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BTW: Has anyone found "the family"? I went to all three sites indicated, but even tho the drug lab mutant at the subway station gave me hints they were somewhere east (i.e. at one of the other two sites) I couldn't locate them anywhere near those places (although I encountered my first Super Mutants and Rad Scorpions at the open air cinema and the hideout respectively)...

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BTW: Has anyone found "the family"? I went to all three sites indicated, but even tho the drug lab mutant at the subway station gave me hints they were somewhere east (i.e. at one of the other two sites) I couldn't locate them anywhere near those places (although I encountered my first Super Mutants and Rad Scorpions at the open air cinema and the hideout respectively)...

Yo Daddl, If you keep going North of Arethu you'll find an underground pass between 2 Buildings. Inside are 2 Ghouls which I suspect your referring to, in here look search the main room they occupy and you will find a small side corridor with afew toxic barrels leaking at the end, walk to these and you'll see a manhole directly infront of them. Go under and quest on, this is where you'll find the Family  smile_o.gif

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Jupp, those are the two 'drug dealing' ghouls inside the metro station. I didn't realize there was a manhole next to the barrels! When the Geiger counter started to run havoc next to them I didn't look further and rather went to check the other 'suspected' locations.

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By the looks of it, that fire Ant had a really bad day.  biggrin_o.gif


Here's my dude, smart but casual and all badass.


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Wandering around the Mall in casuals. Not really a good idea with all those Super Mutants around tounge2.gif

When do you get power armour training btw? I've picked up a few but whenever I try and equip them, I get a message saying I need power armour training

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You get it further into the main quest line Shash. Too bad you don't to use it for a long time. huh.gif

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Holy crap, youre ugly!  crazy_o.gif

I see there´s lots of reasons to play through the game some more times biggrin_o.gif

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Hmmm... Nice ghoul.  thumbs-up.gif Now i'm wondering can i turn into super mutie, they talked about dipping someone in those FEV-virus tanks once when i was visiting in vault where there was "traces" of FEV experimenting. Sadly due plot related reasons i never had change to search more carefully.

I once did it in Fallout, but sadly game ended there. So no 'me cusha yo skull wit ma biiig fist'-experience for me.

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I don't find the super mutants very hard - a few well aimed grenades or rockets get rid of them nice and easy. Fire Ants are another matter - too small and numerous to afford wasting 'nades, but soaking up way too many bullets if you don't get lucky with their antennas quickly. I'm still only Level 6, so with higher gun skills and better weapons that may change, but for the moment super mutants are nice big and soft targets, easy to hit and (so far) only found in groups of 3-4.

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Did you already meet the "Master of Mutants" version of them?

On open terrain these are pretty tough.


Im still not done with the main quest and explore all i can find so thanks for the link that removes the level 20 limit smile_o.gif

Hopefully once we get the sdk we see as much mod as Oblivion had... even more possibilitys this time i think.

*waits for a FA3 Exnem Eyecandy release* ^^

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Did you already meet the "Master of Mutants" version of them?

No, I don't think I have - as I said, I'm still Level 6, and haven't entered DC yet, just following quests and exploring the outskirts. Among other encounters with the super mutants I did the mission where you meet the BoS soldiers in the metro and then have to find their (dead) trainee in the super mutant infested building, tho. A few aimed grenades in VATS and they were history. Nice combat armor on the trainee - and a power armor on a dead BoS knight, too...


I'm sure there will be much tougher enemies ahead, but I'm biding my time (haven't even proceeded to the GNR site yet) doing side missions and exploring.

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Well soon youll meet the ones with the helmets which are already a good bit harder than the normal Super mutants and as soon as you see some with minigun backpacks and nice not scrap made looking helmets then you know its a Master.

But still there are lot bigger ones but havent seen them yet ( lv12 ).


And a lil hint for those who look for Pinkerton in Rivet city for ages... make yourself wet tounge2.gif


Btw, anyone knows if i can use my old login from TESnexus here aswell?

Seems not but when i try to register he tells me that my mail account is already being used.

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Seems not but when i try to register he tells me that my mail account is already being used.

What you need it for, boobie mod? biggrin_o.gif

btw, i think the guy from oblivion you refer to is Eshme

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No its Exnems Eyecandy what i mean, best body models for Oblivion for me smile_o.gif

About the login, well for the forums offcourse it still works but on the main page not... reminds me of the TESsource page where i never got the registration email until they changed to TESnexus.

Bad sie of not being able to login on the main page is that all bigger downloads will not work for me :/

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Bad sie of not being able to login on the main page is that all bigger downloads will not work for me :/

I feel your pain .. never had the chance to download that mod for oblivion with the treehouse city due to their strange download restrictions.

But why dont you use another email adress? smile_o.gif

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Logged in at the forums, requested a link to change password, used that one but just typed in my old password and for some reason it now works.

About Oblivion, well after they changed their website and name a bit it suddently worked flawless and i could register without problems.

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My old account there (Joltan) worked fine, don't know what your problem was. I also recommend the No Mutants Allowed website for all kinds of general fallout info (also for the older games). They have a forum related to the games, as well as walkthroughs (not for Fallout 3 yet), gameplay hints, etc.

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Yeah know that page but tried to avoid it for the obvious Fallout3 bashing.

Really someone there should show me how a classic gets put into 3d and can be better... id like to see that.

Today you simply cant make games for some small hardcore fanbase anymore i think so a bit more casual playing is the key.

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Yeah know that page but tried to avoid it for the obvious Fallout3 bashing.

Really someone there should show me how a classic gets put into 3d and can be better... id like to see that.

Today you simply cant make games for some small hardcore fanbase anymore i think so a bit more casual playing is the key.

Mhhh... I haven't seen more or less bashing than anywhere else.

Having just played the old games again, I must say that FO3 does a great job in continuing the story. Not that I don't have some gripes about it (the crappy animations caused by the Oblivion engine), too, but storywise and from an rpg aspect they did very well in taking a 3rd-party franchise into a new era (i.e. from 2D to 3D) - and I think that's a view shared by many. That the most dedicated fans of the old games (and that's the crowd you find there) feared for the worst before the release and afterwards were most likely to find discrepancies and complain about them is only natural. Some may take more time to learn loving the new way their favorite franchise is played, but eventually most will come around. After all Beth really did a great job! Their FO3 forums seem to reflect that.

Anyways, what would you recommend me to do next: follow my father to the GNR station or continue exploring the wastelands? I did Arefu and the associated quest, did the quest with the ant infested town and the little boy, cleaned Springvale High (not the mines downstairs, tho), and for the survival guide my next mission would be testing the repellent stick. Anything else that might fit my lowly level 6 char? Or should I first follow the GNR trail and explore more later?

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If you end up going to GNR be sure to bring ammo & explosives, lots of it pistols.gif

Giving advice on how to proceed is tricky, normally i´d say go out and explore, but ps3 doesn´t have mods that disable the shitty lvl cap which, at some point, can be a complete showstopper.

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been playing it for few days

find out that i can no longer use Stimpaks to drug people to dead, arghhhhh crazy_o.gif

basicly i cant do many things that i can in the old games

i dont know, maybe i am asking for too much as the game itself is really good TBH, but i still think it is missing something that the old game have

edit: i have just finished the big trouble in big town quest, but when the quest is finished and they ask me if i can fix the robot at the junkyard the broken robot is missing, hum....

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find out that i can no longer use Stimpaks to drug people to dead, arghhhhh crazy_o.gif

basicly i cant do many things that i can in the old games

Well, drugging people to death with super stimpacks was plain useless anyways - I always preferred to pickpocket them a live bomb - and, yay, that still works! smile_o.gif

At least they kept the addictions . As far as I can see you get addicted rather quickly now - something I seldom managed to do (unintentionally) in the original games. Now just take two Buffouts too quickly and - bang! - you're hooked. At least there's an easy way to get rid of them at the medic's place. Still, fighting through a long, ant-filled dungeon, trying to make the Med-X stock last through was a sobering experience. While I still use them sometimes, I've gotten much more careful now!

BTW: Once you have your own house you can also buy a lab - accoring to Moira it's for mixing your own chems. As I haven't bought it yet, what can you do with it? Produce your own medications (stimpacks, Rad-X, etc.)? And do you need to buy/find 'instructions' like you need for the 'home-brew' weapons?

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