamelogic.


sorry my error, no original turrets possible, i forgot that they had a gunner. nevertheless the gunner seem to get affected by the

anim commands somehow. would have been to easy confused_o.gif


i can confirm the behaviour you describe, strange is that the geometry of both, frigate and gunboat/missileboat seem to work when tested f.e. against pier or rocks. maybe the roadway lod is reason for that, so the pb just drives threw the frigate, have to investigate.

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take a look at this example


please keep in mind, as stated in the readme, that there are islands which seem to mess up the movement of the ships completly. on this island the method described in the example would not work at all.

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Can you tell me the Movein commands is for Weapons Systems Seat?


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should be something like

Soldier MoveInTurret [boatname,[0]]

Soldier MoveInTurret [boatname,[1]]

and so on

didnt tried it, but should work


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should be something like

Soldier MoveInTurret [boatname,[0]]

Soldier MoveInTurret [boatname,[1]]

and so on

didnt tried it, but should work


Thanks Scars,

Here is what I found that worked.




Soldier MoveInTurret [boatname,[1]]

Appreciate the help.

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