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"how to replace units in an mission"?

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Hey, i want to replace units in a mission "co30_Domination_3_09_West_Man.Sara"

So here are the steps i did :

1. i unpack it and take the file mission file

2. in arma editor i replace the units with joh_marines and save it

3. i pack it with the "edited" mission file and upload it to my server

4. play? .. no when i join my server i get "wait for host

And when i see my server its looping :

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12:30:45 Mission co30 Domination! West Mando [3.09] read from bank

what i am forgetting here ?

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Why aren´t you using a unit replacement addon?

Saves players the hassle to download units they probably dont even like, and gives you the option to play the same mission with an almost infinite nuber of different units w/o actually changing the mission itself.

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Well, that doesn`t work still seeing the units of the xam mod an not form joh_marines or Joh_SF confused_o.gif

that was the reason that i edit missions, even i installed the replacements i was still seeing the "normal" one and not the replacements

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just tested.. i disabeld XAM1.5 and the replacements works , but i want xam and joh_marines  confused_o.gif

and why cant i just edit the mission , its just for privat use only

Edit: i think xam1.5 is the whole problem, are toher ppl has the same problem or i am the just the one confused_o.gif

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You wrote...

2. in arma editor i replace the units with joh_marines and save it

Did you try with the XAM editor ?

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but still ..even i don`t use replacements..and i just edit the mission , why don`t the server loads the : edited mission ?

i just replace 1 unit to a oh_marine unit, what i am forgetting here ?

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You have to start the server with the addons that you are using !!!!!!

In your case add jonnys marines to the mod list of your server.


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ok, i tried again and still the same problem ,i realy don`t know what i doing wrong here.

So can somebody help me an edit the missie with joh_marines and joh_marineSF ?

you can contact me trough email

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there must be an answer for this problem right ?

I just created a own mission with the units that i want and and uploaded to my server and that works perfect ;/

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THis realy should be done in mission edit forum. You just made this into your own personal chat page.

Were are the mods when you need them? nener.gif

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I provide many information to help me .i want realy to use joh_marines and SF in this missions,

I thought it must be simple to replace an slodier in the editor but my server is going crazy crazy_o.gif

i just edit 1 man to joh_marine ,here is my mission file maby someone can see what i am doing wrong here ..


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I provide many information to help me .i want realy to use joh_marines and SF in this missions,

Sorry, but except that you wanted to add jonnys marines and it doesn't work you haven't provided us any other information until now.

Now, let's take a look at your mission.sqm...

Quote[/b] ]








Are these addons on the server too ?

What does the server rpt tell you (it gives you a little bit more information than just the server log window) ?

One of the reasons for falling back to the "Waiting for host" screen is because an addon is missing on the server (maybe the weapons for jonnys marines ? Can't remember if they are part of the units pbo). Maybe one of those addons doesn't like another. All we can do is just guessing.

Edit: It would be nice to see how you actually start your server (mod list).


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Quote[/b] ]"49th_f16", (XAM1.5)

"3LB_SA6", (XAM1.5)

"xam_veh", (XAM1.5)

"xam_vehdes", (XAM1.5)

"EMSI_MRQUAVS", (XAM1.5)[/b]

"joh_usmc", ?

"armat_vtol" (Client side addon)

Quote[/b] ]startup of the server:

-port=2302 -cfg=basic.cfg -config=server.cfg -name=joint -mod=DBE1;@units;@Smods;@XAM1.5;@XEH

@Smods are server side addons :.LINK

@units = joh_marines SF etc

joh_usmc i cant find that one, i thought that was the addon of Joh_marines but its not in the rar file when i donwloaded it.

But, i tried to make a own mission with the marines and placed it on the server and that just works fine.

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"armat_vtol" (Client side addon)

Now, if this is an client side addon then it shouldn't be in the mission.sqm file. Let me guess... you don't have this addon on the server ?

Remove it from the mission.sqm file or put that addon on the server (though not such a good idea) and I bet the mission will run

Like I said before... an addon is missing on the server.


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