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Attn BIS: AI Override Feature Please

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Recent press on ArmA2 AI has instilled some fears here at Zeus that the AI will be even harder to control.

In OFP, AI generally did exactly what you told them, overiding any small initiative they had.

In ArmA, it became more difficult to manage AI as they open fire when they feel threatened (regardless if it's tactically viable to do so).

I ArmA2, we fear that you might tell your AI to do one thing and they suddenly take the initative and do something else entirely ... frustrating.

Can we please have an AI overide feature, a button perhaps, which turns the AI into mindless non-FSM driven robots which follow your every command.

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as long as they keep the microAI from charging out one man army style like an idiot, taking cover from a building 100m behind where there is a bunch of rocks and trees 20m away, flanking enemy by running 5KM west>10KM north>another 7KM east?then 8KM southwest to rear them, or shooting tanks with 3 AT4 rounds when the first round have already taken it out, i would have a lot less problem

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apart from A1 bugs i guess the main change was the FSM logic

unfortunately no one touched the AI FSM that were available

for modding.

apart A2 we will have to see how it goes.

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I would prefer less micromanaging, and more general commanding. If the AI is smart enough, there shouldn't be need to hold their hand all the time. For example when setting up an ambush, it would be great if I could just tell them to "Ambush here, expect enemy from south". That would lead the AI to seek a good ambush position. The micro AI should at least make it easier to get the AI to go exactly where you want them to, if nothing else.

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One exception, when the AI is crew in my tank/AP whatever, they should have no free will. Currently tanking is frustrating in Arma because of this.

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Can we please have an AI overide feature, a button perhaps, which turns the AI into mindless non-FSM driven robots which follow your every command.

I agree, this kind of feature would be great.

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Can we please have an AI overide feature, a button perhaps, which turns the AI into mindless non-FSM driven robots which follow your every command.

I believe it is called boot camp tounge2.gif

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Can we please have an AI overide feature, a button perhaps, which turns the AI into mindless non-FSM driven robots which follow your every command.

I believe it is called boot camp tounge2.gif

yes, quite.

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