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We (LLBrig31) already had a great lot of fun with the BWMod 0.3 last sunday, since we finally installed it onto our clan server. Tonight we couldn't resist and uploaded version 0.4 and gave the hueys a go.

Our pilots LOVE flying them. NVG "compatible" instruments, actually working instruments (height ASL! ) , comfortable flight dynamics, quick embark/disembark thanks to the doors useable on both sides, an astonishing sound (flap flap flap) and last but not least it's a real looker. Also thanks to such tiny features like turning and bending rotorblades.

The only thing thats a bit weird, i'm not sure if it is done on purpose, is that you can't eject from it, which made parachuting a bit difficult. I know the UH-1D isn't used for that but as long as we don't have a CH-53GS or C-160, the Huey's got to do it.  tounge2.gif

If you could manage to somehow enable clan tags, it would also be great. But yeah, i know. The modelling  confused_o.gif

A small thing i've noticed in the SAR Huey, while lying down for a power nap in flight: Screenshot

Not sure if this has to do with modelling.

Other than that tho, a big big big thumbs up and thanks a lot for your work!  thumbs-up.gif

Und ein dreifaches "Glück ab!"  biggrin_o.gif

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Very good effort on the update. I'm glad to see more addons from the BWMod team, however that one screenshot (Tiger!wink_o.gif is quite a teaser!

Is there a chance you will include a static object pack in time?

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Great stuff ! I love the UH-1D.  If the Tiger will be in the same league it will rock !  Thx.


The Wiesel MK20 is so small it can hardly be dangerous  rofl.gif . It's awesome.

...or would that have to be in the engine by default ?

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Hey man. Good work. Love the models.

Since your first version i noticed that there are two bugs which have not been fixed yet.

- The soundfile of the Leo2 tracks is stereo. So you can hear the LEo2 from everywhere. It must be in Mono!!!

- When you are a gunner in the Leo2 and switch to heat munition it will change automaticly after reloading to sabot munition.

For the 0.4

- It is not possible to put technical equipment in the UH 1

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Quote[/b] ]Quick question, is the artificial horizon "broken" or is it supposed to be like that?


MfG Lee

Just thought how long it take since someone noticed this...I was a bit in hurry and didnt have enough time to finish the cockpit completle smile_o.gif especially the horizont part is not full finished  whistle.gif sorry for that. Im sure this will be fixed in a next version maby

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Thanks for the answer.

I noticed this "bug" at the first flight but I wasn't sure if it's a bug or not.

But after flying this beautifull helicopter for countless hours now, I noticed that it's not possible to take a "quick look" at the the artificial horizon and get the information you need.

I can't wait to fly a new version of this fantastic helicopter addon!

Thanks again!

MfG Lee smile_o.gif

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Guest General Nuisance

I would like to congratulate the BWMod team on creating a fantastic array of kit, the dedication to your craft and to replicating existing material in such fine detail should be commended! I remember playing BWMod on Operation Flashpoint, I enjoyed it more than the MFCTI, CTI, CrCTI et al. I'm sure a lot of hard work and perseverence went into this mod and still persists!

I would like to know whether the BWMod team plan on incorporating their mod into the online Warfare game?

I think you guys should link up with the team at Project UKF, perhaps work on a joint mod?


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