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WKK Gimbal

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I find it difficult to navigate this forum. Too many damn flames all over it. Could the personal mud-throwing contest please be stopped?


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Well i agree with the flame throwing being snuffed.And realy anything from me has at least been somewhat construtive. confused.gif

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No offense but we really are trying our best here to keep things cool smile.gif

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Sorry Placebo, it was not meant as a critic of the mods, more like a hint to those doing the flaming, as well as a hope for their posts to get modded. You know what I mean?


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Hey, how about a seperate forum called Flames?!

Just like OffTopic, people could then go there, to flame eachother.

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WKK Gimbal: we cant win on this forum. If we close threads that contain flames at BIS or other forum goers we get called facists and nazis and told we are trying to "hide the truth". If we remove persistant offenders they just re-signup under a different name.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (WKK Gimbal @ Mar. 03 2002,14:12)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Hey, how about a seperate forum called Flames?!<span id='postcolor'>

My opinion is no, if people aren't capable of using a forum without resorting to flaming or the need to use a "flame forum" then they're not the type of people we want on the forums.

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As long as people have an axe to grind, and as long as they don't have the ability to temper their comments. There will be flames.

I have respect for you moderators. As others have pointed out, you're damned if you do, damned if you don't. Can't win. Although I do think you have done a pretty fine job of keeping things under control.

There are very few inherently peaceful topics. Gaming isn't one of them. Partly because of the dedication, the competitiveness, and the groups. It's not a good combination.

Your passive moderation skills seemed to work well in quelling the dispute between FragHaus and USMC. I was afraid it was really going to balloon out of control. The topic for that thread was a recipe for disaster, that was one of the first things I noticed. But the fierce conflict eventually petered out. We had no where left to go, and our tempers made us all look like jackasses (that we were). The other thread was much more contained, people on both sides were hesitant to jump into the fray. The previous fiasco of a discussion proved that the cost was really too high to get into another one. Even though a rift still remains, I really believe there won't be another massive fistfight on the forums.

Thank you for letting it burn itself out.

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Hey I got an idea of who your talking about. And something tells me its not Drak.

Define flaming? Because this thread is a flame towards flamers right?

Anyways is trying to defend yourself flaming?

Is asking the moderators here to enforce the rules against someone who constantly leaves rude, abusive and inflamatory posts, flaming?

Hell Rev your too funny. How many times did you drop into the thread to post how much you hate having to read it. Lmao does your mouse take over, and force you to click on a thread? Do your eyes force you to read a post? No they dont.

You want to, you choose to. So stop acting like your above it all ok?

Anyway. Moderators. I understand locking the thread, but really no one hast to click on a thread if they dont want to read it. If you have to lock my thread, well thats not facist, its your job I guess.. But if you ignore the other guy abusing his posting privelidges. Well thats not good either. And as far as me defending myself? I wish I didnt have too, and I shouldnt have too.

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would a mod mind moving this to off-topic so more ppl could see this? or are you trying to hide it?

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hey second_draw, does it bug you having this topic in a forum where you actually have to think before you type something?

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what is anyone gonna do some people bitch, some whine, some cheat, some dont and some are just plain [any expletive will work here]!!!

its in the human nature....but there should be a time limit on some of this fackin shite

Im not even involved in most except for where i play and those i end up teaming with...all i can say is my admins have done a tremendous job running the games. After all you cant please everyone. [when i say my admins i refer to the ones that run the server...cuz its not my server]

but seriously this shit goes on too long




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You guys realize at this point it does not matter who agrees with who...

Stop Posting Non-sense that is not constructive towards this game.


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Harbinger[TG] I am glad you have  had only good experiences with the admins where you play. But the test is when you get wrongfully accused. Being banned from a server isnt so bad, but being run into the dirt in public, and wrongfully attacked in public might change the way you feel about it. For instance, have you ever heard of me, or seen any type of negative posting from me until I was accused of cheating by drak?

I think you need to put yourself in my shoes.

Ed please man. I sent you emails, I tried to talk to you personally, and in private. You didnt want it that way. Lets not argue. Try to refrain from playing the BIG BOSS anywhere other than Fraghaus. You got a great server, but that doesnt make you the supreme being of the whole OFP community. So we will post replys here regarding whatever the topic, or issues that intrest us may be. Thank you for your understanding.

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I just think that it it pathetic whinging about stuff like this (flamming). Keep in topic of flaming, your always gonna get cr@p like this. Ignore it. How do you know they are just some 12-year-old retard stirring you up to make a fool of you? The admin/mods are doing their job and if you don't like it, well.... you can't do a d@mn thing.

To KAMAI: If you can't deal with all the "flammers" on this forum. Then go here. You seem quite into philosophy. N.B.This is not an attack/flame(:D) on you

B.t.w. You guys should go to the heart of the "problem", Visit the off topic section and post your thoughts there for a real "discussion".

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (BigQEd @ Mar. 04 2002,07:56)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">You guys realize at this point it does not matter who agrees with who...

Stop Posting Non-sense that is not constructive towards this game.

THIS IS NOT THE PLACE!<span id='postcolor'>

yeah, what he said *2

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Not play 'Big Boss' Kamai...

I am trying to stop this non-sense of off-category posting. Let's all get back to the game and make it better.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">would a mod mind moving this to off-topic so more ppl could see this? or are you trying to hide it? <span id='postcolor'>

This is just the sort of immature, moronic crap type of comment I get fed up of.

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Closed. These sorts of threads dont belong ANYWHERE on this forum, even offtopic.

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