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Sniper loadout

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Hi all,

Happy new year and best wishes for all ya arma lovers.

I would like to know if for example you choose to play a supportclass like the Sniper you have a bigger second slot.

So in your main slot the M24 for example and in the second slot a small SMG like the mp5/mp7/scorpion.

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An SMG is actually too small and weak for ArmA's scale. If you can carry a launcher on your back a second rifle instead shouldn't be hard at all.

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Simply allow every class to carry ten rifles if they wish but implement appropriate speed and stamina penalties for doing so.

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Indeed, it would be the best way.

The famous TC , Infiltration had this system, you could take as much as you wanted from corpse/ground/etc.. but the sanction of the weight was really making you stay reasonnable.

By taking much you could easily cripple your moves, stamina and speed, and finally it made you certainly well equipped but a complete sitting duck nearly unable to move.

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Testicular cancer... no i doubt it biggrin_o.gif

IMO there should be 2 slots for all weapon types and ~6 equipment slots. 2 primary weapons, 2 launcher weapons, 2 sidearm slots and 6 slots for stuff like backbacks, nv, binocular, knife, parachute... And all is regulated with a weight and stamina system similar like in ACE.

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Hi, sadly i doubt that we could have a main weapon, a side weapon

(pistol), a backup weapon (SMG/Shotgun) and an ATM in the ArmA2.

All the snipers that i know, carry their AWP's and a hand gun; some

times they don't even catch the pistol if they can leave it in the

company. So i doubt that BIS gonna allow backup weapon for the

ArmA2; will be nice... to allow this for recon or SF units, for breach

doors or just give a rest to the assault rifle and use a CQB weapon

at your disposal (SMG/Shotgun) but im much more worryed about

the ammount of ammo slots that we gonna have.

If we just have 6 magazines and 3 cucumbers in the inventory...

then forget about the supressive fire, and... with the AI covert

fire... you don't gonna get very far, im sure of it. I'll preffer to

be able of carry 3 more mags and make the ATMs use ONLY

two slots in the inventary, than having a backup weapon; if we

had propper CQB backup sights. Other thing that im sure that we

ain't gonna get in the ArmA2. Sorry Fansa, but i'll bet for this. Happy new year man. Let's C ya

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